The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 602 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Back to the field.

Boss's slow closing of his eyes, "No, I originally intended to let him defeat, then I have disappeared. But I feel like there is a brother, he is already completely disappeared, but it is really At this time, let him feel that I will feel some of them! "

"the most important is……"

Chiczi Qi Lang suddenly raised his head, "coach! Sorry! Can you let me go to play for a while?"

The Redishi is a slowly standing. The chest is actually a blood boiling. "I don't know if the opponent is the relationship between the night, I have an impulse that I want to play, I can't suppress the impulse. ! "

"I want to defeat the guy !!" "The other side of the Ten Lang directly looks back.

"In addition, the predecessors, ask me who is too hurtful!" Chi Ji Ziro actually showed a smile that he never had, "I certainly barely Qiro!"

At this moment, the real Redishi is awakened!

PS: 500 chapters, it is not easy!

501 chapter, all members of ZONE

Dai Qian is so stupid, and the boss is laughing at Qi Lang.

This is simply difficult than the night's dunk, it is difficult to believe!

"Boss ... Do you tell you how to play? Are you still a good expression?" Renalu Valley Yongji.

"No problem? Redshi!" The real thing is also quite worried about the status of the Redishi Qiro.

"About this matter, I am also very sorry, I am sorry!" Chi Si Ziro suddenly bowed.

Lushan High School is stunned, and a faithful expression.

"Redshi, actually apologize! Deceived!"

"Hey ~ Is it a dream?"

"what happened?"

The Redishi is slowly lifted, and the fire in the eyes is burning again, and it is grand than ever.

"I hope that you can help me once again, in order to defeat the honesty! Beat the night's wind!" The eyes of Qi Lang fluttering toward the honesty.

beep! Referee, a whistle, the game continues!

At this time, the score gap on the field is twenty-fold, and the remaining time is five-fifth seconds!

Honesty five tigers are also played in turn, and the night is still sitting on the court, picking out the white towels covering the head, and uncomfortably put the line of sight into the court.


Honesty everyone looked at the drib to bring a complete different breath.

"What's going on?" The day is shocked. "Although the second section is the kind of suffocating oppression and danger of danger disappeared, now the red boss is stronger than the gas field is more powerful?"

Basketball beats back and forth between the red boss of Shiro two [leg], , a tap!

The defensive redishi Qi Lang's Yi Yuejun is also forcibly turned to want to block the Red Sijun.

At this time, the redishi is a hand-on, the basketball has come to the left hand from the right hand, and the breakthrough!

pass! Redishi Ziro has hosted Yi Yuejun with skill.

And the burns suddenly appeared in front of him, reaching out of the right hand, want to break the basketball in the hands of the redishi.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, the black son!" Chi Sisheng suddenly turned slightly.

"Hey?" The blasphemy is shocked in the eyes of the eyes. "Is this feeling?"

bass! Redishi Qi Lang is another moment of change, basketball returns to the right hand from the left hand, followed by a flash-like pass.

Snapped! The three-point lines of the real-in-line also caught this nearly perfect pass.

"Ah!" The day was shocked. He went to the bag of the bidding of Qi Lang, ignoring the three-point line of the real ▉ Ling, who just made the Shigo's bad performance, let him forget the Bishi's passage.

Real ▉ ▉ ,,,, !

Three points! Hit!

A three-pointer that is simply destroyed!

"Finally scored, is Luoshan high school struggling?"

"At this time, I will be too late to get too late!" The audience on the stage did not look at Luoshan High School to pull the game back.

At this time, the night length of the seat is sitting straight up, gathers the eyes to the Redishi triple, he felt what change did not seem to change.

"Great three-pointer!" Chi Si Ziro said to the true Ling Ling.

Really linger, "" What is joke, the bare is actually boat? And the pass, from the position, time to the point of the ball, the rotation is perfect, but also specially passed the back The ball makes me a more comfortable! "

"I still received such a comfortable pass during the game, I can shoot it directly, this feels too beautiful MIAO!" I realized the shock of passage in the life of Lingjiang.

"Amount, just like it is like a dream, it is really inexplicably, I am hot now!" The role of the righteous righteousness slightly.

On the stage, the miracle of the generation is also a bit surprised.

"I always feel that the passage has seen it!" Huang Yu is too slow.

"That is what we don't know how many times they have taken!" The green is pushed on the eyeglasses on the nose.

"That is to say ..."

"Yes! That is the previous decision!"

"He is back!"


The black child is also in place, it seems that I have just remembered the ball just now.

"What is the situation, the black child, what are they talking about?"

"I can't determine how the Redshis Jun was forced to get into the desperation, but I can determine if the original Chijun is awake, it will be much better than before!"

"Oh?" The night is holding the chin, and the interest is hooked out again.

Court on the court.

Snapped! The counterattack after the Redishi is trisol, and the speed is like a blast.

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