The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Chao Shi Chapter 620

Call ~ ▉! Muji iron is kept, and the sweat of the forehead is like a faucet that opens the gate, and does not want money to flow.

"This little child is stronger than the imagination!" Muji Tieping stood outside the three-point line, raising basketball suddenly playing.

"Three-pointer!" Honest is shocked.

Night live wind is also surprised. He did not expect Muji, the woods will actually choose to directly projection three-pointers.

"Don't he have a three-point kung fu?" Night long wind turned his head, and his eyes gathered to the air basketball.

Snapped! The basketball wiped the basket, fell directly, and the box did not touch it directly.

"Ah ~ ▉ ▉

"Less mining! I didn't see you voted three points, Muji!" The day is full of ruthless strikes.

"Haha! Is it discovered?" Muji iron laughed, just in his plan, he found that he found it without breakthrough.

Speed, strength does not dominate, even the center technology is not as good as the opponent, it is not to play.

Snapped! Snapped! Attack and defensive, the night grows is a continuous knew!

"To the left or right!" Muji iron is dead, staring at the eyes of the night, wants to see the ghost of the night.

But what he didn't expect is that the night cost is directly jumped out of three points, and then the whole person directly moves back!

After three-point line, shoot!

When Muji is coming back, the basketball has fly over his head.

~ ▉


The night-long wind does not gain a honesty high school forefoot, and there is no one in the wood, one of the woods.

"Too fierce! Three-pointers are actually so strong!" Chengyu first grade is amazed.

"Cut ~ ▉ !" The fire is also flashing in the eyes, just let him recall the battle for a few months and night.

Such a long time passed, the fire god felt that he did not pull closer from the distance between the two people, but more farther!


"Call! It's really hurting! Senior is actually stronger than the seniors!" Muji iron is actually a smile in his mouth, "It's been lost! It seems to be restored to the previous state.

Laughing at night, I will throw basketball back to Muji, "I have been waiting for you for a long time! Honesty needs your strength!"

Honesty people have been surrounded by a circle, and the night cost is in the middle.

"What is our goal?" Asked at night.

"Lian Dynasty! Lian Dynasty! LING!" Honestly rushed.

"Yes! What do we have to live?" The night is asked again.

"Amount ... Try to practice!", "Increase the amount of training!", "Strengthen defense!"

"No!" The night grew the wind and shook his fingers, and faint: "Well, the champion of the winter cup is good!"

Muji-Ti is pleased to look at the honesty, and the night's wind has fully integrated the high school into a group, with this strongest confident and powerful king team!


After a day of training, Honesty is tired, after the high-intensity summer league.

Xiang Tian Lilai did not relax, and the people have set various training programs after the night's extension, which is mainly for the issues exposed in the Summer League.

Before the training is relatively competition, it is even more big, and it is unbearable, especially the first-year freshman is so hard.

There are still many honesty high school to win the championship, and the new ministers who come here have been scared by the oversized training.

Of course, there is some, and progress is also great.

"Collection!" Xiang Tian Li Zi called Cheng Yi people together, "Today, everyone's training is hard! Take a break early at night, will be trained tomorrow morning, have you heard it?"

"Yes!" "Honest is weak.

"OK! Explorate!"

"Ah! It's so tired! Go back and write homework!"

"Right, don't come to my home to play games tonight, I bought a game?"

"Can't, it's too tired! I just want to go home to sleep!" Honest is all left.

~ ▉ ~ ▉, a shadow is still on the court, he is a basket next to him, with more than 10 basketball.

It is a night-catching style and a person on the court.

This habit started from him to the first day of his neighborhood, until today, he did not vote six hundred three-year-old ball after training, he did not comfort it.

At the beginning, the night's three-pointers of the ball were very bleak, and they were basically 9 o'clock every day.

Now the hit rate of the night's hard work is already eight or nine, usually two hundred three-pointers can be investive in two hours.

"Hey? Changfeng, still training?" Muji Tie's doubtful turned to question the day, "He doesn't go home?"

"Don't worry about this training!" The day replied, "Let's go back first! This kid will not practice to yourself every day!"

After the day, I walked to the dressing room and ready to change clothes.

"Oh! Wait, I, Japan!" Mu Ji Chaping also chased it.

Go home on the way.

On the day, I bought a jar of drinks in front of the vending machine and handed it to Muji, "Take it!"


"Celebrate the discharge!"

"Thank you!" Muji laughs laugh.

"It's very shocked, Muji!" The day suddenly said.


"The strength of the boy is!" The day, it pushed the glasses on the rhinar, "Even if you are in full state, you are not the opponent of the long!"

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