The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 639

And his Sen Mountain has just passed by Xiaoyu, and there is no one in front of the sky.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉

90 to 73!

Honesty and pull the score!

"Be evil!" Sen Mountain shot his legs with filial piety!

"You are too small to look at a champion!" The day pushed the glasses on the rhinar, "I won't be able to make any failure for the top peak!"

"Just because we are championship!"

533 chapter, ultimate

The situation in the field is changing!

After a single-handed one-handed overhead after the night, he has resumed the overwhelming momentum of the king's champion!

Vincers in Haimeung High School gradually becomes a little inception.

Snapped! After the night is always holding the ball again, it is also the double bag of the sea and the middle village!

bass! This time, the night and the right foot is standing, one step is to start, the early rivers fill the ocean and the villages are still not in a hurry to form a hero, they are directly flooded from the middle of the two people!

The speed of the night is too fast!

"Okay!" When the morning is filled, the night-long wind has killed the inner line of the sea constant.

Snapped! The right hand puts the basketball, crossing the small way to the Little Hao Zhi, and the basketball is in the basket where the basket is unmanned.

"NicePass!" Muji Tie Ping directly jumped directly, the next shot shot, two points into the ball]

94 to 73!

Honesty and the advantage of the score is twenty or more!

And this assists is already the tenth assists in the night-cost game, the number of assists is already double!

In fact, this game, the night length is rarely single after Huang Yu cold, and it is basically in a auxiliary role.

If you really don't work, the two people in the sea are not possible to get it!

"Good ball! Perfect cooperation!" Xiao Jinjing called.

At this time, Xiang Tian Lif saw the watch, blowing the whistle of the end of the third game.

Honest High School has a huge advantage of twenty-one points into the fourth game!

After two minutes, the fourth game started.

Because of the relationship between Hypopa High School, the physical consumption is actually quite huge because of the defensive relationship. After all, they defense is the strongest honesty high school in all schools in the country.

Its huge pressure is terrible than any one team.

In the case of increasing physical consumption, the offensive of Hai Changzhong also had problems, and the hit rate began to decline.

But they still bite the teeth, directly and honest high school killing, it is completely hard, even if it can't make it, it is necessary to make a regulations!

Put the basketball as a explosive bag directly to the shoulders, at all, consider what injured and injured.

Sincerely, this side is in addition to the night growing. The physical consumption of others is also huge, like this inner line, sometimes it is already the scope of the skill.

It is the contest of physical strength and will, at least they have not allowed the advantage of honesty to further expand, and is always the gap between the two.

But still the old saying, over time, the time left to the Hai Changzhong is less and less.

In addition, Huang Hai is too biting to teeth, "support, seniors, please!"

"The predecessors in the early morning, Sen Mountain, the senior, the seniors in Zhongcun, there are captains! The national contest is because I am, the sea is eliminated!" Huang Yu is too low.

"Huang Wei! What are you talking about, you are a fate of the sea! The king's mission is to lead the team to win, and the responsibility of the loser is the captain's business!" The sea constant fat trainer suddenly said, "as long as one go It is good before! I think this is what is Shu Song wants! "

"Coach! I ..."


Jan Song fortune is a forgottening three-point ball, throwing basketball into the basket in the last second of offensive time.


Hypophaxy high school will pull back six points!

Yushusi's fortunately, it is like being sweatted by sweat, and the station is unstable, or put the ball in it!

Just because he is the captain of the sea, he is still waiting for the return of the ace!

In the competition, I have to end six minutes, the score gap is 15 points, and the Huality High School is already in a desperate situation!

Huang Yu is too cold, and he can't stand it. He took off his jacket!

"Huang Wei and so on, it's too early!" Huang Changcheng called Huang Yu cold.

"No! I have to go to the field!"

"There is still six minutes, with your current body state, you can insist on four minutes of high-intensity competition, otherwise, there will be serious injuries, and even affect the basketball career!" Hypopular coach advised.

"The work of the trick is to lead the team to win, right? If I don't play this point, I don't play, what is the trump! Please let me play, if I don't go, I will absolutely regret it! Because I love Hypothesis! "Huang Yu is too bright in the eyes.

"Call ~ ▉ ▉ , shake the head," I know, but once you find any dangerous situation, I will change you right away! "

"Learn!" Huang Han is todped too much.

~ ▉ ▉ I apply for people, Huang Hao is too playing again, and the honesty is also changed, and Yuejun is replaced!

In the last six minutes, it is also very likely that the highest [tide] of this exercise competition!

"It's already this gap, time is not enough!" Xiao Jinjing doubtfully, "Why is the Huang Yu cold that is already injured in Hairta High School?"

"And just a training game, is it necessary to be so desperate?" The first year is also attached.


Huang Yu is too big, the game, and there is a golden, and the expression is unprecedented.

"Well? I finally gone! Huang Wei!" The night is laughing, "Can you stick to a few minutes this time?"

Huang Han is too ordered to have 630 will have a challenge of the night, directly rubbing, and there is a fan of gold!

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