The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 492 of the Chapter 492 of the Prince of Tennis

Of course, is still a familiar shiny cuisine.

Although the night's hard work does not like Indian dishes, he is almost omnipotent in terms of cooking.

"Wow ~ ▉ .

When everyone opened their eyes, a crystal circulated curry rice appeared in front of everyone.

The aroma is overflowing, and the mouth is DC.

"It looks delicious!" The fire couldn't help but swallow.

~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ . ...... ...........

Honestly, everyone saw the pig's pig brother 960, and he couldn't stand it, and he couldn't stand it.

The wind roll is general, and everyone will take a large pot of curry rice in less than five minutes, and even a little soup is not left.

"It's so delicious, this is my best to have the best curry in my life!" Xiao Jinjing, this is actually leaving excited tears.

"The same feelings ~ ▉ ▉ .

Everyone is indulging in the aftertaste of the Night Sky Curry Rice, I can't extricate it for a long time!

The night's live wind has also tasted himself, shakes his head, "I haven't been disappointed for a long time, my hand is a bit!"

Xiang Tian Li Zihong came to the front of the night, "Changfeng, please teach my curry practice!"

"Don't!" The night is in the end, "" Your dark cuisine is too high, can't look back! "

"Ah ~ ▉ ▉, long wind, grace ~ ▉ ▉

"This tricks don't have, Li Zi. Because you only have acup!" The night did not help the Tucao.

"Give your old lady !!"

Snapped! The night is very hot by Pamiti Latin on the wall ...

Honesty is starting to have a happiness ~

On the day, there is a breath, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

PS: There is something delay, sorry. Tighten the code word!

409 chapter, Bijing Training

Next day.

Honest and high school and a person, the passenger car.

"It's here!"

"Well, Well!" Yuejun nodded, "There is a sea's taste!"

"What about the coach?"

"Because I have to bring a lot of things, I will drive it for a while." The day will turn to the head to explain, "said, Yue, you will bring you!"

"It's a good place!" The night long wind looked at the blue sky, and there is still a long-awaited sea. It is still unlikely to see this scene in front of the front night.

"It will turn into hell immediately!" Xiao Jinjing spitted.

"Oh !! It's the sea !! Come to swim !!" Everyone walked more than ten meters, and the golden beach was introduced into the eye.

"Idiki! We are not to play, it is to train!" Dazzong.

After a few hundred meters, Honestly came to the dormitory of this accommodation.

Breaking the rotten hotel, even the player 'Po Chozhuang' plaque is twisting.

"Call ~ ▉ is an incredible rotten!" Xiao Jinjing spitted.

"Well, it's so worn out ~ ▉ ▉ .

"Amount ... Why do you have this broken house each time ..." Night wind is also a brow.

"Noisy, you have a few shutdown!" The day turned back.

~ ▉ Black pickup car parked in front of everyone, Xiang Tian Lii came down from the car.

"Not bad! Time is just right, everyone is here!" Xiang Tian Lizi laughed.

"Li Zi, put the things there, I can go!" The author on the driver's seat, a sunglasses, swaying the window.

"Ah, thank you, Dad!" Xiangfang turned his head.

"Small ghosts, give me a good!" Ski Men took off the glasses, cold channel: "But who wants to play my daughter's mind, I will slaughter him!"

"Yes!" "Everyone conscious points.

"Or is it as terrible as before!" The day, the cold sweat DC, looking at the pickup truck and gradually.

Snapped! Snapped! Xiang Tian Lizi took a hand.

"Well, let's practice, don't drag the pull!" Xiang Tian Lizi Road.

Honestly, everyone just put their bags and set off immediately.

"Hey, where are you going?" Xiang Tian Lisi asked everyone to go to the opposite direction.

"Isn't it going to the gym?" The day was confused.

"The stadium is not free, go again in the evening!" Xi Tian Lizi replied.

"That day?" The night long turned to the head.

"go to beach!"

Everyone came to the side of the beach and looked at the two simple baskets in front of him.

"Lizi, this is what the Dao Dad dragged?" Asked the night.

"Well, I also painted, the standard basketball court!" Xiang Tian Lizi has a reputation of the chest.

"Coach, is it difficult to fight here?" During the day, ask.

"Yes!" Xiang Tian Lizi nodded, "the previous Tokyo Qualifier has exposed a lot of problems, the most important thing is ..."


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