The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 515 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

The green is pushed on the nose, and the golden light is turned, "interesting!"

~ ▉ At this time, Xiu De High School coach called a pause.

There is not much time left in the competition. In the words of Chinese football, there is no time to stay to Xiu De High School.

Sincerity, the first grade newboy is around the bucket, asking this question.

"Black Son, what do you do, that is, the city that will disappear!"

"Yeah, great, give us!"

"Yes, I also want to learn!"

The black child is still a faceless, and the sun is staring at the greenness of the green.

······ Flowers ······

"Ah ~ ▉ ~ This game is really boring!" Night lived on the capital.

At this time, everyone's attention is on the black child, and only the day will look at night long wind.

"This little child didn't sweat now, is it ..." The day is wonderful to the heart.

The game has been close to the end. Such a fierce competition, the physical strength of the honesty is almost the same. The other Xiude high school is worse. Almost every person is soaked that it is soaked by sweat.

And the night-catching wind is a moment of sitting there, and there is no tense meaning.

"This kid is probably halfful of strength!" The day is in peace.

Xiu De High School Motors.

"Although I don't think that the coach will have no strategy ..."


"I just didn't think he would take advantage of the city!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, he is now honesty to our biggest threat!"

"Well! Will disappear, that is, the turtle defense is completely useless! The most critical is that the green shots are sacrificed and sacrificed!" Xiu Dezhong is a serious.

"In short, we have not retired! Either win, egg! Go!" The green suddenly stood up, and the cold light was shot.

"Oh! Music to the last moment, Xiu De !!" Xiu Dezhong called.

Dudo ~ The end of the game, the game continues, the pauses of both sides have been used, which is to say the last final battle!

High tails and dead staring at the black son, a murdere of killing, "Even if you don't put you, even if it is penalty, I will stop you! Black son!"

"If you are so simple, it is not good, then it is not good!" The black child replied.

"What's wrong, the green is! I haven't recruited it. I am very disappointed!" The night's long-standing looked at the green real Taolang. "Can you make me a little sweating!"

The Green Dieng did not speak, but his back to the night, leaving only a back of the night.

"Ball!" The fire in the eyes of the Eye Lang in the eyes is getting more and more popular ...

PS: Depressed ~ ▉ . The first two chapters directly lost the serial number, should be 424 and 425, can't change it. Correct this, sorry. By the way, it is really busy today!

427 chapter, take over the competition

Snapped! Balls to the hands of the green dynasty, his eyes flashed, the whole person instantly, and it is an ultra-long distance projection.

The speed is faster, almost jumped out, put the basketball out, and did not jump to the highest point at all!

~ ▉ ▉ ........ .. .

~ ▉ !

88 to 98! The green is also pulled back from the cliff again!

"It's amazing, Xiao Chang!" High tail and smiled, "It doesn't matter, you are almost the limit!"

The green dynasty doesn't look back, just cold and cold: "Stupid, how can I not know how many balls you can, the limit, I have long been surpassed!"

"This ..." The tail first was a glimpse, then laughed, "said this, it's really a small style!"

"Cut ~ ▉ ▉

Honesty people looked confused at night long wind.

!! Night winds took off the vests in the two wrist and jersey, and lost them on the honesty.

The huge sound will be honestly hoped. "When the wind is in this guy, it is still heavy.!"

Xiao Jinjing wants to pick up the vest of the night, but find heavy death, it is difficult to use both hands.

"I kao, how many pounds this is this?" Honest is all!

Like the night, laugh, "Thank you for not giving up, green! As Xie Li, I will let you see the scenery of hell!"

"Ball!" The night is very cold.

The day is full, "What happened to this kid?"

Snapped! Basketball has arrived in the night long wind, the momentum of the night, the whole person is completely different, and the attention begins in unlimited concentration.

That's right, in this moment, the night cost opened Zone mode, which means 100%.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ,,,,


This golden electric light has not stopped yet, from the half of the line to the inner line of Xiu De High School.

~ ▉ ▉ in front of the golden light, but unfortunately he doesn't have a point.

Going back to God, the golden figure is flashing, it is the night grow.

The pupil of the green dynasty suddenly contracted, and the heart is also very shocking. "It's too fast! It's too fast! It's a few times better than Qingfeng !!"

! Night winds move forward, look forward, look at the wooden village triumph and Daping Taijie in front of the front.

Low up, you are!

Two people in Xiuder's high school have not jumped, and the night is still going back.

100 to 88!

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