The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 498 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Snapped! Yushusi is lucky to pass the ball to Huang Yu cold.

"There is another thing, forgot to tell you, now Qingfeng is stronger!"

In the face of the face of Qingfeng, Huang Hao, I feel that I have never had a substantial oppression.

! The basketball in Huang Hao is almost instantly by Qingfeng Dahui, and the hand only looks for the residual.

"You said that I know that you are you, but Huang Wei, don't you think about it?" Qingfeng Daxi began to rank with the ball.

"Heaven! It's so fast! How did the ball have been broken, but I haven't seen it at all!" The audience on the stage exclaimed.

!! Huang Yu is too turned to follow the footsteps of Qingfeng.

One instant, Huang Wei judged the action of Qingfeng, "Left, then teach people to the right!"

Huang Wei's body slides to the right, "Block it?"

~ ▉ ▉

"Ni, actually is anti-direction !!"

Qingfeng Dahui stepped into the cold, and drums directly after running the ball to the basket.

Zhong Xiaoyu Zhi Zhi also jumped to stop Qingfeng's brilliant.

"Small, don't be penalized !!" Yushusheng is fortunate.

But it is late, Xiao Yu Zhuo contacts Qingfeng Dahui's arm, Qingfeng Dahui all dials the ball with fingers.

Basketball tangle is drilled into the basket.

beep! The whistle of the referee sounded at the same time, "two points are effective, plus one punishment!"

~ ▉

18 to 18! The two teams are divided! In less than a minute, Tonghuang High School will flatten a score.

"Qingfeng Dahui really is still the strongest of the miracle, Huang Wei has already suppressed Qingfeng!" The day is slow.

"Well!" Yi Yue nodded, "In addition to the long wind, no one can suppress Qingfeng more than one competition."

The night is laughing, "Of course, Qingfeng's Basketball talent is still high, the key is to see what is the extent of Huang Shu."

Snapped! Basketball is in the hands of Huang Hao, and it is always iron to make Huang Tei to explode Qingfeng.

"Come again?" Today, Ji Xiang shook his head, "Your trump will only imitate others, relying on this can't win Qingfeng."

~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉

The basketball is fanned from the Qingfeng Grand Spirit.

Dove ~ ▉ ▉ ▉

Yan Song's lucky man passed the basketball to Huang Yu.

"Come again, today this time the first time? The single one of the two people?" Daisang suddenly.

Snapped! This time, Huang Yu is too cold, but also passed the basketball back to Yizhou.

"Well?" Qingfeng's great fortune, then it is not cool, "What happened? Huang Wei, haven't I just take me?"

On the stage, I am also surprised. "What is going on, have you given up?"

Laughing at night, "It is estimated that you are brewing, you will watch Huang Wei's eyes, it is not given up!"

Snapped! Sakurai is successful, the attacker is converted in a moment!

Basketball to the Qingfeng Dahui in the three-point line, Qingfeng's cold looks at the fire of the fighting spirit in Huang Wei, "I don't have to consider it all, but no matter what, the result will not change!"

Boom ~ ▉ ▉ ,..

When Huang Wei is too turned back, Qingfeng Dahui has jumped high in the basket!

"It's so fast, it is Qingfeng!"

Dang! The basket has emitted pain! Qingfeng Daxie's one-handed dunk!

The night's style nodded, "It's coming, the state of Qingfeng is full!"

Qingfeng Daxi began to continue to rave in the basket of Hypopa, and the score gap was started.

Tonghuang High School is still a basketball of Qingfeng Dahui, but as long as no one can defeat him, this mode is invincible.

"This sea is often completed, no one stops Qingfeng's brilliant!" The day will slowly.

"Wit, who knows, but Huang Wei will not wait for it!" The night is growing.

~ ▉ 2 The competition has been close to the end, and finally, today's Zhu Xiang is forcibly shot three-shot.

Actually, it is a basket of fading on the front of it!

"Nani!" A defensive him is fortunate.

"Haha, the luck is really good!" Today, Ji Xiang smiled, "I lied, actually motivated."

At the same time, the referee blows the whistle that ends the second quarter.

43 to 34! Tonghuang High School is almost in the power of Qingfeng, the power of the Qingfeng, reversed the game.

Hyperhang high school locker room.

"I am evil, I just didn't prevent it!" Yushusi's lucky shoots, then turned to Huang Wei, "Cool is too ... How long does it take?"

Huang Han cool too looked at his own hand, "The fastest is half half of the third quarter, the worst will drag to the fourth quarter!"

"Please pay you, cool! The third quarter is handed over!" Yu Song fortunately his face is extremely firm. "I also die will not let Tonghuang pull the score !!"

After ten minutes, the second half has begun.

Opening, Hai Changzhong actually adopted a full-time person, this super costly tactics.

Get directly to the little well, let the Sakurai have a panic.

"The oppression is mostly in the first half, the momentum is so strong!"

Snapped! Just in the moment of Sakurai, Master's lucky man went away from his basketball from his back.

! Yan Song fortunately did not stop the ball, and a long passed the 003 ball to the front field.

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