The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 580 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Honesty ... Wins!"

481 chapter, angry

On the table.

"It seems that this champion should be honest!" Now Ji Xiang is slow.

"No! So until now, it is not necessarily!" Qingfeng suddenly said.

"Hey? Why, A big? As long as the Changfeng Jun is on the scene, there is no way in Luo Mountain High School!" Tao Yang said in May.

"Not necessarily! The guy of the decassi is still waiting, the guy will be willing to victory!" Qingfeng is very faint.

ten minutes later.

The referee is a whistle, and the second half is officially started.

"Board! Honesty!" The day, he smashed a big step from the player channel.

"Oh !! Out! Honest 4th looks very powerful!"

"Well, the day is there again to fight against this guy?" Zhi Ling branched.


Two team players stand again and the midline jumps.

This time, the ball is the night, the other party's jumping ball is the root Wu Vali Yongji.

After the noisy jumper, the night length shielded, and took the ball directly to Yuejun.

At this time, the root Wu Vali has just jumped, and the speed is completely on a grade.

"Come! The fractal battle in the second half!" After the wonderful challenge of the first half, the audience at the scene was full of expectations for the second half.

Snapped! After Yuejun passed half a game, the ball directly sent the ball to the two-point line outside.

When the night is growing, the red shine is flashing in the red light, and it will be posted directly.

Snapped! At this time, all the attention is on the night-long body, and the night cost will pass the ball.

On the day, I shaken a large circle from the bottom line, around, the ball is a three-point, there is no running of the stall.

Really lingering directly was blocked by the law of the volunteen, whirling was long.

! Basketball draws a very high pen arcue in the air, then venting the net!

71 to 69!

Honesty, I will override the score, and the time to run three-pointer.

"Goodball! The first half of the top half is active in the first half, this beautiful running three-pointer and NBA famous star Hamilton are very like!" Guaoda Hao said.

"Well! Nice shoot! Is the attack frenzy in the next half of the scene be started from this ball? There is still no way to solve the threat of the night Changjun!"

"Well! Go back! Have the next goal!" The day turned back and cheered at night.

"Defense! Defense!" Chengzhi's collar shouted.

Attacker conversion, Luo Shan high school attack.

"Solve him! Ling Yun!" Chi Sijiro passed the ball to the three-point line outside.

Zhuling nodded, then turned his head and looked at the day in front of him, "This goal is going!"

"What!" The day suddenly rushed to the consciousness, and the actual rumor did not move, just a language harassment.

bass! At this moment, the real-Lingzu directly jumped forward, leaned against the day, obviously is looking for a foul!

beep! The whistle of the referee sounded, "Chengqi 4th push is fouled! Wait three times!"

The day that was shaking in the air has taken advantage of the body backwards, but the day from the perspective of the referee, I have encountered the Lingyang.

"Wait a minute, the referee! This ball is not a foul! It is obvious that he deliberately hit!" Daily explained.

The referee turned his head, and he didn't pay attention to the complaint between the day!

"Oh, it is a pity! Japan! This ball is me, I won you twice!" "" ""

"The guy is deliberate!" The fire suddenly slammed up.

"Daily! Bad this is already his third foul!" Yuejun.

Nowadays, the Today, Ji Xiang frowned, "It seems that the day is going to go, the second half is just beginning, it will be divided into three times. Honesty coach should change him, wait until the fourth quarter ! Otherwise, staying on the court is also a bundle feet, but in turn! "

"Ox!" The day, the day, a moment of shocking in a hurry, and the night is on the morning.

"I need the strength of the students!" The day is holding a double boxing, "Bay! If there is no long wind, we have lost it, and at this time, I actually foul three times! What is it !! I am a predecessor! "

"Referee! Why don't you blow him with a ball? I have no foul!" The day has lost calm, and there is rare to rush and referee theory.

"Daily Jun!" Xiang Tian Lizi is also very nervous, "You wait!"

The referee is still igniting the day, just put the whistle in the mouth.

"The referee, I ..." The day, I also want to explain.

beep! The referee made a gesture in the technology platform, directly blowing the whistle, "Chengqi No. 4, technical foul! Add penalty once!"

The day is completely stunned!

"It's over! The day is all in the four, only leave the field! The defeat of the shooter has been divided!" Now Ji Xiang is slow.

Just when the scene is about to be controlled, the night-catching hand holds the day to smooth shoulders.

"Seniors, you will take a break! These ,, give it to me!"

"Changfeng!" The day, he looked at the eyes of the night, and the eyes were calm.

He wants to help the night, too want to win the battle of shooters, so he has always been almost uncontrolled.

Originally, I was completely suppressed by I am, I have a stomach, and I feel in the second half. At this time, I will be a foul to be confident, and I can't stop my emotions.

On the day, I took a nod to the night's style and slowly left.

I don't know why, he saw that the eyes of the night Changshang did calm down, this is his second time I saw the kind of eye in the eyes of the night.

The last time is still in the war of Yangquan High School, Zijing Tower said that basketball is toys.

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