The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 451 of the Chapter 451 of the Hosting System of Tennis Prince

Zhengbang high school locker room.

"How is your impression on them?"

"The senior grade is quite powerful, and it is possible to pay attention to the first grade of the volleyball, and it is ..."

"The fire god left it to Jinchuan, should be able to seal the volunteers in his current strength, but what is the guy to do so high!" The big room righteously remembered the night, and there was a balance.

"Yeah! It's great! I didn't expect Honesty to have two so strong masters!" The head male is shine, and the face laughs on the face.

"The appearance, Zimawa SIMLE!" Spring Day is laughing.

"Then, there is only you in this world, Jinchuan! I like a smile and defensive guy!" Rock Village slowly.

Honesty high school locker room.

"Well, the expression of the first year is a bit stiff, it seems too nervous!" Xiang Tian Li Zi.

Snapped! Snapped! Xiang Tian Lizi took two times, "Don't be nervous, this game will be won, I will have a reward!"


"Winning, how do I get your face?" Xiang Tian Lizi emerged, so that SEYOU was.

"Amount ... What is going on?"

"Even the stars are not very good ..." all the second grade spit.

Amount ... Xiang Tian Lizi almost fainted.

"Stupid, even if you want to use it, give me a little!" The day, the day, the perfect knife.

"Used ..." Xiang Lizi has fallen on the ground.

"Amount ... Li Zi, people are so nervous now, you kiss me ..." The night is shameless to put the face.

! Xiang Tian Li Zi flew out the night!

"Give the old lady to the game!"

375 chapter, fighting rock village

Tokyo Central Court.

"So now I started half the finals, honest high school to fight the big state!" The referee announced the way.

His high school, this side sent the strongest lineup trident in the wind, the volcano, the black and Yuejun and the day.

The Zhengbang High School is sent by the captain Zhongyan Village, the big forward chamber, the small forward Sakamoto Erlang, the bald head is male, and finally the commander controls the Spring Festival.

~ ▉ Judge a whistle, throw the basketball high height.

Snapped! This time, the jumping ball is not a voluntary, and the opposite is the rock village, the height of the two is similar, but this jump force is not a one-point half.

After the two are high, the right hand is strongly extended.

! Under the eyes of everyone, the night-catching wind directly took the basketball from the air!

! The loud feet of the night is heavy on the floor, domineering!

The whistle whistle that the referee is also ringing, "" No. 1 jumper violation, Zhengbang high school ball! "

The referee first was first and then reacted to determine the long-winding ball violation, and gave the polite high school high.

"Ah ~ ▉ ~ It seems to be a bit too excited ... After all, we are still too weak, it is a bit nervous!" The night's voice ridiculously, throwing the ball to the referee.

"This guy! It must be deliberate!" Big-877-chamber is gloomy.

Rock Village has been frowned. He knew that the night-long jump ability was amazing, but he didn't expect himself that he was not a nightly wind, although he was slightly advantageous.

Snapped! Snapped! The Zhubang High School Zhixi Spring Festival Brony is carefully filled with basketball, and promoted to the half of the honesty high school.

"Calm down, we will first enter!"

Snapped! Spring Spring is a hanging ball to the bucket to the internal core rock village.

"Drink ~ ▉ ▉ .

Today, the long-winding position is a center, which is to put the strongest little bit of Zhengbang high school!

! The sound of the Rou body collision sounded throughout the alley.

The rock village is trying to use the shoulders, in fact, this movement has been a little foul, only the hidden in the village, the referee will generally not blow for this small action.

! Rock Village Nufa Changbai Test Baili's movement is complete, and the night is like a wall like a iron wall.

"Good power!" Rock Village is far away, he self-thinking of his strength is also the upper number of the country, did not expect to completely hit the night, "This kid looks not a thick body how Will there be such a big force? "

There are countless individuals have asked, they will never know the answer.

Each cell in the muscles of the louver LIU line is full of explosive power.

~ ▉

The night-catching smile smiled, "I want to pass me in the basket with this footsteps!" Too true! "

Snapped! Rock Village has helplessly puts a basketball into the hands of Spring Festival, and there is another anti-hanging hanging in spring day.

Snapped! Rock Village has pushed a small step to the basket, Yan, Yan Village, knowing that he is pushing the night, the wind, simply jumping, the right hand is bent to tick the basketball, a small hook.

~ ▉ ,,,,

, the night-long wind single hand grabs the ball, standing in the original place, and glances at the referee, it seems to be said, "Is there a foul this time?"

A piece of silence in the audience, then instantly lit it with a sundery.

"It's too strong! It is still picking up the other party's hook, or pick it up. How high is this one jump?"

"Awesome, I haven't seen someone else to take it directly to the hooks directly !!"

"Hey ~ ▉, true fake, night long wind this guy seems to be more jumped, I have to touch the rebound!" Yos Song in Hai Changshi is also watching the battle.

The Huang Hao, which is next to him is also surprised. "When he hit me, he hides the strength?"

Zhengbang High School is also surprised to watch the night's wind, "actually put the captain's shooting ..."

"You don't mean that we are very weak? Who is the real weak chicken?" Night is cold and coldly looked at Rock Village.

There was a saying that Ji Village didn't say, he participated in two national competitions, but did not encounter this scene today.

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