The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 538 of the Chapter 538 of the Prince of Tennis

There have been many audiences on the scene to rushing at night.

Because this guy in Tailing puts the photos of the night from the largest sports forum in Japan, they directly detonated the entire forum.

At a moment, all posts are discussing the authenticity of the photo of the night.

Many people raised various examples to show that the Tail field is fake and uses these photos synthesized by PS.

The Tuna will then release a collection of highlights of a variety of wonderful movements, which directly allows the entire forum to boil.

The reply and click quantity of the video post broke the record, and then directly lead to the entire forum.

Night winds, the movements are really too anti-sky, the free throw line is buckled, 720 degrees turned the dunk, the death of death is all from a high school student, thoroughly shocked the entire Japanese basketteen.

There are of course many people suspect that Tailfield is a fake, with high-level software generated video, so there are many people who have never seen high-middle basketball games, and they have rushed to Osaka to watch the night of the night.

It is true or false, they have to witness your own eyes.

Of course, this (DBBC) cut night is not known.

He just felt that today's camera seems to be aligned with himself, and he is inexplicably.


"It's too powerful, today's cheering voice and cheer are not a grade before!" Xiao Jinjing called.

"Yeah, the audience is full!" The first grade life is even more nervous, as if they have the opportunity to be attended.

"Is it very popular?" Xiao Jinjing also said.

"It's not related to you!" The day, I took a small Jinjing's head, "all come to see the long wind and Qingfeng's brilliant!"

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

Tonghuang, a group, just entered the stadium, leading the Qingfeng.

When I entered the field, Qingfeng's eyes were stared at the night, and the wolf's general eyes made people fear.

However, the night's long wind is completely ignored, and it is true that it is really warm.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ , "Please ask the two team players to the middle line collection!"

Two team players are looking forward.

"Right, just forgot to say, thank you for developing a black child's phantom shoot!" Night lived on Qingfeng Dahui.

Qingfeng Dahui's mouth slightly forsake, "I want to thank you for the last time I played so bad, otherwise, how can I improve this fast!"

"Oh? Then I am looking forward to your performance today!" The night is laughing.

"Don't worry, this time you win, you must be me!" Qingfeng brilliant cold voice, the blue light is overflowing.

Night-lasting style, I feel that Qingfeng's strong war, and it is also a little excited. "Good expression! The world who can come to the black child is really great!"

The night's hard wind felt that Qingfeng Dahui and the last complete different breath, the violent flame of the violent to the limits seem to be reconciliated.

This makes it too excited that there is no longer have an opponent's night.

The four four people who have a miracle in the table are also watching the battle.

The back of the Shiri Ziro is gloomy and dead, staring at the night, the back of the night, and he has never standing on top of the people.

The only exception is that today is treated in the night, of course, this is also what he is looking for.

However, this is a thing that makes the Chi Zhu's unable tolerance. It is a stainless stain in his life.

"You will regret it, the night is long!" Chi Sisheng Ziro is self-calling.

On the other hand, Ziyuan Tower, Huang Haiwei and the green dynasty dynasty, sitting at the position of the stadium.

"Small green room, you say who will win today?" Huang Yu is too turned to ask.

"I don't know!" The Green Dynasty is only acknowledging. "I only know that the night is now stronger now!"

"Well! The guy is that I have seen the most perverted body quality. In addition to Xiaoyi, I think there should be no one is his opponent! Even if it is big!" Purizan attached.

These three people have experienced the terrible people who have experienced the long wind, and they have been broken by the night.

This makes them have to rise, "If it is a miracle of generations, the emperor of the invincible world is in the present, is it to defeat the night's enchanting?"


The referee will throw the basketball high in the air, if the filial piety and the fire god, I also jumped at the same time, and the hands extended.

Snapped! The jump of the volunteen is still growing, and the fire god has encountered basketball and put the racket to the day.

On the day, I quickly drove the ball and passed the ball and passed the ball to Yuejun.

Defense, this is now Ji Xiangyi, now Ji Xiang's hands crazy dance, blocking himself in front of Yuejun's eyes or passing the opportunity.

"Wow! It's so fierce, it is completely like a atmosphere when the final is finally won!" The first grade is sigh.

Everyone in Tonghuang High School on the field is extremely solemn, and each player has a strong expression on his face, a kind of way to pull the standing gesture.

"Come on! Tonghuang! Tonghuang! Wins!" The people in Tonghuang High School will continue.

Snapped! Under the disturbance of Ji Xiang, Yuejun's pass has lost, after being copied by Sakurai, Tonghuang High School counterattack!

"Wat!" Yuejun turned back.

Sakurai has served the ball to the honest halfway, jumping outside the three-point line ...

Chapter 446, super accelerated pass

At this time, the figure of the nightly wind appeared in front of the Sakurao jumped.

~ ▉ ▉ . . . ... .

Strong, such as night, it is impossible to cover this almost a large angle shower.

~ ▉ ▉ Fly from the head of the night long, fly above the basket.

! Qingfeng Dahui I don't know when I came to the basket, jumped with high tall, caught the air basketball, and then I was able to fill in the air!


Very fast, with smart air relay!

"Goodball!" The night's live wind had to admire, and Tonghuang High School is no longer a lot of Tonghuang.

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