The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 475 of Tennis Prince Chapter 475

Tonghuang Gao Zhongzhuang, the Tongju Kaji made a basketball, and the fire god was killed in the basket, and he lost his rebound!


"You guys, there is not much assists, basically all the ability to play!" Dazzong.

"Yes! The players on our team have gathered from the country. Everyone is very powerful, especially the offensive ability is super! Honesty seems to be an offensive team. It seems very interesting this game. "" Today, Ji Xiang flashed a cold light.

"I have a lot of personal abilities, I have not lost this game!" The day, Shun Ping, mad, the trunk of Tonghuang, completely, no matter how Jixiang's disturbance, raise hands It is a three-point distance.


"What are you talking about, the attack is coming!" Today, Ji Xiang took the falling basketball, and it was vigorously thrown away.

It is a long-distance long pass.

If the filial piety began to run wild, run to the front place!

"This ball is our!" Today, Ji Xiang smiled.

"Wrong, it is us!" The day is slightly forth in the mouth of the mouth.

If you have to pick up the basketball, the filial piety suddenly feels that there is a movie around you.

"Where is this guy who comes out? Mixed!" If Song Xiao can't help it.

~ ▉ ▉

~ ▉ ▉ fly away from his hand.

"Ah ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ .

"Stupid, you can't catch the ball!" The fire god rushed, and then the first arrival, Gao Yue took the basketball!

Snapped! The fire god passed the ball to the day, and he killed himself in the three seconds of Tonghuang High School.

After the day, the day will be thrown three points, and the Tonghuang two people have flutched.

Snapped! The day is really biography, and the basketball flew out of no one's attention.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ , ,,,,,,, , ,

No one sees the action of the black.

Snapped! In the air, the fire god big, I will grab the basketball in the hands, catering the defense of Songfiao is a person with a person!

Dang! Even the basket has made a painful sorrow.


"Oh ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ !! Beautiful!" The audience on the stage was ignited by this powerful dunk ...

396 chapter, data female

"Al, the game has just begun!" A blond hair came out from the channel of the watch, and it was too cold.

"Well! Little Green Room?" Huang Yu is too eye to see a familiar back.

"Hey ... Huang Wei? How do you know that it is me?" The Green Taorang turned his head. In order not to find that he deliberately brought a sunglasses.

"Are you idiot? I still wear sunglasses, I lost my face! I will take it down!" Huang Yu is too vomiting.


"What is the one in your hand, Xiaoyan?" Huang Haiwei asked the strange box in the hands of the Green Dynasty.

"Is it still used, of course, is a lucky thing today!" The green dynasty Taolang replied.

"Oh ~ I understand, you told the people around you don't want to see the results of the game or come!" Huang Yu is too sudden.

"Don't say such a casual words, I just have passed through this vicinity!" Green Denang is reversed.

"Does your home are not anti-direction ..."


"That, how is the current game?"

"There is nothing, the game is very boring. Qingfeng and night cost do not play!"

"Hey, don't you play? Why?"

"Do you forget, Huang Wei, Taichi is also in Tonghuang! The guy is not just a simple broker, the country is the era, but saved us several times! That is, in turn, if it is an enemy, if it is an enemy, It will become more difficult! Because she knows the characteristics of each of us! "The green channel of the green.

"Oh! Is the peach sauce, I remember that he and Xiao Qingfeng are green Miji!" Huang Yu is too low to think, "But I still remember that she doesn't like small black sizes? There should be no way too serious!"

"Is that? Why don't I know?" The expression of a doubtful expression.

"Hey! How can you not know, it is obvious, she is sticking to a small black child every day? Let's go home, do it in hand, are you a monkey? I didn't feel very attacked. .

"Ni, you said who is a monkey! Well, forget it! This guy is different from the attitude of basketball. She will not deliberately put it down the game!" The green channel is cold.


"Your ex-girlfriend looks really cute!" Said the hand of the fire and the hand of the black.

"Maybe it ..." The black child has no expression.

"What is the name?"

"If it is not an opponent!" The black child faint.

Tonghuang high school replacement.

"It's a high school, and we play great enemies with us!" The coach of Tonghuang High School slowed down.

"Coach, can you call it a time?" Taojing in May turned to the game, she was completely like a person, from cordial people to the iceberg.

"It doesn't matter, just a little problem, these guys will solve. Say, Taojing classmates, you have already handed them to them?" Yuanzek turned around.

"Yes, it has all been letting everyone know!" Taojing has a laughter in the corner of March.


At this time,, Yi Yuejun took advantage of his own , then passed the ball to the wind of three points.

I didn't want to be a shot!

"Three points? No! The guy of the volunteen, I used the self-sucking self-defeating!" Huang Yu is too horror.

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