The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 458 Chapter 458, Chapter 458 of the Prince of Tennis

! Simply destroyed basket, 6-3!

"Oh ~ ▉ is the pass of the blue hair, God is ghost!"

"Honesty paste is really not covered, so powerful!"

Honesty High School is now, all scores are related to the black child.

Only less than a minute, the black child is already three assists!

Xiu De High School's coach is holding down, nod, "It seems that the key is him!"

"Hello ~ ▉ ▉, wood village, exchange responsible for defenders!" Xiu De high school coach ordered, "high tail, you go to defense 11!"

"Defense Black Sub?" The day is full.

"Who is defense is the same, the existence of the black child is very easy to be forgotten!" The first year is also confused.

"Suddenly change the defensive strategy, what is the attempt of the other party?" Xiang Tian Lizi did not have a lotp.

~ ▉ ▉ and the belt ball After killing the inner line, it is another back to the back of people.

The basketball is accurate to the small forward palace, and there is no one in front of the palace in front of the palace.

~ ▉ into the basket!

The score becomes 5 to 6!

381 chapter, the heart of the heart

The cold light is a flash in the eyes, and the high tail and the guy are back, and it is very accurate, it seems that there is a stunt in hand.

"I know that this will be like this, I will say that I am a fate of fate with you!" He said in front of it, "But I really didn't think that we can Here, I will know when I meet, I know that we are the same class. "

The tail and playback, "After all, it is one year, and it is the main player as a pass, so how to say, I always feel that I can't lose it!"

"Well? What does this mean, how fast height is fast, and you can't prevent it!" The fire wondered.

"The ability of the black child, don't tell you, I know, you will know right away!" The green is cold.

~ ▉

Palace is easy to lay a layup!

7 to 6! Xiu De High School is the first time in the game!

"Oh, thin existence? You are nothing to do with others." High-tailed and smashed the black son.

"Sorry, because this is the first time I said ... I am very troubled." The black child faint, "But I have the same feeling with you."

"Very powerful, boy!" High tail and a smile.

! The black child is unfavorable to pass the high and becomes a moment.

Snapped! Snapped! High tails and a person driver is a half-foot attack fast attack, or the layup score!

9 to 6!


"Really fake?" Honest is shocked.

"The ball is still the first time!" The day frowned.

"No, that is not a failure. High tails also have the same ability as my eyes, maybe more than me, he has the eagle of eagle!" The Yi Yuejun next to it.

"The blackman's misdirection is to move the line of sight to see the black son to weaken, but the Eagle's eyes have a global ability, high tail is not only to see a black child, which means that the blackman's misdirection is not high. Use it! "Yi Yuejun continued to analyze.

"Ah, I didn't expect that the other party actually had a huge enemy-like guy." The day is slightly smoothed.

Snapped! The voice of the voice is not falling, and the ball of the black child is turned off with high tail!

"The little black is blocked? It actually will make the same mistake, it is really not as you, small black sizes!" Huang Yu is too long.

Snapped! High tails and become the ball to the midfielder of the middle.

"Now is my time, my shooting can be unlimited!" The Green Dieng lifted the basketball cold.

"Actually from the midline?" The fire is shocked.

"NM, what are you playing?" The night's wind is also shocked. The green dynasty actually jumped into the basketball in the middle line.

~ ▉ ▉ Fly, after a whole half, the MO Rubs between the Basketball and the Ball Network will be drunk!

12 to 6!

"Wow ~ ▉ long distance shooting! It's too powerful!" The audience was ignited by this ball in an instant.

"The middle line is projected, the luck is also very good!"

"Nani, is such a high arc original for ultra-long distance shooting?" The day of the field is also full of confidence.

"This guy's projection is half a game? My God, what are you playing?" Night wind is also speechless, how do you defense this half?

"You simply go to the NBA, there is such a power, I have abused all kinds of pass superstars properly!" The night did not hurt the Tucao, "I am still sad than I am."

~ ▉ ~ ▉ seems to be still not very satisfied, and ran in his own half, came to the basket.

"Here, the black child is not used! But there is no relationship, my shooting is always three points, your counterattack is two points, even if it is investment, we can also pull the gap. ! "Green Dieng pushes the glasses on the rigid.

"Hey ~ ▉ really has two brushes, but ..." Basketball to the fire god, my hands, he actually jumped in three points.

"Ni, three points?" The green dynasty is also a glimpse.

~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉

"It's better to go into the game, if you don't enter ..."

~ ▉▉ ,,,

"I will put it in myself!"

8 to 12!

"I have a fire dunk, the guy is still chaotic!" The night grew smile.

······ Flowers ······

"Cut ~ ▉ ▉ ... ...

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