The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 592 of the Chapter 592 of the Host System of Tennis Prince


Basketball is in the hands of the rush, and it is the next day, the second season is the second season.

"His bodies are touched back, it is a basket!"

Really lifted the basketball, and the body came up!

The day will also reach out and put it in front of the facts.

"Fake action? He didn't jump at all!" Sakurai was shocked. "In fact, it is a shot! The day is going to leave!"

In the heart of the earth, there is a bright light, Shen Xia, just want to jump, suddenly stopped!

Because the day, there is no jump at all, the feet are still on the ground!

"How is it, do you actually have a foreigner?"

"Really, your three shootings have almost no difference in jump money, but the position of the center of gravity is a bit different!" The day suddenly said, "Your center will move in the direction you really want to jump. In an instant, that is, when you just do the fake movements of the shooting basket, you move forward! "

"Well!" Night is nodded. It is also focused, so he is still very mingan! "

"Ah! Japan!"

On the day, I was escaped in the air to find a foul, then interfere with his shoot!

Snapped! Basketball is on the basket, pop up directly!

Failed! Really Lingjiang three-pointer!

"Oh oh!" The fire god and the root Wu Vali were also smashed in the basket, and the two were favorable positions in the rebound.

And the power of the roots of the roots of the roots, Yongji, clearly have an advantage!

"You don't fight!" A shadow directly jumped directly from the three-second area, put the rebound at the highest point!

! After the night is falling, there is a loud noise!

Basketball is in his hand, the night grows hard in the head of the two, grabs the rebound!

"The rebound is mine!" Night long-lasting angle slightly forth.

At the time, when everyone was attracted by the huge sound attracted by night long-standing basket, the day was so fast.

boom! It's another long, and the ball just is just the same!

Basketball is in the hands of the day, there is no one in front of the air, there is no doubt three points!


In less than a minute, honesty will pull the bonus advantage to two digits!

"Oh!" The day is shouting and shouting. He has a full competition, the misunderstanding of the referee, the defeat of the battlefield, all venting this moment.

What is a god?

Not a person who scores the most, but the more critical moments, it will be, with a big heart!

"Don't do it, the day is small DIDI!" I really want to slaughter you !! "

"I don't want it!" The day, I'm flattering, I'm looking for it, "I still have to call me small Didi or call my name! I am queue than you!"

Snapped! Night wind and the day, a smooth, laughing!

"It is necessary to have this feeling, on the court, no matter everything! Tianshi is going to give Laozi!" The blood in the wind in the wind has a trend.

Of course, the night length is still waiting for a truly outbreak opportunity.

"Ah ~ Ye Yushan Xiaotaro wiped the sweat on his face with a mile," I have never seen the Lingyang so angry, it seems to be terrible! However, more worry is ... "

Ye Mountain Xiaotaro turned his head and looked at the roots that had been in an astigma.

Renalu Valley Yongji almost lost rational, eyes red, "he Ma's! The boy is too arrogant! Deceive too much! Ox!"

······ Flowers ······

Snapped! Ye Mountain Xiao Taro kicked in the PI shares of Yongji, Genu Valley, "Cold and quiet, Arong!"

"Good pain!" Renalu Valley turned his head and turned angry, "Xiao Taro, what is your bastard?"

"It's too excited to be documented, how do you forget the redishi?" Ye Mountain Xiao Tailang slowly said, "Your temper is as irritated to me, so pay more attention, don't be used by the other party!"

"! I know! Shut up!" How did the anger in the Eye Vigital Yongji can't press it.

Snapped! Snapped!

"The words come back, how do you say anything, starting from the third quarter, the attack center is always in real, Yongji has three people in Takaro, this matter is also very strange!" The doubt of a face, "Even if the barefriend is the organizer, only responsible for the ball, but it is too negative with his usual attack!"

"I still say that this is also a tactic!" In the heart of the heart, the Redishi is a person who has a purpose every one step is.

"I still say that in front of this small child, even the decutation is only completely abandoned?"

..... [.. [..

In the face of the powerful momentum except for two meters, the redishi is a wrinkle, or the basketball is passed out.

The audience is still quiet, the night is only standing there, but it is not moving, but people have a cold feel from the bottom.

"What happened? When you have a guy, how is the guy of the night?" Guan Vigi was surprised.

"Don't say ..." Qingfeng Dahui on the stage was also eye-catching, looking at the night of the night.

Snapped! Basketball has come to the Ling Ling, and the two teams fight again!

In the eyes of the Ling, "the day" is smooth, this guy is very dangerous! He can respond to my three shooting, so I should use it even if he can see it. ! "

"But now I am fouled four times, I dare to go to the game at the beginning of the fourth quarter, that is, he may have already had any countermeasures for the void! I am directly three points or pass?" Ling Brain Medicine Medicine.

"No! I am a shooter, how can I get back! As a player of the king, how can I fail! Use the void to win!" The golden light in the earth.

"I must use the empty space, I must block it! It's hard to go here, how can I lose! I am the king of shooters!" The day is full of hearts.

It is a void!

"It turns out, I understand! The principle of that void!" The original ice room of the shooting was also seen in the void shooting. "The key is the depth before the jump!"

"When I jumped, I was more deep than usual, so when he jumped, after the defensive player knees completely straightened, his movements will have a moment of pause! At that moment, I released the power savings, and there was a lot of efforts to jump! "

"This is the true face of the void!" Ice room is also analyzed.

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