The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 424 of the Chapter 424 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

The black child watching the battle is getting higher and higher, "just as if it is not good!"


Strength, speed, flexibility, bouncing, basic basketball technology, in addition to shooting, night long wind is almost the perfect player.

"This year's sincerity must be strong!" The black child thought of.

"Ah ~ Aunt God seems to be angry, the first time in life can be said to be complete, the fire god broke through the ball, although his physical strength fell quickly, but the speed seems to be faster!

Night wind is also a bit slightly surprised, the more I am more adversity, the more I have to stimulate my own potential? interesting!

The basketball game is like this. If you don't get the last moment, no one knows the results, so I can't give up!

! A big step will jump from the night of the night!

"Think of the skillful skills? No door!" Night windy blocked on the route of the Runs jumping.

~ ▉ ▉ ,,

Although it looks very reluctant, the fire god is turned over, he turned to the night of the night.

The volunteen strongly put the right hand, the fingers were gently pick, basketball flew back the rebound!

He wants to fight back in the basket!

"Oh?" Night winds, standing in the same place, this exaggerated action, looks very low, but at least is completed.

This action actually created the creation of the famous player Wenskart, in the air revertigate 360, even after 540, backhand!

The difficulty is very high, Carter is very perfect, it looks like it is exaggerated from the genericity of the gravity!

~ ▉ ▉

When both gave a look at the basketball, the night costs have jumped to the basket.

Snapped! Snapped! The basketball played two times over the basket, and then fell, was grabbed by the night.

"Unfortunately, the volunteers, your bouncing has not yet, or this goal is going!" The night is growing.

"You!" The fire couldn't.

"I am attacking!" The night's long winds made a body. "I have already awkward, you have to be careful!"

After the night, the long wind puts the ball out of the three lines, attack and defense!

The fire god quickly blocked the night, this time he was preparing to use the melee tactics, hung up the whole person's body in the night, and the dead card, the long wind body does not let him play the speed.

"Your post is so tight, I am very troubled, the god!" Night is helpless, since the fire god is like this, the night is not going to be polite with him.

"Then, the guy said that the guy said that it was a referee, it was really a good referee, and there was no sense of existence!" The night did not hurt.

I pushed the fire god, I couldn't help the giant strength of the night, and the night's wind was rotated. The right leg was put forward, and the body was slightly tilted and the ground became a seven. More than ten degrees of angle!

bass! Basketball flew out from the low-spirited hands, and the capping of the volley god could not stand the angle of the night.

Basketball fly is flat and fast, slap, heavy playing on the front of the rebound!

! After the basketball is playing the board, it is actually hollow.

Frontal playing board hollow network!


"Haha, good luck!" The night is long, he just wants to try it back, I didn't expect the body to feel good.

Although the angle of tilt is not very big, the effect is still good, at least the height and jump of the volleyball.

As for the goal, and it is a frontal basket, it is completely luck, and the night is shining.

Now that night long wind is to say, what is the shortboard, probably shooting, especially three points, very weak, and it is necessary to strengthen.

The goal of night long wind is to hit the No. 5 bits from the 1st place, and the third is also indispensable!

"Hey, I am in a hurry, if you don't have to force, I have to win!" The night grew forth and gave the ball back to the fire god.

351 chapter, fighting the fire

The fire god, I looked at the night long, the strong man's power of the man shocked his imagination.

But he is a big me, there will never give up two words in his dictionary!

The fire of the fire god has not been burnt, "I am a big god, how can I lose here!"

Snapped! Put the basketball in your hands, the body of the fire, start with it, fast as a blast!

"Oh? Also speed? It seems that the potential of the fire god is very big!" The night is very windy, "but now you are not my opponent!"

Looking at the fire of the volleyball, the night's long wind will post, and use the body to hit the fire.

Feel the powerful impact, the fire god is still biting the teeth, then the right hand is occupied, the basketball is in his hand.

The two have been rising in the air, and the fire god opened the night with the left hand, and then the right hand is up, it looks like a hook.

"Come!" The black child outside the field will vote from two people, the key ball is coming!

what! A rush of the fire flew to the top of the top suddenly, and he found that he found that the body of the night is still rising!

"Nani!" The fire god sweat left, or throws the ball with the hook!

I am ringing, the night-long wind single hand takes the fire god my hook, picking up directly in the air, grabbing the basketball dead one-hand!

"This is impossible!" The fire has widened, can't believe it all, the night's live wind actually took his hook to his hand, which is a matter of insult to him!

"The last goal, the fire god classmates!" The night's long-term winds did not fall, and they suddenly accelerated, and the whole person took the ball and rushed.

The voluntaries are directly over from the loud wind in a moment!

At this point, a small step in the free throw line is under the long feet.

~ ▉ The long wind jumps, his eyes have no opponents, only the basket, only blood is boiling!

The night is like Dapeng, which is flying, like a glider, constantly sliding forward, his movement reminds the NBA famous glider Drexler.

The night long-lasting wind can grab the ball to reach forward, then reclaim it in an instant, the body becomes a flying big bow!

boom! Night long wind body is folded into a counterattack in the air, with an endless momentum and impulse, one rumor!

boom! A broken sound resounded throughout the exercise court!

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