The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 596 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Changfeng!" The day is flat and Yuejun, and then rises a warm warmth.

The Redishi is slowly turned into the eyes of the night.

One red gold, two electric lights shot from the two eyes of the two, intended in the air.

The Mars of Mars shines in the air ...

495 chapter, blood is boiling

"Wow! Both people are so fast!" The emotions of the audience at the scene were also mobilized. "The" king card [] peaks finally started? "

No crown five tigers put the three people down, did not speak, "he no need us!"

At this time, the whistle of the referee sounded, "Hyeng high school request pause!"

On the table, Yangquan's coach is a nodded, "Honesty pause is very timely, the Miao head of Luo Shan high school!"

"But the game has been used here, it is not used!" Okuncun built a slowness, put his eyes on the night of the night, and the two people, "only the team's ace can determine the game. Winning, the property of the champion! "

Honesty is the seat.

"Yue, the day, the second day! Do you have two ankles?" Asked the night.

In fact, this long suspension is called the night's call. In order to check if the ankles of the two are injured, after all, the knees and ankles of the two have been greatly stressed.

It is very likely that this is tight -540-Zhang, the big mind under the brain will shield this thing, it is actually very dangerous, because when you are injured, it is very vigorous, it is likely to lead to unimaginable consequences.

"OK! There is no big problem!" Xi Tian Lizi checked a situation of two people and nodded against the night-lived style.

"Well! Very good!" The night grew is concentrated, and the golden electricity in the eyes is getting more and more prosperous. "Everyone! Don't pay attention to the guy, all hand it over!"

"Hey? Changfeng ... You just have been broken, okay?"

"Haha! How can I have something?" The night's wind suddenly laughed. "I am now excited now!"

"Oh! That's going to you, the long wind!" The day is full of water.

"Hey! How do you feel very relieved to your predecessor!"

"Ah! I am also pleased you, the long wind!" Yi Yuejun wiped the sweat of the head with towels!

"Hey! Even the seniors in Yue also!"

"I know, the wind! Others will give us!" The black child is also.

The expression of the fire, "Cut! No way, I can't keep up with his speed (DBBC), only give you! But one day I will defeat all you!"

"Yes, yes!" Night wind pinned his fingers, , "But, let me play a good game now! It's hard to find a opponent!"

The night-long stations stood up, eventing the body, the blood in the chest is also in the rumor!

"Hey! How everyone is very casual. The game is not a crucial moment, do you want to work together?" The first grade is anxious.

"What are you talking, a first grade! It's not all like this. As long as you have a chance to fight with the miracle, it will be like this. The key moments will be given to the triumph of the troke players!" The day is slightly smile.

"If we don't have a king card, we have no ace, it will be lost, but now we don't have to worry about who attack this problem!" The day stood up, and the right hand became a box. The chest.

"Our honesty has the long wind, it is unbeaten!"

Yi Yuejun, the fire god, and the black son also took the chest of the long wind, and then the second grade, the last year, everyone passed his strength to the chest of the night.

Just like Sun Wukong in Dragon Ball is gathered in the gathering, the night-catching wind feels that the blood in his chest is in the spring.

Snapped! Finally, it is the Xi Xiu Xi Xiu, gently hit the chest of the night!

"Changfeng, lead everyone to the top of the country! Win!"

boom! The night length wind is filled with blood, and the blood is automatically opened in the combustion mode, and the blood is still rushing in the chest, just like boiling.

"Hey! Users receive all members of all members of the whole high school basketball, double, blood is upgraded to blood in the boiling!" The system prompting for a long time did not hear in the night growth.

It's just a very exciting state, and it's just that you have a good statement. He just felt that your state was so surprised. The whole body was full of strength. The fatigue of the use of a god-level zone has disappeared, just like a freshman.

"Hey!" The night is long and the wind is long. The sound is blown throughout the venue. A person's snoring actually covered the noise of 10,000 spectators in the alley.

"Ni! What is the situation?" The audience at the scene stayed.

On the day, there is also a sense of consciousness, "Head boy, what you do so loudly!"

"Well? Night-long style guy wants to start?" Qingfeng Dahui on the stage picked his eyebrows, and others were a surprised expression.

Today, Ji Xiang is also shocked. "This is not the state of your day when you are in battle. From the far place, you can feel a burning sensation, it seems to be higher than last time. It is also stronger! What is this, the stronger state of ZONE? "

"No!" Qing Feng Dahui shook his head, "This should have no relationship with ZONE!"

"Well? What is the feeling of ZONE?"

"When entering zone, you will see a huge, then open it, you will find yourself in the water!" Qingfeng Daxi began to explain Zone's feelings, "The more concentrated spirit, the deeper is deep, all the way After sinking, it has entered a full ZONE state. At this time, you can play 100% strength! "

"But!" Qingfeng's big ghost pole turned.

"but what?"

"But in the bottom of the water, there seems to have a bigger door. When I semi-final, I have pushed it to a silk, and then I am full of strength!" Qingfeng's brilliant recall.

"That is, if you open the door at the time, can you defeat the night?" Today, Ji Xiang asked. "

"Who knows! Because I haven't opened the door yet, but I can determine that there must be the power of ZONE after the door!" Qingfeng Dahui cold.

"Do you mean that night long wind has now opened the door?" Today, Ji Xiang is confused.

"No! Night wind now gives me the feeling of it is already closed, but another power! A force we have never seen!" Qingfeng's brilliance burns the back of the night.

Chapter 496, you are dead!

Duduked a whistle, and the game started again.

117 to 131!

14 points of division, there is eight minutes!

That is to say, if the king's Rushan high school wants to defend, you must recover 15 minutes in this eight minutes!


Snapped! Snapped! The night's wind is slightly pouring the body, and the drum is over, and the honesty is spread directly.

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