The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 609

beep! The referee flew a whistle and handed the basketball to Yongji.

Renalu Valley is standing outside the world, raising basketball, interfere with him to pass on him.

The fire god made the last shore of the body and danced their hands and interfere with the Gundu Valley Yongji.

bass! bass! bass! The four people in the Los Mountain began to come four, and the different positions were different.

Sincerity is also a person who is guarding, and keeps the players who are guarded as much as possible.

The focus is the strongest relief of the three-pointers. The day is the life and death, and use the body to block him. The opportunity to connect the ball will not give him!

What didn't think of the people, the Chiczi Qi Lang suddenly accelerated, from the bottom line around a circle, and the night's long wind was interrupted by Yushan Xiaotaro and Qi Qianzhi, so that the redishi Qi Lang took it. Serve.

Luo Mountain High School scattered, put the site to the Redishi Qili!

Night live wind is forcibly squeezing from the clads of the two, and the center of gravity will stand in front of the Redishi.

The last moment, the trump!

Everyone in the scene is excited to stand up, and the redishi is a long wind!

Snapped! Snapped! Redishi Qi Lo looked up at the timer's second, he didn't want to leave any chances of any counterattack!

It is necessary to take the time to the last minute to choose a shot.

But let the Redishi Qi Lang did not think that the atmosphere of the night, the breath, the oppression is like a powerful ten times!

Boss's trisol has become difficult, and the eyes of Chi Si Ziri Ten Di have seen his three-pointer jumped by night long wind. The scene is directly taking the ball.

"Defensive! Defense!" Chengzhi's screams called!

The redishfriens took a cold sweat on the forehead, and he recalled him for more than ten years of basketball career. He remembered himself as a big weapon with the ball.

Not shooting, but passing!

Almost everyone in Honesty High School is fluttering, and the three-point line is a bloody battlefield.

The honest network is a relatively weak place!

Snapped! Redishi Qiao actually sent basketball to the next, it is the earth!

Basketball wear the past, after the right wind and right, after the land, fell to the hand of the root Wu Vali!

"Block him! Vulcan !!" Honest is very embarrassed.

Renalu Valley Yongji and the fire god, I also jumped at the same time, Renalu Valley Yongji raised the basketball in his hand.

"Ah!" Root Wu Vali Yongji full body muscles rose red, the whole person hits the air of the air, "Your power is too weak, do you think you can fight with me?"

Snapped! Renalu Valley is always guilty, basketball playing basket!

159 to 159! Two teams!

"Hey!" After the root Wu Vali, he was so angry, and he was so angry, like a orangutan, he kept hitting his chest.

Lushan High School is also excited to be mad, and the bishlet is waving in the fist!

beep! At this time, Xiang Tian Lifa called a pause, and the last short stop of the honesty high school.

The game is only one second!

"How does the overtime?" The green Taolang on the stage pushed the glasses on the rigid, "it is really unexpected, the game will actually behand!"

"Ah! For a second, time is not enough, even if the night grows to strictly guard against the death of the dead, it is too difficult!" Huang Yu is too nod to nod.

Honesty, everyone is some discouraged!

Only a very excited one is very excited, "Isn't this the moment I am waiting?"

"Give me the ball!" Xiang Tian Lizi just arranged tactics, and the night's wind said four words, and said that these four words were unparalleled!

"Well!" Xiang Tian Li Zi suddenly nodded, and sincerity is also neither.

This is the moment, it is only a night that is too windy!

Luo Mountain high school replacement.

······ Flowers ······

Datsuki Ziro calm down, although the ball just scams the night, but in fact, he passed the moment, as a trump, he has lost.

But for victory, the Redishi Qi Lang has already throwing everything behind the brain.

"Be sure to prevent the night growing! Don't worry too much, it will be him!" Chi Sisheng Ziro cooled.

For the last second, the Redshi Qi Lang put all the bets in the night length, because he knew that the night's people would not give up this opportunity to end the game!

Honesty, no one can score the inner line of Luohan high school in a second.

Achiefs took out the tactical board, and painted the night's most likely to break through the night.

He knew that the place where the night longevity is his three-pointers, so the probability of a three-point ball shot basket is small.

The most important thing is to defend the fall after breakthrough after breakthrough.

Everyone in Luohan High School saw that kind of shooting, the same as the amorphous basket of Qingfeng, almost unable to cover.

Only outside the night length shifting outside the three-point line, try not to give him a chance to catch the ball!

"Take it! Still down the night!" The Redshi leased ten launches, and the hand of Luo Mountain high school five tigers came together. The blood in their chest was also stirring.

Nothing is more bloody than in the final time in the national competition!

beep! The referee whistle sounded and finally arrived at the last moment of regular time.

Is it killing? Or add time?

..... [.....

507 chapter, we are championship

Time is fixed in this eternal moment!

Boiling full-lasting cheers shocks throughout the big alley is shaking.

In addition to the night's wind, everyone is in place, the expression is a surprise, and the second school basketball part is the same.

Most people have already taken the preparation of the overtime game, but the night's live wind has suddenly died in the high school in Luo Mountain.

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