The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 642 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

If you change the Qirry, you may have satially on the ground, you are shaking dizziness!

"The strength of the long wind is absolutely greatly greater!" When the day, he saw this ball, it was also very surprised. Because he didn't see electricity from the eyes of the night, it was still a darkness of the dark, that is Said that the night and long style Zone mode is not open.

In order to simply, this is not 100% of the night wind!

"Don't worry! Counterattack!" As the captain's sancto, he is a cold voice. Although he is also surprised by the night, it is shunning, but now it is not lamented, it is the most important high school. Things to do.

The competition arrived in this copy, told them to give up, it is impossible!

Snapped! After the basketball passed half a game, there was no doubt that Huang Yu is too cold!

Huang Haiwei can take out golden flames, and now he is in the game, and there is only a night-catching basket in front of him. There is no longer exist in other things!

Night windrooms with him, there is no personal defense, saying that he is more likely to know what to do too much.

Snapped! What is disappointed with the night is that Huang Yu is too actually swearing out, a back to the ball!

Basketball is from the three-point line, there is a far-sanctuary, and the shan is lucky to take the ball after the ball!

"What! In that place!" A defensive day to stay, he thought that Dang Song's fortunate man should reorganize attack, but I didn't think that Master's luck is actually a shooting of such a long distance!

Time is not enough, it seems that it is necessary to fight a shot, gambling three points!

~ ▉ ▉ ,,, basketball hollow network!

The three-pointer of life!

97 to 109! Twelve difference gaps, there are still three minutes!

"It's evil! It was put!" The day will open.

Huang Hai is too much to assisten to two consecutive assists. The pressure gave him to him is too big, so that he has to choose a way to pass the ball, because once his attack failed, it is a honest fast attack counterattack. .

With the state of the night, the sea constant is unable to stop!

"How? Huang Wei, are you afraid?" Night long winds.

Huang Hao is too back, there is no ignorance of the night, only one thought in his heart is winning!

No matter what kind of way, even if you are abused, he only wants this game that will win in Hihang Zhongzhong!

Night wind feeled that Huang Hanliang is too strong, "If so, I will accompany it!"

"Ball!" Night live wind reached out directly!

On the day, I nodded, and I passed the basketball to the night's wind, "I gave you, the long wind!"

Overseas seas often and honesty are very nervous, and in the eyes of Hui Chang people ignited the fire, they saw the hope of turning over!

The sea is not called a pause or changed to Huang Yu cold, because he knows that this exercise is very significant for the Huality High School.

No one can stop the five people from the sea, except for their opponents - honesty!


Night long wind belt the ball is like a veraint to sweep in the sea constant high school three points, defending him or Huang Wei is too cold, but only Huang Yu is too cool!

In addition to the three-point line, the night-catching wind began to shake the shoulders, and Huang Yu's heart is sinking to the limit!

This ball must also block the night!

Under the continuous knee, basketball beats with a speed between the two [leg] between the night, and even hear the sound of the air and basketball Mo!

Suddenly, the night length is directly jumped, and the basketball is raised!

Huang Yu is too native to jump, and wants to interfere with night long wind.

But let him not think that the body of the night is back, and then it is crucial three-pointer in front of him.

Everyone's eyes are gathered above the air rolling basketball.

Snapped! Basketball is in the inner edge of the basket, moving into the basket!

The superior of the night is three-point play!

112 to 97! This three-pool is like a heart of the Hihuang high school!

Too much to live this ball!

Snapped! Lightly dropped the night-long wind, erect the index finger and the middle finger to make a pistol shape before the mouth blows, it seems to be a pistol who has just fired a bullet.

"Kao!" Even the next day, he couldn't help but spit a sentence. "Changfeng, this kid is too powerful!"

If there is a camera, this classic lens will spread throughout the Internet, but unfortunately this wasteland is only surprised to everyone!

Suddenly, when the night length is still in 13, Huang Hao cools too beginning to open the horse to run!

"Not good!" The day is shocked, and Huang Hao is too much from him!

"Calious, Huang Wei!" Yu Song fortunately, put basketball from the bottom line!

boom! The basketball runs through the entire stadium to the front field.

At this time, there is only a black child in front of him. Huang Han is too much to think that it is three-point line outside, completely ignorant the black child before, and shoots basketball!

! Basketball hollow network!

100 to 112! Huang Yu is too answerball, just three seconds!

The demonstration between the ace is still going, the time is only two minutes left, but it has not given up yet!

536 chapter, it was angered


On the day, the serve of Shunping is directly broken by the Sen Mountain!

"It's steal!" Hui Changzhong called.

"Too obvious, day!" Sen Mountain is turned behind by filial piety. "If you pass it to the troke, you have to be careful!"

Snapped! In the face of anti-fall, Sen Mountain is passed by filial piety to Huang Hao near the penalty line!

Huang Yu is too cold to do any adjustment. In the face of the night-long windy wind, this time is directly jumping!

"What?" Night wind is also surprised, Huang Hao is too big to put the left hand, the movement of the right hand, and the pose of the black child shooting is exactly the same!

! Huang Hao cools too many instantly, put the basketball out, basketball into a golden light straight, and disappeared before the five-finger off the night!

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