The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 617

"Ah!" Everyone turned back.

"Okay! Start practice!" The people at the door.

Since the first grade, everyone stays, a face, "Who?"

"Hey! I haven't seen Muji for a long time!" Yuejun smiled.

"Oh!" The coming is a wooden joy!

"Hello ~ Why do you wear a match of jerseys!" The day, smooth, "We have already changed the jersey!"

"Is it? It's too sad! Because I haven't exercised the relationship, I am now quite excitement!" Mujikiped.

"Oh! Is it coming?" Looking at Muji, looked at Muji.

Chapter 513, Muji

"Hello everyone! Because of some reasons, we started hospitalization since last summer, plus surgery and rehabilitation, one rest now! My name is Muji, the body is 193 cm, the weight is 81 kg, the division center! Please advise!" Muji, Muji, said to everyone in the first grade.

"Wow! It's a high! This person is the founder of the Chengyou Basketball!" The first grade of everyone whispered.

"Tieping! There is no problem with the physical condition!" Xiang Tian Li was asked.

Muji iron is a little bit, "Well! No problem! It has been completely recovered! Although the technology is still somewhat ray, everyone will get the champion, I am not idle!"

"Oh, oh! Muji, what new skills do you learn?" Yuejun looks forward.

"That is to play chess !!" Muji Tie Ping solemnly, "said the old man with the ward, I found that I have amazing talents in this area!"

Honestly people instantly petrified!

"So !! What is the relationship with basketball!" The second grade unable to vomit.

"Oh! It is a kind of play! I am also very powerful, do you want to take a look!" The night is walking.

"Hey! Long wind, how do you also ..."

beep! Xiang Tian Lizi 31 blows whistle, "What is to do, group fight against training!"

"Yes!" Honestly greeted him.

After the warm-up training, the honesty high school basketball began to group training, or the first-year group of the usual and the second grade group.

The first-year group has more than night long winds, and the second grade group has more wood!


Snapped! Snapped! The night is free to follow the basketball, and the body sinks slightly.

Defense his day is very nervous, the day, knowing to defensive night, the guy, as long as there is more than half of the best, it will be turned off.

Snapped! Night long-faced mouth is slightly tight, put the basketball forward!

"Does the fake action?" The day, the day has been in the randings. After night long-term winds, I have used this trick countless times, and the ball turned and turned back to the return.

bass! The day will smooth into the opposite direction.

boom! Let the day, no thinking, the night grows directly to reverse the body, brushing directly from him.

~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉

Basketball is taken back to the left, and the two residues show it!

"Nani!" Xiao Jinjing and Yuejun were shocked. After the two people got a step, when they came back, they could only see the back of the night.

At this time, only the wooden jealousy is one person in front of the night. Night live winds directly in the three seconds!

"Drink!" Muji iron is a big drink, high jumping, 19 ▉ heights with a long arm exhibition, just like a wall in front of the night.

scold! In the eyes of the night, it flashed a golden light, and the whole person was extremely exaggerated under the eyes of Honestly. Then the body was a twisted in the air. Free up one will be thrown!

"Is this not a unsettled basket of Qingfeng?" The day was shocked.

"What!" Muji is also a big shock, his eyes simply can't keep up with night.

Snapped! The basketball played on the rebound and bounced into the basket.

It has been taken behind the three people to turn back to the basket on the basket!

! After landing, the night length shook his head, not very satisfied with his current state, and did not play all levels after strength growth.

The control of the body is not as good as the original.

However, for the reaction of Muji iron, the body is still quite satisfactory, I feel that the root Wu Vali, the roots in the high school in the high school, will be strong.

"Sliced ​​~ ▉▉

"Haha, the exercise tour is still so serious, it is a long wind!" Yuejun smiled and looked at Muji, "How, Mu Ji! Our sincerity now is compared to your forefoot level ? "

Muji-Tie is a lot to say, "It is more powerful than seeing on the video! It is not a grade, and the oppression is too amazing!"

The day is also a smile. "Today, this guy has today, but today's long wind seems to be strong than before, the speed is faster! Is it a illusion?"

beep! "The game is suspended! Resting for ten minutes!" After a whistle, Xiang Tian Li was announced.

"Yes!" Honesty gathered.

"Changfeng, do you have time?" Muji iron suddenly asked.

"Ah! Mu Ji Scholar, what do you have?" When the night greetings turned.

"Although I really want to go to the game, I just reached it, and I immediately got the game is unfair. So, do you want to come to a game, I heard that your center technology is also good!" Muji Iron flat suddenly passed.

"Oh?" The night is laughing. "It is a man who created the Chengye basketball. After reading my strength, I dare to ask me and I will tell me! Since the seniors are talking, I will naturally I am happy! "


"But what?"

"If the senior is not too faceless, it is not too faceless!" Night is long.

"This little child ..." Muji Tie Pingyi Yuling, "Sure enough, the day is as mad!"

"Hey? Wood 573 Ji, have you just returned, really want to play with the long wind?" Yuejun is a bit worried, "the strength of the long wind is very high!"

"It's okay!" Mu Ji Tie Lao, "I am ready!"

On the day, I will put a hand, "Yue! Don't worry about the two guys! Muji is not changed, seeing the master to challenge, and a basketball idiot, you persuaded!"

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