The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 508 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"But the black child, can you call roughly?" The night did not help the Tucao.

"Ale, failed. Just I have slipped!" The black child replied.

"Well ~ ▉▉ ▉ ," this ball ... "

The surface of the basketball is very smooth, the skin has been polished, and there is no Mo rubbing.

"Oh, it seems that the black child is practicing for a long time!" The night is very windy, "it seems that it is not stimulated by Qingfeng."

"It seems to change the ball, this is the third ball!" The black child looked at the basketball road from the night.

"Three?" The night is also slightly surprised. "I am really looking forward to your evolution, black son!"


The next day, the third day of the Japanese National Competition, the third day of the 3rd, the 6th game of the 8th.

Osaka No.1 basketball hall.

Honesty people entered the field, it was completely different atmosphere.

The current audience and reporters are not yesterday, almost full of state, it seems that after the game of Honest and high school, it has caused a lot of attention.

"Come! Honesty high school and Xiu De high school appeared!" The audience began to cheer, and the game immediately started.

On the stage, a blonde handsome young smiled, "Little Green, can I win the guy today?"

It is !

"Wind Jun?" The black child turned his head and looked at the night.

"Well? What's wrong, black son!"

"When you first appeared, I saw the expression of the green," asked the black. "

"Nothing to pay attention, it is estimated that it is the same as the previous choice!" The night is laughing.

Snapped! Snapped! Xiang Tian Lizi took the clapping, convened the honesty, and enclosed into a circle.

"The last generation of the previous miracles has never been lost, so I feel that it is not overlink!" Xiang Tian Lilai slowly said, "But now they are defeated by us, failure can make a person become stronger, not to mention the opponent Is a genius! "

"That is to say, the greenhouse will evolve faster, hehe!" The night is suddenly laughing, "it is really a bit of super shooting after evolution!"

"Cut ~ This is a good fight!" Honesty people despised a night long.

Xiu De High School Motors.

" ... Xiao Zhen, what is it?" The high tail and became a confidential circus, "will not be afraid again ..."

The green dynasty turned over and exposed the expression that he had never seen it.

"Don't talk! I am very excited now, there is no mood to play with you!" The voice of the green is frightened, let the high tail will not help but stay.

The high look at the eyes of the green dynasty is a bit surprised, that is completely a pair of beast hunting eyes, "this kid, it seems to be desperate!"

"Beat them, take back everything I lost! I just want this now!" The green is low.

"Ah ~ ▉ is also, Xiao Chang!" High tail and a role.

Two team players are in turn, and the teams are looking forward.

"Please pay more attention!"

"It's completely different from the previous Xiude high school. Even if you can see the big increase in the quality of the body, it seems that it is a lot of hard work!" Xiang Tian Lizi swept a show High school people, finally locked the eyes on the greenness of the green.

"The victory is still in the miracle of the Raiders!"

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ,, the game officially started!

"Vulnean, black son, and other people who have given you, the green is left to me!" The night is very excited. "I want to see what I have evolved!"

"OK!" A few people nodded.

The greenness of the green looks coldly and looks at the night, "Night is long!"

~ ▉ Judgment will throw the ball in the air, the fire god and the opponent's central Dapitenda jump.

"Ah ~ ▉ ▉ 's jumping power is more than the other party, and the fire god first touched basketball.

Snapped! The basketball was photographed in Yuejun Hand.

At this time, I was handsome and stretched out, and the basketball was broken, it was high tail!

Snapped! Basketball has come to the hand of the wood village, "a good ball, high tail!"

The honest halfway is empty, and the Daping Taiji is already fast, the best time to attack.

! When the wood village letter will take the basketball to plan a long pass, when wearing a profitable line.

······ Flowers ······

The black man hits the basketball back to the palm of the hand.

"Ni, this kid came out!" Mu Village is shocked, "this kid did not have high tail to deal with it!"

"Good ball!" Chengzhi replaced everyone crowd.

The voice did not fall, the green dynasty, the Basketball, who was knocked out by the black son, actually jumped directly, and his hands took out basketball is a moving action.

"It's a bright room!" Honestly was shocked.

! In the moment of the green, a look down from the sky, fan off the shoot of the green dynasty!

It is a high-jumped night lengthy.

"Beautiful cover, long wind!" The day is smooth.

~ ▉ ▉ , , the judgment of the judgment.

"Wow ~ ▉ The audience door is given emotions in the consensus of this continuous speed, and begins to start noisy.

"I just started the gunpowder to be so strong!" Xiao Jinjing's head is dripping down.

"Call ~ ▉ "

On the table.

[? ......

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