The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 654 of the Chapter 654 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"You are still so serious, Muji! It's a disgusting! How much of your so-called champion, you can know in the afternoon!" The Father House has a smile, stand up, "But you have to be careful A little bit! "

"What do you mean?" Muji iron pan her head wrinkled into a Sichuan word.

The flower house really did not answer, turned away, "Yes, Muji ... What should your hurt? I am very worried!"

"You!" Muji Tie's head drops down, and his thoughts fell a year ago.

A year ago, the National Competition Tokyo District Qualifies.

······ Flowers ······

Although Honesty High School is a year of construction, but because Muji Iron Flat Technology and the day, the outer line of Shuping, the honesty and high school strength of dual-core tactics.

All the way is a big score, and the last game before the qualifiers, the high school high in the war, and the Huashan at that time was the captain at high school high school.

At the beginning of the game, the strength of the day and Muji is completely played, and the inside and outside is perfect, all the way.

In the last three minutes of the game, it is still very popular, and it is basically determined that the final selection is coming.

"What is it, it seems that there is no play!" The Fair Palace is really dead to stare at Muji Iron Pacific, the eyes are cold, "Let you go to the final circle is too cheap, you have to pay Let's take a price! "

...... [..... [..


Xiao Jinjing's three-point ball shot basket is not in, the wooden scorpion and the midfunction of the other side jumps at the same time.

The flower palace is hidden to make a gesture against the center of this part.

The airmarks grabbed the basketball one, and instantly dropped.

The truth of the flower house suddenly became up, the expression is exaggerated, and it is a thoughts, "Ah ~ ▉ is unfortunate!"

"Well?" The day is flat.

! The basket has passed a crisp bone break!

The center of the tip rate is actually extremely hidden in Muji, I have just stepped on the foot of Muji, and the movement is skilled. It is not the first time.

"Goodball, Muji!" Yuejun has not seen this little action, and the referee has not blocked his sight.

Dang! Muji is straight over the floor, biting his teeth, a painful shout.



"Tieping!" Honestly gave all around and his face was nervous.

"Al? What happened, are you okay?" The Father House is so laughing.

"Your guy is your head, I have seen it just now !!" "The day, the day, furious, the flower collar is raised."

"Hey ~ ▉ ~ You don't smear good people, if you really take evidence!" The Father House is really a good expression.

On the day, there is a pool of the eyes, and the whole person is filled with anger!

547 chapter, old past

"Japan to stay!" Huiji, the wooden rigid of the stretcher, and the face is strong, "no problem, I am not hindered, I will come back!"

"Muji!" The day, the day, I put down the flower palace, and ran to the front of Muji Iron.

"You said, he said so herself!" The Father House is righteous, and the expression of a "brother is dead."

"Can be evil!" The day, the next double punches, turned to the honesty, "absolutely won!"

"Hey!" Honesty is also in the same way, and there are fewer faces with anger.

As a result, Muji, the last did not come back. After replacing the water house, Honesty High School relied on the previous advantages, and entered the finals of the qualifiers.

On the day, I will breathe, "Win, but ..."

"Cut ~ I can't do it! You are not hurt. It is so good, four eyes!" The Father Palace is in the eyes of the cold, turning back slowly.

"What do you say!" The day is overlapping.

Yi Yuejun took him in time, "Fast Shou! Don't take him, you still have to watch Muji!"

Tokyo Comprehensive Hospital.

Honesty people came to the wooden ward, and Muji is sitting on the bed.

"Oh, everyone is coming, how is the game?" Muji and I asked.


"Too good, so everyone can ..." Mu Ji Tie Pei has been interrupted by the day.

"Okay, Muji! How is your injury?" The day is concerned about peace.

Muji iron is a dark, low, "Sorry, this ..."

"There is nothing serious, the doctor said that it is just a slight strain!" Muji laughed and made a look of a joke.

"What is, scare us! It has been hospitalized, I thought it was very serious!" Yuejun Tong.

"I only stay in a day, I can be good before the finals of the finals, I am so embarrassed to make such a big move!" The day will explain.

After listening to the people, he was relieved, only the day, the clearing, the fourth is not just a slight strain.

"Then we are gone!" Honestly bid a farewell to leave.

Only the day left, and throw it to the wooden jar of Muji, the day is sitting next to the next bed, "I am really!" Why do you want hard? "

"Daily ..."

"I have seen the action, how can it be just a general strain!" The day is just a way.

"No! Don't worry, I will recover next week!" Muji iron is relaxed.

"Don't be a joke, don't you think that I am a fool?" The day replied.

Call ~ ▉ ,,, , I want to go back to the court to spend a year! "

"Anyway, I will stop you, you will choose back to the stadium!" The day will soon understand the character of Mu Ji, how can he give up so, inevitably choose a year after a year.

"Ah! However, I really want to be born with you for three years!" Mujiki is slowly moving out of the window. "If you forced back, you will not be injured, you can only make a year. In the end, it is still going to play together next year! "

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