The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 569 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Really, the first time I am so wolf!" Zhi Lingang wiped his forehead with a towel.

"It is actually leading two or two, it is simply being honest and shameful, shameless!" Renalu Valley Yongji was irritated, and the brain was just honestly bombarded.

"That No. 1 is too horrible, the honest attack is also too much!" Ye Mountain Xiaotaoo.

······ Flowers ······

The coaches of Luohan High School nodded, and the expression is also very serious. "Although our first competition did not make full strength, the performance of the other party is indeed greatly beyond our expectation! The attack power of Chengqi No. 1 Ball is a very dangerous existence! "

"The next section, you must suppress him, have you heard it? Redisho!"

"Yes! The whole force has been seen by me. From now on, we only need a roulin opponent!" Red Sissed Ten Lang's eyes in the eyes of Hongguang, "Xiao Taro, Yongji, Ling"! "

Chi Si Ziro swept an eye Luohan High School, "You are responsible for score!"

"Thousands of findings, you are here!" Chi Si Ziro turned his head.


The interpreter.

"Tai Ying, let's review the performance of the first two teams!" Qian Tianhao twice.

"Cough!" Tian Jiao was bravely coughed with two sounds. "The first quarter is really great, and Luo Shan high school has not played the strength of the king. Instead, it is the attack of Honest and High School. It's really like a blast of angry, it is really perfect! "

.... [... [......

"Second section of the competition, if the Roshan high school does not make targeted reactions, I want the championship to be locked in Honest and high school in advance!"

"Well! I agree with the views of the Qian Yongjun, let us look forward to the audience before the TV set, the second quarter of the two teams!"

~ ▉▉ ▉ ▉,, the end of the two minutes, the game begins.

After the honest five people played, the audience was stunned.

In the first quarter, the scenery of the scenery is in the first quarter, and the replacement of him is also a black sciention that has been seen by Luo Mountain High School.

"Ni! He still wants to go to the field?"

"What happened, is it crazy?" Everyone on the stage was a bit surprised.

Qingfeng Dahui is also frowning. "This exercise is a hair rain for night growth. Why is it going to change the black?"

The competition has recovered at this moment, and the situation on the field seems to change.

The first round of the game started, the offense of Luohan High School was blocked, and the thousands of directly went to the three seconds.

"Hey! What is the 5th number of the Los Mountain High School, and there is no performance now!"

"It should be said that some ordinary, before these people."

"Amount, what is his name? When opening, introduce, I have forgotten it!"

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉!" Qingfeng Dahui suddenly turned to ask, "Who is the No. 5 No.5 in Luohan High School!"

"Well? Wait!" Tao Yang didn't know how to take a notebook in May, "found!"

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉, the third grade controller, the body is 182 cm, the weight is 69 kg speed, strength, technology, physical strength is C-class! Attack and defense, the technology, no good, honestly, this person seems to be ordinary Let people be horrified! "Taojing March.

"This strength is a substitute in Luo Mountain."

"No! He even tonic! His chance to be a three grade is three grades, after the Chi Jun inquiry, before the second army is not!" Taojing May intelligence collection capacity is still very strong.

"Cut ~ Yan Qingfeng's brilliant looks at the black son on the field," How to sound like someone! "

Chapter 472, new dream


Snapped! Redishi Ziri suddenly passed the basketball in his hand to the inner line.

And Luo Mountain High School Renalu Yongji did not get rid of the defense of the volunteers, it seems like a mistake.

"This ball is a mistake? It's too irritating behind, this goal will be copied!" The day will look back and look back, it is ready to fight back.

At this time, the people who are unusually unsatisfactory appear in the most critical position, officially unfair, the five players who have no sense of high school five players.

"Ni!" The fire god pupil is contracted, and the basketball flew from the head, just fell to the Root Wudu Yongji.

The fire god turned around, it was no longer too late, because Root Wu Vali Yongji has put the basketball in the basketball.

"Wow ~ What is the ball !!" "The viewer of the table began surprised.

"When is the 5th? I didn't pay attention at all!"

"Goodball! The king is one of the stars, and the trip of the honesty is already in this time, and the Los Mountain will definitely fight!" Qian Tianhao two analyzed.

Honesty is replacing everyone.

"The score is not important, but the ball is ..."

"MISDIRECTION, the visual induction of ▉ ▉!"

"This guy ... is laughing, how could it be!"

"Don't say that he is exactly the same as the characteristics of the black child?" Honest is very shocked.


The Red Sisheng is slightly thaw, "The same? No! He also has the same characteristics, but all of his basic qualities must be more than a big cut. There is no unknown technology outside the ball. It should be said that the grass is just the old. "

"And the thousands of friends are the sixth person of the new type!"

The night-long wind on the replacement smiles, "New? It is a bit mean!"


Half a year ago, Luohan high school basketball.

"Is there this person in the basketball?"

"Intercourse, just that is not that, and it is a predecessor! But the wind and technology are all, I can't remember!"

There is also a different point in the same point in the same point, and the existence is very thin.

Different is that

But in the high school in Luo Mountain in the strong, he can only bury in the crowd, sometimes even there is a danger of degrading the three armies.

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