The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 582 of the Chapter 582 of the Super Short of Tennis Prince

The redishi is the left and right hands to return to the ball, but there is no threat action, there is no breakthrough and no shoot.

Because his Emperor's eyes, he will take the basketball to take the basketball if he will be looked at night.

"Can be evil! Anti-Sissen is not lost?"

"What is going on? Is there any way to attack? The oppressive power of the guy is already in this level?" Ye Mountain Xiao Taila is also a shocked expression.

At this time, Lushan High School No. 5 is looking away from the defense of the black and.

Snapped! The Redishi triskyy took the basketball and went to the hands of .

Night wind did not move, he was too lazy, but he was exposed in his eyes. "Are you afraid? You don't say what we can do, you can do your own face, How do you feel, um? "

The Redishi is not a reply, but instead, the fire is restrained, turned into a cold ice ice.

"Oh?" "Night long-lasting horns slightly forsake," "The peace before broke out?"

On the other hand, after the talents trapped, did not stop the ball and changed to the palm. One hand changed the direction of the basketball flight, and flew into the housy inner lines in an instant.

Snapped! Renalu Valley Yongji just turned his basketball and put his body behind him behind him.

"nice shot!"

"Not good!" The fire god suddenly wanted to come to the interference.

Snapped! Renalu Valley Yongji raised his hand is a cast board shooting, two points go!

76 to 74! Luoshan high school will lead two points again!

It is the pass of the new dream sixth person!

"Well! The passage of is very important to us, if there is no passing, not just a redish, even other players will be held down by the first one of the other people!" Luo Shan high school coach is also slow A breath.

Since the play of the night, the team has been reversed and has been reversed, and his coach in Luo Mountain in the king is not any way.

Only put everything hopes on the players on the field.

"Is the ball?" The night was very windy, and nodded in the black child. "When the black son is, it is time!"

"Well!" Hezhu Zhe also nodded, "Give it to me!"

Snapped! Snapped! Night live wind seems unhappy to transport basketball to the half of Luo Mountain ...

! The black child made a beautiful no-free cover for Xiao Jinjing, Xiao Jinjing no one defended.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉

~ ▉

77 to 76!

"Going to the ball, honest three-pointer is still!"

Xiao Jinjing waved his fist. After the day, he still looked at him. He wanted to tell Luo Mountain High School, and the second grade of Honest is not vegetarian!

"Good yeah !!" The honesty is also called good.

Attacker and defensive conversion.

It is also a black child to find a thousand!

The burning of the black child looks at the , the look has never been serious.

"It's really uncomfortable, this kind of thing! Mingming can't help me, don't put a full-hearted expression to stop me!" , "You do it at all Not! "

~ ▉ ▉ 's a moment, only one step is broken, then it is jumping a quick stop.

"Wait! Seniors!" Ye Mountain Xiao Tailang voice did not fall, and a black shadow flew to the air.

"Is your speed be a snail crawl?" The night is cold and cold, directly picking up the shooting basket from the air!

"What!" , "I actually forgot him!"

boom! After the landing of the night, there is no luck, but a long!

Basketball runs through the whole 1.2 stadium, accurately and unmusty to the fast Yuejun hand, Yuejun is relaxed in the three steps.

79 to 76!

Honesty speed attack is back!

"Can be evil!" wrinkled frown.

"Ah ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ "

After the red boss of the field, the basketball was in the hands of the basketball.

It is also a downturn of , the two shadows.

"Is it intentional? Want to defeat the so-called new fantasy sixth person?" The tail and sudden road on the stage.

"Ah!" The green Daolang next to him nodded. "The five sides of Luo Mountain will break through the black son, because there is another steel wall that he can't cross the steel!"

Chapter 483, shadow will not shine

~ ▉ ▉ , basketball from the right hand to the left hand, then brushing the black child in an instant!

"Break through!"

"Hey! Night live wind does not defend!" Everyone on the table was also surprised.

, no matter how many, see no one's defense, just directly bounce.

Snapped! Basketball wipes into the basket!

"Ni! What happened? Is it ..." Tong Huang Chiyu is a bit surprised.

"Honesty is deliberate to make !" Today, Ji Xiang slowly, "because Dai Qi is the weakest, so I don't want to have him at all."

"It turns out!" ,,, I have a good time! "

After the ball and shine, basketball has come to the hands of.

Still breaking through, .

The basket is rolling into a white wave, and it is a hollow network!

"Go again! What is going on the No. 31 of Luo Mountain, completely become the core of the Kooshan High School!" Qian Tianhao secondly confused.

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