The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 415

And the teenager in front of you only took a few times and learned? This day, the god of the tennis felt to sweat!

In fact, this is not a night-long 's, just directly spending a million exchange points directly in the super-god system mall, upgrading ancient and modern unparalleled, upgrading into ancient and modern unparalleled, virgin full version!

One million, it is also to make the night's painful pain!

342 chapter, surpassing the god of tennis


The two on the court came against tennis that suddenly emerged from the space, the tennis did not fly from the sphere, but fell from the space channel!

This is the true differential battle!

The space over the court came from fluctuations, and the shots of the two were very unstable with the dimensions of this space!

Overall shrinkage!

When the night length moves to the Internet, the silver ball shot is showped in hand, and a black light column is blown out on the night long wind, and the blue electro light is hidden at the moment!

! The closing the eyes of Nanxiro opened this moment, he felt this ball of unusual power!

call! Spit out a turbidity, the more the south of the South Lang, the light of the hand!

After the huge sound of the road, the tennis bombed the front of the south, and then bounced, it disappeared in the sky!

6-6! level!

The two entered the last grabbing battle!

The closing the south of Nanxir looked down at his wooden racket and was broken by the night, and shook his head.

I don't know which to get a blue look, the more old racket, the closet of the eyes of the South Lang seems to have a meaning of nostalgia, this is the racket used in the world's stadium!

"Teenage, my only two wooden rackets are broken by you, I am angry!" The more south of the south laughed.

Hey ~ The long wind suddenly spit a blood and reddish a big cassette!

Continuous ultra-high intensity uses black hole skills, there is no row, and the body does not fit, with the night's peak-like body is also the limit!

And earnest, the Nansang played to grab the seven games, the night's wind is almost exhausted, constantly burning your potential!

"Changfeng!" The young people shouted, this is their first time to see such a weak night.

The night long wind gave everyone to make a hand, indicating that you are fine!

"Both this, why is the long wind not to divide a winning issue with the Samurai Nanxiao!" .

"" English and two, look at it, every hit contains the belief of the long-winds and winning! "Handcuffs light cold channel.


"Teenagers, are you okay? Even if you come again, come back next time?" The more you asked.

"No! It is now that I exceed your best time!" The night's wind touched the blood of the blood, actually a smile!

Ashuo is open! The night, the whole body is burning, he is burning everything!

Suddenly there is a color between the world, the thunder is over!

Samurai Nanxiang suddenly felt a shares never had a pressure, so that he was shocked, since he had never had this feeling since he played tennis.

In the past, there is a word that can't be found in the Daniro dictionary - fear!

The vain behind the night, showed the shaped body, the top of the sky, the hand held the sky ax, not angry!

The violent pressure swept sharply, the more the south of the south, the whole body!

A blue light column starts from the sky, the more the south of the South Lang is also a huge vain!

Is a neon ancient warrior with a full body burning a blue flame!

This is the real secondary skill - warrior!

Also, the more the front of the Nanxiao defeated the world, there is no enemy, and is the reason for the strongest warrior!

Looking at the courses on the court, almost two huge shadows of the sky!

Boom ~ Hey, the golden samurai can't hold it, Pentium out, the warrior pressed by the right hand, the knife is out of the sheath!

Huge knife is almost a matter of changing the world, and the moment is inchaustible!

"Hey!" The ancient emperor after the night length of the body is actually the color of the face, gently spit out!

Boom ~ ▉ ▉ ,, ,

Hey ~ The big black knife is actually drained in the air, then embarrassing between the heavens and the earth a moment!

"When a breath, I blew the power of the warrior?" The gangs were stunned, which is not a level of a level.

"What is the chase behind the long wind?" Everyone has this question in his heart.

~ ▉ !

The golden warrior seems to feel the despise of the ancient emperor, very angry, and there is more than ten lightnings, which will almost fill the whole world than the big knife.

The knife is rushing, swaying ancient emperor, knife knife!

"Hey! Ant!" The ancient emperor stretched out the simple palm, casually down the next pressure!

Boom ~ ▉ ▉ just asked the Emperor's hand, was shocked, the palm of his hand was stagnant!

"Ah, ah, the ancient warrior screamed, the body is constantly being squeezed and smashed, and it is directly compressed!

~ ▉ ▉ ▉

"Oh! Juvenile, you won!" The closet of the south Lang did not fall down, and the racket was dropped on the ground.

The blood in the night, the blood is also a madness. The time that has just appeared too long, and did a few actions, and the body of the night is now forcibly supported!

Ding! Congratulations to the owner to complete the main line mission to defeat the god of tennis, the more younger Nanxiao!

Now you have already have the power of the god of the tennis, you have surpassed the limit of this world, and you will open the space to jump!

The system's tips sound in the night long!

······ Flowers ······

Night wind is very speechless, "MD, super god system, you didn't see Laozi, did you have to hang? Quickly fix your body!"

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