The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 487

~ ▉ The audience at the scene returns to God again, basketball has fallen from the basket.

89 to 87!


~ ▉ ▉ ▉

And the night's wind moves around him, with his swing, do not leave a single gap to Qingfeng Dahui.

At this time, the strength of the night's strength is reflected. In the case of the same speed, there is no strength, Qingfeng Dahui is impossible to have a strong winter.

Snapped! Any shooting of Qingfeng's jumping is also in the wind!

! Basketball is in an instant, and the bottom line is fagnapped, the billboard is playing on the billboard!

"Do you think that it is invincible?" The night is cold and coldly looked at Qingfeng, burning the flames, and completely overwhelming the momentum of Qingfeng.

"What is it?" The green and Huang Tang looked at the night's long wind. "It is not zone at all!"


Phairi Lati is also a shocked expression. She thought that the night length will open Zone and open Zone's Qingfeng Gizza confrontation.

But the night cost is once again showing the power they don't know!

The blood of the night, in burning!

Yes, the night's basketball in the basketball of the Night, the first time I opened my skills in my life!

A skill that is better than Zone, ZONE can only develop 100% potential of the human body, but blood is in combustion, but also stimulates far superhest strength.

150%! Even 200%!

I don't know if I don't know if I open the blood after burning!

"It's impossible! The night's havan is actually faster!" Now Jixiang's pupil contraction, "What is going on?"

Snapped! Basketball is in the hands of Qingfeng.

Qingfeng Dahui stepped through the best, but he can't get rid of the night.

"You can't !!" Sakurai is also surprised.

"What joke! How can I lose it here !!" Qingfeng's brilliant face is more and sinking, and the electric light in the eyes is also hot!

bass! Qingfeng Dahui actually suddenly came up, his right hand opened, and he was an irregular shooting of his hand, but this movement was fast as lightning under Zone.

"Ah!" The two roared at the same time, and the night grew is jumping.

The blood in his chest is boiling. Qingfeng Dahui is the first person to give him stress, which makes it too long to feel this feeling of the night, which is extraordinary!

Qingfeng's body is backward, almost parallel with the ground, then throw basketball out!

"Qingfeng Dahui, your story is here!" Night wind and big hand fan.

"It's high!" Everyone shocked.

The night's long wind jump is too high, and the basketball that Qingfeng is impossible to encounter the basketball to fly!

it's not finished yet!

Qingfeng Dahui was hit by night, and the night's long wind rushed out as lightning.

Actually, everyone was chasing basketball before everyone.

Basketball is in the lively wind, the night grows still continuous acceleration, there is no one in front of him, only the basket!

"It's coming, this guy wants to perform!" All people rose such a thought.

The poec of the night is so far to the limit, but he is still accelerating!

It has been filled with blood in your chest, or even overflows!

~ ▉ long feet and the ground a dramatic mA roll, Mars four.

And the night-catching wind is directly jumped out of the free throw line!

Everyone looks straight at night, "What should he do?"

The night long wind is constantly climbing in the air, the sky is not his limit, and the gravitation has lost his role.

Before flying into the basket in an instant, the back of the night, after the back of the brain, actually in this way.

The scene is quiet and quiet, and then only heard a huge sound.

Booming ~ ▉ long wind hands put basketball into the basket!

~ The color of the color is constantly being surprised in the night length, and his hand is a tangerine basket!

The flash of the flash is actually a rebound of the rebound.

Night live wind not only pulled down the basket, he also slanting the basket directly!

To know that he is tempered glass, its hardness and steel are quite, and the night grows actually buckled him!

"Ah ~ ▉▉ Night long-term winds, long-lasting, long time isn't so cool!

This is his almost full buckle. After the punishment, the double-handed dunk is jumped, and the long winds did not think of this buckle.

Ten thousand viewers on the spot, this is in the seat, and I have already returned to God at least one minute.

"I cao! Miracle!"

"Is that kid is a tympanity?"


... The whole globe is out of the bottom, and the technician on the spot is also stupid.

No one has put a rebound in the official match, not to mention this is just a high school student.

"Pause! Pause!" The referee only announced the official suspension.

The staff immediately started to clean the site and replaced the rebound.

"Cut ~ ▉ !" The night was very windy, and the basket was thrown one side and walked to the replacement of the honesty high school.

Chapter 406, a victory of a person

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