The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 464 of the Chapter 464 of the Prince of Tennis

Next moment, the night cost is directly jumped, and the ball is out!

! After basketball, the basketball is playing a basket!

51 to 39!

"Awes !!!" The audience on the stage has fallen into the crazy, and the shock of night long winds brings them to them, making them memorable.

This moment of night-hearting figure is solidified in the memory of everyone, I can't dissipate it for a long time.

Call ~ ▉ ~ ▉ . . .. ........

Especially the captain Dachang Tau, the whole person is like a sweat invading.

The honesty high school is incomparably, it is easy to send the ball, it is simply a recent audience from the stadium.

"No one is able to stop ... Night is long!" Huang Yu cool muttered on the stage.

! The voice did not fall, and the night-long wind was broken down behind the tail and the ball. When I came to Xiu De High School in the morning, I was easily jumped.

53 to 39!

If the last half of the night is a super score machine, the lower half of the second half is a score artifact integrating a radius of operation!

"No one can stop him!" Xiu De High School replaces his head mourned with his head.

"It is only ... he is ... he is!" He is flashing in the brain.

"The long wind is completely and we are not a second!" The day, the day, finally understood the so-called real strength of the night, there is more anti-day.

At this time, the heart is very smooth at this time, no one can stop his movements, even if it is half a second.

But there is some regret in the night, and there is no other opponent after him to open Zone, this is a regret.

After opening ZONE, the night cost is also extremely consumed, but he faintly feels that now Zone is not the limit. After all, it is just a master-level zone. What will I do?

"It's really looking forward to it!" The night's feet kept turning, making it a good skill in the Skills, and the dream dance is really like a dream.

There is no trace that can be said, the golden electric light dances on the field, which makes people indulge in it.

~ ▉ ▉ 39!

The opening of the next half is just five minutes, and the night cost has got a lot of more than twice!

The honesty high school score is twice that of Xiude High School.

There is no one in front of the game, you can think of this scene, and the night's wind is a team of Xiu De High School.

Basketball seems to be five people at this time, but a basketball of a person with a night.

On the table.

"If he is really full, our score should be 10 it!" The bald man finally believed the madness of the night.

Not arrogant, but confident!

The left hand left the left hand, and the right hand made a pause posture.

Dove ~ ▉ high school request pause!

"Hey? What happened, what happened?"

"Is it excessive use of ZONE, is the body is overwhelmed?" Yu Song was shocked.

The night-long winding has walked down on the court in honesty high school.

"What's wrong, Changfeng?" Xiangu Lizi asked with a face.

Laughing at night, "Nothing, just very boring, the opponent is too weak!"

"This ..." Honest is in the three black lines, "I thought about there, this enchanting!"

"Black, you! I will go back!" After that, the night long's head will not return into the player channel.

And his score of this game is also fixed for 60 points!

In the two sections, the night-long wind and hardcore cut down the Sixty-aerated Sunday, almost all the scores of the honest high school!

······ Flowers ······

"Well? How is the long wind?" Honest High School did not understand the back of the night.

On the table.

Zhengbang high school people and Huang Haiwei two people are also confused, "Is it hurt?"

The whistle that I was judged again, and the game started again.

"Too good, the boy went down!"

"The opportunity of our counterattack is coming!" Xiu De high school replacement has recovered brilliance.

Unfortunately, their dreams will be broken again soon!

The black child on the game started to break out, and the tail and the ball can not be broken.

There is a ghost-like pass again to return to the court, and the goal of honesty high school has become incapacitated.

Especially the fire god, I have a whole game, there is no chance to shoot, and now it is released.

The consumption of a huge power consumption is already completely unable to stop the fire.

At this time, Xiu De high school people found that in addition to night long, there is still a monster in Honesty and High School - the big me.

........ [... ▉]

!! The huge sound of the dunk is constantly echoing in the court.

Although the dunk of the volleyball is not as good as the night's strength, the strength is a perfect combination of beauty, but it is also full of power, and people are boiling.

Especially his air relay with the black child is getting more skilled.

Xiu De High School is supported by the three-pointer of the Green Dieng's three-pointer, and has not been scaled by the honesty high school to three times.

But the difference between the score is still expanded.

The sound of the end of the field sounded, the game was over!

"It's great! Too good!" Honesty high school replacement jumped up to the vibration arms.

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