The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 614 of the Chapter 614 of Wangzhao of Tennis Prince

puff! This time, this time I can't help it. There seems to have liquid in the nose. "I didn't wear it !!"

Xiang Tian Li Zi is awkwardly looking at the green bulls on the forehead. It seems that "the long wind yours, even your sisters don't let go, it is Qin Beast!"

Night-length wind is extremely innocent expression, "Scorpio!"

"By the way, the small wind and we are all sleeping!" Bai Mu also added a knife by Ji.

boom! The entire person burned by the entire person, full of anger, "actually played double fei? To the old lady!"

The peaks of the peaks kicked the night long wind on the wall.

The night is crying, "Sure enough, it is a compulsory row, or will be upgraded!"

Between, the night's live wind seems to hear the sound of the superhen system, "Haha! Live!"

"Your sister! You are a pitted system !!" "The night is growing in the heart.

Just as the Rouli Hell is still upgraded, the night long wind is finally flashing.

"It's already noon, I will do it! It's hard to come to our house. I must have a good job!" The night grew well.

"No! Small wind, recently playing so hard, or I am from Hiyou!" Bai is laughing from Ji.

This kind of smile makes the night long wind, finished!

"Well! My cuisine is also going, I also come to help!" Xiang Tian Li was also following the kitchen by the two people from Ji Ma.

"Nima! What is this unfold! I finished, I actually let the three strongest three people in the dark food together gathered!" Night winds up the stone hit his own feet.

After a slap in the kitchen, the three women's face was black and black, and the hair was also alive, and it was very funny.

It's hard to hold back at night.

Soon, he can't laugh, because the five dishes in front have been on the table. (DBBC)

Two dishes are doing the Latin, and the other three is completed by Ji and Houyou.

clang! When the three women open the plate of the plate, the night is also drunk.

The glowing god-level cuisine with the night long wind is simply extremely opposite extremes, these five dishes, each of which is exuded with a monster purple light.

And there is a common feature, that is, black!

It's nothing to see at all, even if you don't have any ingredients of these cuisine.

Because the taste of their exudation is too ... it is surprised.

"Ok, what is this? This is a poison, or the world's strongest poison, maybe the super-god system is not living!" The night is full of sweat.

"Come! Small wind, to taste this high-grade steak that I am from Hiyou!" Cypress cuts a piece of black unknown object from a circle, and then extended to the night long.

"Hey! Zhang mouth!" Cypress said by Ji Guan soft.

"Changfeng! Also come to eat the octopus of my ancestors and burn!" Xiang Tian Lizi also smiled and put a octopus with chopsticks.

The night-catching looks at the two unknown black objects in front of the eyes, and it is also a strange breath. It is simply crying.

Just now, it is only a way to repair the Hell, now is a super hell!

Snapped! When the night's wind has not reacted, heyroy directly pushed a black soup directly in the mouth of the night.

It's still laughing, "The little wind, this is the special turtle soup for you, it makes it good! Recently you have worked hard, you must make your strength!"

"What is!" Night wind only felt your own throat, the flavor is more difficult than the juice of dry chastity, it makes it unbearable.

The night long style is going to spit out, but it hasn't waited for him to spit it.

Two women next to it, once in the previous one, they also joined their dishes in the mouth of the night.

The three top dark dishes are also in the mouth of the river in the night, and the taste is not enough!

The night-long wind, the face has risen into green, and the quality of the night-catching body doesn't have to say more. Even if it is a night, this physical quality is, it is directly in the table, mouth Take the white, do not wake up the personnel in an instant.



"What's wrong with you!" "Triple 'naivant no evil" is still asking why?

Have to say, the night length of the wind is a hordic kitchen owner, but it has made a huge contribution to the dark cuisine.

The Dark Cuisine This area [Peak] has not been divided into the victory, because the one who sacrifice his own priest is already fainted!

PS: Thank you for your reward, thawing thank you! Next, there is a more classic match, please look forward!

511 chapter, Muji Iron

Next day.

The night length is grown, and the belly is still in the sea, and it is hard to force the impulse that I want to vomit.

Nothing to have a lot of ginseng soup with a lot of physical strength in his body.

This ginseng soup is not a million product, but the soup in the night-catching life menu is a very expensive cost.

It is also to spend a job with the kitchen of the night long style.

However, the good night is made up, I drink it yourself, my body is much easier.

The whole person rejuvenated brilliance, of course, the best state is far away.

Night-hard wind this ultimate cuisine ginseng soup original property is able to restore human health in an instant, that is, if there is any big illness, it can save it.

But now the night's live wind is just a physical strength to recover about half, it can be seen that the three dark cuisine of the night long-term eating yesterday is more poisonous.

I have only eaten three cooking, if you have finished eating, if you have finished eating, the night grows is not at home, but lying in the hospital is washed.

"Well? Hemou sister and is not at home by the commemons." Night lives looked at it at home, nor did you know how the last three people returned.

"It may also be reached what treaties are also said!" The night is far from the bottom of the Barta, the more I want to don't look at it.

"Forget it! I am bored! Whether it is!" Night wind rolls ignored, "Go to practice the ball!"

Honesty High School Basketball Hall.

After yesterday, the Sincerity High School Basketball is also very lively today. The two places are people who are watching the ball. There are also venues to surround people, and there are many cute Meng sisters to watch the practice of basketball. .

Of course, there are still many of them who have not seen the night long since yesterday, and they even set up a community of night-long wind guards.

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