The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 436

"The fire god, you won't let the Huang Mao Xiao be given to you on your head?" The night's deliberate gave a fire to the fire.

"Hey, I am working together!" Rushing a moment in an instant to the front field.

Snapped! On the day, I will send the ball to the night growth.

Night long winds rushed, and arrived in the three-point line of the Hai Changzhong half, there was a wind sweater throughout the stadium.

"It's so fast!" The replacement of the Hihang High School was stunned.

Snapped! If you don't want the night, you don't want to pass the ball to the corner of the corner.

"Nani, is the guy, is it going to shoot?" The black child threw the ball outward!

Snapped! Basketball has arrived in a high-rise, high-rise wind that CHA entered the sea.

Not shooting is a pass!

"Ni! Want to have an air relay?" Hypophang high school replacement is called.

"Quickly stop him!" Yu Song was lucky.

bass! Huang Hanliang has been chasing the night length of the wind, and the hands are strongly extended upward.

Night-length wind is slightly tight, strangered.

Huang Yu is too licking, unclear.

~ ▉ At this time, another fire red figure jumped behind Huang Hao, it is the big me.

Snapped! When the night's wind right is gently shaking, the basketball has appeared in the power of the fire.

"Ni!" Basketball slipped from his right face, and this fire Lala was so shocked.

! When he came back, the fire god, I have already put the basketball bunk basket.

"Ah ~ After the fire wings, the heavy shot is filled with a rebound before falling.

boom! The palms and rebounds hit the sound of the entire sea constant high school, so that everyone is in a glimpse.

It is also the cooperation between the three.

Night wind is the engine, the black child is a central turn axis, and then the fire god, I am the end of the weapon, the perfect three JIAO attack!

"Heaven, double air relay! It's too beautiful!" Xiaojin, who was sitting in the troops, couldn't help but praise.

"Nice!" Xiang Tian Lizi also invited the autonomous jumping, waving powder punch.

And the face of the coach in Hai Changzhong is hard to see, he didn't expect Huang Hao cold or no way to stop the three people in Honesty.

The face of Wusi is almost squeezed. This feeling of hard studies makes him angry.

"Can be evil!" Hao Song was fortunately wiped a forehead sweat. As a point guard him, he couldn't keep up with the speed of the night.

The competition continued, the rhythm of the two teams was flying fast.

Honesty high school is actually there is no defense, and the night growing wind is now not possible to prevent the interior.

Nowadays, I am looking at the night's life. It is a defensive black hole. The talents of his attack are obviously stronger than defense.

Moreover, in addition to the other people of Huang Haiwen too much, the Huality High School is too weak. At least the physical quality is better than that of the honesty high school.




You come to me between the two teams, mutual Aswerball, the inner line of Honesty and High School is also exploded by Hihang.

······ Flowers ······

Especially Huang Hanliang is like a great pill, the state is very violent, and the inner line is given, and the score is bitten.

"Black Son!" The night's wind passed the ball to the left hand, and the black man did not stop the ball. One shot was to send the ball.

! The fire god, I rushed out, just won the basketball, with the ball and rushed to the other basket.

And Huang Hai is too active and active, and I caught up with the fire god.

"This guy is like leather sugar, and it can't get rid of it!" The fire god was very hot, and it was actually retired after a speed.

Before the feet, it is behind the body!

"After the emergency stop, Yangjip Tips?" Everyone was shocked.

........ [.....

The night long wind shakes his head, the fire god is too impulsive, this is a fart, and there is no much angle at all.

~ ▉ ▉ flies out from the hands of the volunteen, fly to the basket!

At this time, I have been playing out, I will pick basketball!

It is !

"Ah ~ ▉ ▉ ,

"I can evil!" The volley god chased, and the block was in front of Huang Yu.

~ ▉ ▉ ,, . .

"This guy learns my movement?" The fire is shocked.

! Basketball draws an arc, perfect into the basket!

22 to 22!

Huang Hao is too tangled to equalize the score of the two teams!

It is only more than ten seconds from the end of the first half, and the second on the stage is going to walk.

Not NBA rules, the middle school basketball world is the rules of the international basket, so after the goal, the time will still go.

Time passes in one second.

"Ball!" The night grew is called.

"Ah!" The day will pass the ball to the night growing.

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