The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 667

"Well, I can understand the mood of the black child!" Muji Tieping suddenly said. "After all, the real winter cup will start now!"

"Real Winter Cup?"

"Ah! This year's summer league is unprecedented, all the genius of Danguang Middle School gathered to the stage of the national contest. But this time the winter cup can really make people surprised, the Emperor Middle School resurrected High school, the five genius of the world of miracles! "Muji iron is slow.

"Yes! According to I said, Luo Mountain High School's non-crown five tigers will also transfer to the high school of Di Guang!" Xiang Tian Lizi attached.

"The high school of Dang Guang is strong! There is also a partner for Kids, in the face of the partners who have created a miracle! As a sixth person in the midth of Dioguang, I am afraid he is also a complicated!" Muji Iron flat.

"Well!" Honestly nodded.

559 chapter, hot springs

Street ball outside the basketball hall.

Snapped! Snapped! Black Scientific is also a person practicing basketball on this stall with a dimrange light.

"Hey ~ ▉, what happened, everyone has returned! Is it not enough today?" The night grew up and appeared on the court.

Snapped! On the court, the black son was shocked by the night, shot, and the basketball fell to the foot of the night.

"Amount, it is a wind!" The black is turned, "I was shocked!"

The three black lines on the evening of the night, "I am always scared by the ghost, it is good!"

Pick up the basketball on the ground, the night grows back the basketball back to the black son, "I am so excited today!"

Snapped! The black child has a basketball, "Sorry, it is really quiet!"

"Oh, is it because of the reunion of the high school?" The night is laughing.

"Ah!" The black child looked at the basketball in his hand. "

Snapped! The night long-winding reached out the basketball in the hands of the black son, "I think too much! I am now excited, I finally have the opponent who can challenge!"

Looking at the eyes of the night, the wind is turning, the black sneaked, and laughed and laughed. "It is a wind!"

~ ▉ ▉,

~ ▉ Night wind does not expect basketball to be hollowed!

"Haha! The status is excellent!" The night grew the fist.

! Suddenly there is an early flying feet, kicking the night, it is the Lati of Xiang Tian!

"Stupid, do you not say to find a black? How to practice the ball, harm our worry!" Xiang Tian Lizi said.

"Good pain, why, Li Zi!" Night hard, Pi stock.

"Hey!" Xiang Tian Lisi met with his head, not in the babies of Night.

"Okay! Let's go back, the next game is Sixteen! Defading everyone, defeating the emperor high school, the champion!" Xiang Tian Liji Jiao said.

"Hey!" Honesty should be in the face, and everyone is full of war.

"Very good! In order to celebrate today's victory, I invite everyone to go to the hot springs!" Xiangfei smiled.

"Hot Springs? Coach True?" Honesty is a skeptical, when the coach has become so generous.

"Really, it is my girlfriend's hot spring! I will take people, there will be a discount!" Xiang Tian Li was turned around the neck of the night, "the long wind will go!"

"Oh!" Honestly cheered.

"Today, I have been playing half, it is really tired!"

"Yes, the hot spring bath is also good for the injury of Muji predecessors!"

"And don't worry, no one pays, it is great!" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

The night floating shook head, "I have been in half a day, or I will ask the guest!"

"Of course, you are a might!" Honestly replied.


A spa hotel.

"Wow! Good hot springs!" I entered the hot spring Yu room, Xiao Jinjing shouted.

It is a hot spring pool that is about five or sixty square meters. The middle is separated by a high bamboo, and the left is a girl YU room. The right is a male YU room.

Although it is in the Tokyo District, the environment here is very quiet, the boss of the hotel will create a feeling between the mountains, and look up and watch a round of men and high hanging stars.

The entire scenery and the night-catching Dowenian private YU room feelings are almost the same, or let the night growers are very satisfied.

"Haha! I went to!" Xiao Jinjing instantly Tuo light fell into the hot springs, stir the splash of water, the sun.

"Little Gold, You ..." The day is a speechless expression.

Dudu Dudu ~ ▉ Jinjing sinks the bottom of the water and floats, and the mouth is intoxicated, and the mouth has changed again into a W-type, "water is too comfortable!"

Sincerity, a few people enter the hot spring, start to enjoy.

"Ah! It's good!" Yuejun smiled.

"The way to restore physical strength!" Tujing is also attached.

"I really want to stay here, tomorrow is the devil's practice, and there is also a game after tomorrow!" The day is also sleeping, "Don't be too lax!"

"Know!" A few people were weak.

"You look, my butterfly swimming technology is!" Xiao Jinjing began to open in the hot spring pool.

"Hey ~ ▉ , can you stop the point!" Yi Yuejun couldn't help but Tao.

At this time, the first-year freshman also took off her clothes and took a towel.

"The seniors go in, we will go down!"


"Hey! You!" The day stood up and stood up.

Everyone concentrated on the fire, "Towels are naturally taken on the shoulders, below is the tall, then beach pants ..."

"Hey! Beach pants, what planes do you do, Vulcan!" The day is always faint.

"Amount ... I first bubble the hot springs!" The fascinating blush.

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