The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 575 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

The fire god is directly retired for more than two steps!

······ Flowers ······

"Wow! Strong !! It is just the same as the bulldozer!"

"Yeah! I think he is more like a gorilla!" The audience shocked.

Lian Hucheng is also admiring, this rebound is too much, and the fire god jumped, but he didn't touch Yongji, Yongji, but he didn't touch it at all.

Seeing this, there is an impulse that I want to play these two shouts that the guy hit the guy, but he still returned.

"Don't be interested, the fire! Go back!" "The day is flat to comfort.

It is a counterattack in the high school in Los.

Renalu Valley Yongji passed the basketball to Ye Mountain Kataro next to him.

Ye Mountain Xiaotaro winds the ball, and suddenly there have been two people in the day and Yuejun.

.... [.... ..

"This guy is really powerful!"

"Yeah, I can't see basketball!"

At this time, a fire red figure blocked Ye Mountain Xiaotaolang.

It is a voluntary, and the volley god is in the eyes of the flame. It is obviously a stomach that is just two rounds.

"Hey? I have used four fingers. Can this guy still keep up?" Ye Mountain Xiao Taro was a bit surprised.

"Dry well, fire!"

"In this case!" Ye Mountain Xiao Taro passed a basketball to the inner line.

"Cut ~ ▉ Night long ridiculous smile," I thought you had five fingers! "

Snapped! It is Renalu Valley to catch basketball, the honest three in the inside is already going back.

"What do he want to do?" The audience shocked.

I saw the roots of Renalu Yongji brought the ball, it was directly to start three steps in the ball.

Sincerity, three people are rushing up, and I want to stop the root Wu Vali Yongji.


After the three collisions, the sincerity of the three people were knocked down, and the speed of Renalu Yongji was not affected.

Directly after a huge meat Bang bounce, the basketball was placed in the basketball.

Dang! The basket is not going to sway and swaying the pain.

Although this dunk has no gorgeous skill and strength of the gorgeous skill and strength, the ultimate violent dunk is also a visual enjoyment!

Under the basket, the power is king!

Chapter 477, caught in crisis

"Hey ~ ▉, do you have anything?" The black child ran over.

"Nothing!" The day stood up and stood up, and the sweat stream on his face was faster. "It's evil, really big power!"

On the day, I will finally understand how terrible thing is a super powerful player.

Snapped! Snapped! Yue Junxiao wingsted a basketball to protect the basketball.

"What should I do?" I was a bit anxious in Yue, "the day, the black son has been held. The power of the fire now is not the opponent's opponent!"

"The senior of Yue, give me the ball!" The fire god reached out, the flames were more prosperous, and his fighting spirit is more and more courageous!

"Oh! Kid, have you still died yet? Fighting is good!" Root Wudu Yongji felt the power of the fire god pushes actually increased.

"The momentum can't lose, I am! The fire god, and he is still a goal!" Cheng Shuji shouted.

Snapped! Yuejun hangs basketball to the fire!

"How can I lose!" The fire god did not know where a force came from, forcibly turned, and put the power such as the Roots of Roots, Yongji, Yongji, a step.

Then I pushed up in a moment, and the right hand grabbed the basketball to the back of the basket!

"Wow! Jumped up, to dunk!" The audience exclaimed.

"Stinky boy, useless!" Root Wu Vali Yongji muscles were ridge, the whole portrait of the bulldozer generally hit the air of the air.

At this time, the things that everyone unexpectedly occurred, basketball disappeared!

"Ni!" Renalu Valley was very shocked.

Snapped! Basketball is in the small golden well of unmanned defense next to it, it is the ball of me.

~ ▉ ▉ ,,,,

"Wow ~ ▉ ▉ is the ball!" The audience on the stage is also a bit surprised.

Little Jinjing connecting the ball did not think that the fire god will pass to him.

Now all those who are familiar with the fire god don't think that the fire will actually pass!

"It is good!" Vulcan! "Cheng Shu is called.

Night long-lasting horns slightly forsake, "" Vulcan this guy also has a lot! "

If an inner player will pass, it is a very headache for the enemy.

The interpreter.

"Now the score of the two teams is still nice, the scene is very glued!" Qian Tianhao two analyzes.

"Yes! But sincerity consumption is obvious than that is large, the weakness of the bench is not enough. This is the strength gap between the king and the black horses!" Tian Xiaolan is a thoughts. The current problem, "Qunlong has no news, why is the honest coach to go to the night? What are she waiting for?"


It is Luo Shan's attack.

Snapped! Redishi Qi Lang passed the basketball to the vicinity of the three-point line, where there was a shadow there, and changed the running trajectory of the basketball in an instant.

boom! Between the basketball, there is an internal line, and the Ye Mountain, who is guarded, is relaxed to the hand.

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