The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 519 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Yangquan High School Coach.

Yang-190-Spring High School also gathered here, playing on the big screen is the honesty high school game.

Their coach is called the wilderness, and it is also a female coach, the dark hair is a professional dress, which looks more practice, giving people a feet.

~ ▉ on the screen, the honesty has already finished.

"Honest is this super offensive team ... What is your opinion? Okun Village!" Asked the wilderness.

It is the captain of Yangquan High School Basketball, a big striker in the third grade, a height of two meters.

"To be honest, I am somewhat surprised ... Honesty is completely like a team of only one grade and second grade to create a team of two years. If the attack is attacked, they should be the strongest of this competition! And the little bullet jump is too exaggerated! "Okuncun built a slow way," But I am looking forward to tomorrow's game! "

Next to the purity of the purple in the eyes, his eyes never left the night long wind in the TV.

The next day, Osaka No.1 Basketball Court.

"Everyone is ready?" Night long wind turned his head and looked at the honesty.

Honestly, he nodded, and his face was full of resolute. After all, it has already arrived here, and then ahead is the top four!


Honesty, a big step, the meteori, from the player channel, the leader is the night.

Hey ~ ▉ ▉▉ , the flash gate of the camera is flashed.

Unlike the game, there are only eight teams in the national competition, four games, that is, the number of reporters per game is greatly increased.

Moreover, since the high school and Yangquan high school is the black horse in this national contest, so it is very valued, and the number of reporters can also be said to be a history unprecedented.

The viewers on the table don't have to say it, you must be full.

I looked at the people who came out, the audience at the scene also began to cheer.

"Come! Honest and high school, the creation of the team continued to create a miracle, a super new star, the attack power superior!"

On the other side of the player channel, the Yangquan high school wearing purple jersey has also gone out, leading the captain of Okun Village.

The average height of Yangquan High School is still very powerful, and the momentum is full.

"This is also coming! The first two rounds of competition entered the absolute defense of the unneapled victory - Yangquan High School!"

On the replacement, the honesty is serious, and it is not tension in this stage, including the black and the volunteen, and the eyes also reveals a tight information.

Of course, the night's hard wind is another, what big winds have never seen it, thanks to the world's competition, the world, the world, the world, the world, the world, the gods participated in.

This little national eight-strong game is naturally not placed in the eyes.

"I think you (DBBC) should be very clear, today's opponent is with the previous Tonghuang, Xiude's same level, even stronger level ... so we must achieve the advantage! Have you understood?" Zheng Guan.

"Oh!" Honesty and scent.

"Captain, what else do you say?" Xiangfang turned his head looking at night.

"Win!" The night's long wind faintly only said a word.

Honesty's hand is on the air together and then throws high.

"Honesty!! Wins !!"

Yangquan high school replacement.

"The opponent's style is like yesterday, I will definitely attack, but what we have to do is very simple, it is to stop them! Let them reach, especially the 1st opponent, must be special Attention, you can't give him any chance! "Yangquan's coach is a lotus.

"Well! So let us go!" Okun is built.

The ice room is also laughing, turning to the purple primary Town, "Is it ready to give the little child a horse?"

"Well! OK!" Ziyuan Tower has a powerful role, and it is not satisfactory.

The two team players are in turn and stand in the middle line.

"Then the national contest summer league, the competition of Hiqi High School, the game of the war Yangquan high school, now start! Salute!" The referee announced the way.

"Please pay more attention!"

"A lot of advice!" The day, the hands of Shunping and the big hand of the Okuna built together.

On the day, I wrinkled, and I swept a high school in Yangquan. I couldn't help but said: "It's high! It's not that the opponent's body has not been high. But the other side has three two meters long people present, It's too big to oppress! "

"The aggressive oppression of Tonghuang is completely different, just like a big tree that is deeply rooted down ... No pressure is oppressed!" I really present three high schools on Yangquan high school, although the day It is also inevitable to honesty, and it is inevitable in my heart.

After all, basketball, height is still a big proportion.

Under specific conditions, height can directly determine the victory of the game.

Snapped! The night-long looks at the look of the look, and patted his shoulders, ridiculed: "The day is the senior, will not be scared by these guys?"

"How is it? Changfeng! You still pay attention to your own jump ball! Don't lose it!" Daily replied.

"Of course! I will let the guy know, what is high in high, no me jump high. Boot speed, bounce, height is also a waste!" The night is cold and cold.

On the day, there is a cold sweating in the forehead. "I almost forgot, this kid is also a monster!"

On the stage, there is a viewer to have a disturbance.

"Seeing no, honesty actually sent a striker to jump! Haha, laugh at me, and the difference between the other party is too big!"

PS: Still there, thank you! The homepage is not seen again, oh ~ ▉ dare not cast a monthly ticket?

Chapter 431, absolute defense

"Yes, talk back, the center of Yangquan High School is too high! It is estimated that there are two meters a zero!" The audience next to it is attached.


Puriza Tower opened, cold looking at night long wind, "Last hand is an exercise game, I have not forgotten, you grab the jump ball on my head! I rained last time, you escape a robbery , Today I have to crush you, night! "

"Ah? Which onion are you? I can't remember!" The night is deliberately provoked. "If you have strength, you will come, I am looking forward to it, don't let me down!"

"You!" It is very obvious that the generation is far from the nozzle and night cost.

"Chen also!" The fire god next to the turf is turned to the ice room. ! "

"Axin, it seems that there is no more than a contestable game, big me!" The ice room is also cold.

~ ▉▉ ▉ , throw the basketball high height.

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