The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 422 of the Chapter 422 of the Prince of Tennis

Night livestock stopped the footsteps, and interested in the scene.

Dang! The game started from three seconds, and the basket made a painful Shenyin!

The fire god, I am a single-hand stunning, I am a single-hand!


The momentum is quite amazing, so that the night grows up, I nodded, this fire god, my bouncing is still very good.

"What?" The fire god, I had a black child again, and a relaxed low!


Snapped! The black child's shooting basket did not touch, a big hollow!

The night floating shook head, "The black man is really almost zero!"

! The fire god, I stand in jumping, I didn't jump, I will drop the shot of the black child!

3-0! 4-0 ...... The big big thing I can't take more than ten minutes in the black son, which is simply as simple as drinking water.

"It's weak, weak to explode!" The heart is not cool, "even if the physical quality is not, there are many strong people to be trained, and this guy who is called the black child is not working, but it is more than ordinary. People are a little bit! "

"Are you really a miracle? Is this so weak?" I stopped the ball.

"How?" The black is still a faceless expression.

"Breast, your boy is so arrogant, I actually, I am too high, I'm overestimating yourself!" I angered my anger.

"Compared with the voluntary classmates, I certainly be relatively weak! I will know before playing!" The black child faint.

The fire god is not angry, "Then your kid also picks up my invitation, what are you thinking about?"

"Oh! Because I want to directly see how strong, I have to see your dunk!" I flash a golden light in my eyes ...

I am holding my head, I left my head, I left a cold sweat, "Scorpio! It turns out that this guy is only weak to no breath, I still think that he is hiding strength, it is really awkward!"

Snapped! The fire god, I lost the basketball to the black son, "I don't fight!"

The fire god picked up his coat and turned and prepared, "I am not interested in the weak!"

"In addition, I am giving you an advice, you still don't play basketball! You don't play basketball, the world of basketball can be very cruel, not suitable for you!" The fire god me finally turned.

"Our opinion is different, who is strong for me!" The black child suddenly passed.

"What are you talking about?" I am a little angry, this guy is so weak.

"I am different from the volleyball classmates! I am shadow!" The black child suddenly said.

"..." I am very speechless, "Shadow? I'm not listening to you, I want to go home!"

I don't want to say anything to the blazer, I don't know what this devalue will say anything like this.

The fire god walked a few steps away, and was stopped by a shadow.

"How about me?" Night windpin is slightly tight.

"You!" The fire got a night's long wind, "The Chinese boy!"

"Haha, the volunteen, I am also your classmate, what kind of Chinese boy, this is called me!" Night wind slowly.

"Oh! It is a long-wind classmate, I am waiting for you for a long time!" The black man suddenly said, "Is it to come with me?"

"No, black and black son! Or I will come with the fire, I think you can see our strength!" The night grey turned to the cornac.

"Oh! Ok! Then I will come as a referee!" The black child is still a faceless expression.

Night wind looks at the face of the black child, and the same is the same as the handcuffs, is it facial paralysis?

Snapped! Night wind puts basketball to the fire god, my chest, "five goals, how? Do you dare to come?"

"This guy ..." I felt the feeling of Lala, "The strength is big!"

349 chapter, single shot of the fire

The fire god, my face, the night length and just all the wind above the court, the momentum is amazing, the power of the strong! The sense of dangerous danger of the fire!

"Why is it? Serve!" The night leaps and gods smashed, and the eyes didn't look at the fire god. "Come on!"

"Hey, I am afraid of you?" I am also a big master, I am not afraid of the world, I am not afraid of the world, I accelerate a ball, there is no fancy moving ball action, it is positive to attack, and just fight The same tactics when the black is.

In the high school life, my speed is absolutely topped in the big forward, but the night long style is easy to put it with slippery.

"This reaction is so fast, and the strength is also so big!" I am surprised by the fire god, I found that his huge power did not hit the night, the other party is like a steel built-in wall!

Snapped! I can't wait, the fire god, I am drumming, basketball is light from the right hand to his left hand, ! The left hand is pulling the left hand, the footsteps change, the waist is rotated, it is turned to pull the ball!

"Is there a shot of the ball?" The night's eyes were slightly shocked. This is brittle, and there is no excessive action technology very beautiful!

Night winds turned around, but it has been too late, the fire god has opened the night!

"Ha!" The fire god crossed, the left foot, the body was completely launched, and the hands held the basketball tall, then immediately after a moment!

Hand filling basket is buckle! Dominence!


"Oh, the skill is good!" The night is laughing.

The fire god, my murderous turning, came over, the night's wind is slightly excited, the current violent god is also a opponent!

"How? The strength is so big but will not play? It is almost the same as the black child!" The fire god said with a vocabulary.

Snapped! The fire gave the ball back to the night grow.

"1-1!" The night is suddenly laughing.

"This guy is so arrogant?" The fire god eyebrows pick.

Snapped! Snapped! Basketball does not stop rolling between the night long feet, suddenly accelerating! The nightway's back shoulders continuously rock, and they have to spend the eyes.

There is no way to make a breakthrough to the night long wind to break through the basketball experience of the volunteers.

"Vulcan, I want to pass you from the right!" The night is cold and cold.

"What! Dare to look at me so much !!" The fire god, immediately put the body, then tilt his huge body to the left, almost completely destroyed the routine of the night long wind.

"I want to stop me? It's really true!" The night long wind is cold, and the eyes flashed a golden light.

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