The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 438 of the Chapter 438 of the Prince of Tennis

In the eyes of Wu Niang, the night-long wind is a super-organized defender, with super breakthrough speed and precise pass and vast vision.

If the attack ability is a bit, it is a super superstar!

Therefore, the martial arts will let three people go to the night, which is to completely blame the night.

After the fierce and wonderful comparison of the first half, the emotions of the audience outside the field have been mobilized.

Especially Huang Yi's cool respondents, the resufficiency is even more likely.

"Huang Yu Huang Yun Jun! You are the best! Huang Yu Huang Yujun! You are most handsome!"

Snapped! When the night's wind did a mouth, the water in his hand was done, and then pinched the paper cup and was still on the side.

"It's time, it is time to shut down!" The night's wind stood up and went into the court.

Honesty High School is also following it, "Oh!"

The two team players play again, and the center line is jumping. (Japan High School League, the top half must be jumped)

~ ▉ Judgment once again throws the basketball high in the air ...

363 chapter, three points

Snapped! This time, the fire gave a basketball and shot the ball to the night.

The night long-lasting basketball, the sea is the same as the three people, and all the angles of the night, including breakthroughs, and passing.

"Ni! The other party actually sent three people to keep the general wind!" Xiang Tian Lizi is also shocked.

"Do you think that three people can block me? Too true!" The night grew in the eyes, basketball returned back and forth between his legs.

This is a continuous, drumming, and it is stunned. Suddenly, the night is always sent to the basketball net, and then the whole person directly took out.


Master is fortunate to be directly hit by filial piety.

"Good pain! The strength is very big!" Yu Yard, who is lying on the ground, said.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ,,

Only Huang Yu is too cold in front of him, and the volunteen is also caught by the center of the opponent.

"Come on!" Huang Yu is too solemn, and his feet have stepped out, waiting for the attack at night.

Night wind is an acceleration, and the lightning breaks through the three seconds!

"Have a break!" Huang Yu is too slippery 31 step with the footsteps of the night.

"The actually sent three people to prevent organization, so I said that you are too unprofessional!" The night's body suddenly stopped, then the ball's right hand puts the basketball, and the ball is changed to the left hand.

After that, the left hand was taken back, hehe! The basketball flew out.

When it is said, it is fast, the basketball is flying to the bottom of the bottom line.

There is no one in front of the next three meters, and he just stands outside the three-point line.

"NicePass!" When the day, he felt very comfortable.

I don't know how to use the night's wind, and the basketball is taken after the basketball.

This is the passing ball that pitcher is most willing to receive, and it is flat and stable. The day is a three-point ball.

Perfect rhythm, basketball hollow network!

Three points! The three fingers of the referee have fallen!

"The three-pointer in the day!" Honest High School is boiling.

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉ . . ....... ..

"It's good, go back to defense!" No one will pay attention to the day.

"Hello ~ ▉ ▉ .

The ball is converted to the Huality High School.

After Han Sang lucky the ball, after half of the game, the photo was allowed to make the ball to Huang Yuzhi.

brush! brush! The fire god and the two people in Yue took the left and right.

"I will not lose!" Faced with the strike defense of the two people, Huang Hai is too unfriestic, directly with the ball acceleration is the hard proky.

The two of the volunteers and Yue Yue can't stop Huang Yu's cold, just when he horses three seconds.

I have been stretched out from the sky, extending to the side of Huang Yi, and slammed the racket and wishes!

This is the hand that has a black child who appears again in the court!

"Nani! After the back of the hand!" Huang Yu is too shocked.

Snapped! Basketball is passed to the night long wind, and the night is not thinking, it is a long pass!

Basketball crosses almost a whole course, and it is accurate and error-free.

brush! It is a three-pointer!

The score was pulled to 30 to 22!

"It's evil! It is actually copied!" Yushusheng was angry.

Night wind did not think that the black child actually appeared in that the most critical location will be broken, or the two people are not too cold.

Obviously, Today, Huang Hao is too painful to play.

"There is a sense of so weak, even if Huang Yu is too cold, I can't find it!" The night is suddenly thought of a defensive tact around the black.

Huang Yu, cold when you call ~ ▉ , ,,,

! It is also the fire of the fire, and the Huang Yu is too irritating, and reward him a big hat.

Snapped! Basketball has come to the night long wind, almost exactly the same as the plot just now.

Night long-term passenger pass, the day, smooth three points!

33 rather than 22, honest high school will pull the difference to two digits!

The honest offensive is far from the end, the black child is ghost, plus the wind gods are getting better and better and the cover, and the precision of the night long wind is like a positioning!

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