The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 447 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Nice! Next is the second round of the game, for the high school!" Xiang Tian Lizi laughed.

In this game, the night's wind did not play at all, directly replaced the war, and finally honestly win 85-156.

Then the third round of the competition, the battle of the golden high school, the Sixteen of the qualifiers last year, and attacked a balanced team.

Night live wind is still high-free, the fire god, my big hair, a 50-point qualifier, the honesty high school also wins the opponent at 40 points.

Three games, honesty high school is a big bit of victory, the attack power of 98.2 points is also horrible. It is to know that this is the score of the honesty high school non-all-in-war.

There are also two rounds of competitions, and honesty high school will kill the final circle in Tokyo.

At this time, the fourth round of Hiqi High School made the night long laugh, actually ...

371 chapter, three big kings

The killing of the Matte Teenager who was defeated in the past time.

"Haha, today's opponent is honesty high school? You have a long time!" Yellow wooked into the court and laughed.

"Yeah, they have been burst by other three teams last year, and each game is 550!" Green hair is attached.

"Even if the opponent is the king's school, it is too exaggerated. They just have a good luck to encounter the weak team to go to the final!" Huang Mei is more stronger, "this year will not be like this, because we will replace them In the final, haha! "

Laughing at night, I walked over, "Is it? Congratulations!"

"Thank you!" After several murderous Matters turned into petrochemical state.

"Ni! How come you here!" Killing Matt said.

"Oh, you are good." The black child also took the head.

"Haha, you are in the mortgage school, then you should advise us today." Night long laughs.

Several murderous Matt stations are unstable, hands and feet are constantly trembling Dou, recalling that the six-to-three games that day is simply a nightmare.

It's hard to kill the Matt, when you forget this nightmare, its makers appear again!

This fourth round, the night is only scared of these murder, and did not play.

A volunteen one person with four substitute players, almost a game, kills the mortgage school, and the last score is 110 ratio 41.

70 points of division also created the maximum difference since the Summer League.

Xiang Tian Li Zi is unclear, so I don't know why they are afraid of shrinking, there is no chapter, and the three-wheeled team should not be so weak.

"Haha, it is very easy, you can break through the qualifier, and then you can easily advance to the national contest in the finals!" Hyeang high school first grade.

"The young man is innocent, too real!" Yue Jun is laminated.

On the day, I seem to think of last year's painful experience. "In the finals of the finals, Tokyo promoted the three schools of the national contest, there has been no change in the past ten years. , Colleges, and the king of the north! "

"These three teams, although because the level of the three schools is very high, the first place will change every year, but the fourth place below will always fight these three schools, they are the three major kings in Tokyo. "The expression of Shunping is getting serious."

"We win the fifth round of the game, enter the semi-final, then the final, in the finals we will encounter, I am afraid it is a miracle of generations of generations of generations of Great Taorang joined the king of East!"

"But the students also entered the final circle last year?" The first grade is very happy.

"Well, it is very miserable." The day is a dark face.

"Three major kings? Laughing dead!" Night long-faced horned angle, "Even the national champion is not, but also a national eight strong dare to call the king?"

In the eyes of the night, it is only qualified to dominate the country for more than two years and have been known as the king.

For example, the Tennis Prince World in the Haihai University.

At this time, ~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ ... ... ... ... ...

Honestly looked up, a group of people walked into the basketball hall.

"It seems that it is coming." The day is full of glory.

"It is better than listening to your mouth, or actually see is the best!" Xiang Tian Lizi stood up, "Especially the one-year-old life, see the strength of one of the three princes!"

"Xiu De ~ ▉ ▉! ~ ▉ ... ..." The appearance of the attractions came up.

When the night is looking up, many hundred people are wearing the unified school uniforms of Xiu De High School, but not only the clothing is neat and the action is almost consistent, it looks very formal.

"MD, why is someone else's resisted groups to be so luxurious?" The night did not hurt.

In the past, it was a little bit of the group, and now I am now in the new school in Hibao High School. I have not, it is estimated that it is only waiting for the honesty high school to enter the national contest.

"It's coming!" Chengyu High School is closely staring at the people in Xiude High School.

~ ▉ ▉ I suddenly stood up, lost the towel aside, "I went a little more!"

"Ah ~ ▉ ▉ , ,,


"Hey, are you the green truth?" The fire is cold.

······ Flowers ······

The green dynasty is dragging a bear with a bear, looking coldly: "Yes, yes! Which one are you?"

The high tail and one of the green dynasty, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

The fire god did not speak, but stretched the right hand.

"Handshake? Call!" The green tricks stretched out helpless.

Honest 10, the fire god, I am!

The volunteers didn't know where to get a watercolor pen in the hands of the green dynasty.

The green dynasty dynasty is slight.

"If you usually say, you can't remember it, as a revenge object of your predecessor, I don't want you to forget!" The fire is cold.

"Hey!" The green dynasty is pushing the eyes on the rigid, "revenge? It is really saying that it is a bit!"

........ [...? ..


"Honest high school is right? Say you didn't hear it from the school, honesty last year, it was defeated by three big princes with three times!" High tail and Cheng also made up.

"To say something big, the gap between our each other is overwhelming!" The green reputation is cold and cold, "I assume that you have entered the final circle, and the history will only be repeated!"

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