The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 696 of the Chapter 696 of Tennis Prince

"Unfortunately, there is no! That looks shorter coach chose a higher, in his opinion, but did not choose the god of basketball!" Night long wind continued, "later Jordan felt the taste of humiliation and failure After that, it is hard to work hard, let yourself -737- becomes stronger, stronger than everyone! "

"This is Jordan's story!"

The day is a glimpse, it seems to have something to say anything.

"There is also Kobe Branet, the active legend. You can imagine that he plays in high school amateur alliance in the 12-year-old, a summer is not allowed, even a lucky ball is not!" The wind has also held another example.

"No! How can this, Kobe is a score machine!" This story is even more known, and the day has never heard of it.

"It's true that the family of Kobe at the time said it was a basketball world, father and uncle were the basketball name at the time! Kobe felt that they were ashamed of their family, this aroused his fighting spirit and wins Yu Wang!" Night long The wind continues.

"After the things, you should know, no matter how the Kobe has a volley from nearly 20 years of basketball, he has never put down the Yu Wang and Xi Dynasty!"

"Changfeng!" The day, Shuping, I have already understood what the night is saying.

From the beginning, play basketball, the day is not a very talented player, so he chooses to be a (DBBC) shooter, because the shooter is good, it does not require powerful physical fitness.

Basketball said that it is still a sport that puts basketball into the basket!

But after the day, the day, after the country, I saw the miracle of the invincible world, and I saw the green dynasty. He saw the huge gap between the genius and the flat.

This makes his mid-to-mid-era of the miracles of the miracle of Emperor Emang, a fear.

This kind of mentality arrived again before he faced a miracle.

"Can I really defeat the generation of miracles?" This is a question in the heart of Shunping, so he is looking for a night, he wants to see his limit.

Only he lost, and it was unfolded. He saw that the night's long wind did not use full, but the last goal was a little bit more serious.

Therefore, the day is very unwilling to smooth, and you will not be willing to fail.

At the same time, he is also worried that the night's long wind can't fight against the miracle of five people's attack, and he is a team's second score, he undoubtedly undertakes huge responsibility.

Night long wind is almost relying on a self-reliant high school to the highest peak in the country, and now you can't let the night grow up one person!

"I understand, the long wind!" The day suddenly became a face, pulling the tank in the hand, "I will defeat the green dynasty, absolutely!"

"Haha!" Night hard haha ​​laughed, "I am waiting, I believe that as long as I work, everyone will have a shining moment!"

Energy Glocacy.

On the day, the smooth thoughts are drifting!

"Now is the most shining moment in my life, the long wind!" The day, the dark electric light, the dark, highlights.

! On the day, I stretched out the right hand, and the super super accelerated balloons of the black son were blocked, and the basketball was turned into a basketball, and my figure was also flashing outside the high school half of the emperor!

"Blocking him !!" "Duo-machi ridged in the high school tower.

Di Guang high school speed is the fastest Huang Yuqi and Qingfeng Dahui, and it is a blue and one gold, two electric light, and jumps, and the day will cover the whole cover.

At this time, I jumped up in the air and said that I said the basket basket, even if I want to go back, it is impossible.

"Ni!" Huang Yu is too shocking, because he saw the eyes of Shunping's eyes are already closed, "Don't he close your eyes?"

At this time, the camcorder of the court is just caught in the day, and gives a close-up.


"Give me it!" Qingfeng Daxie no matter how much, directly right hand is on the basketball, you want to give the day to the ball to take the ball.

At this time, Qingfeng Dahui only felt that the right hand was light, and the day suddenly took the basketball to the basketball, and then the basketball was behind the head, and the tallest was thrown out!

~ ▉ ▉

Dang! The day is straight to the ground directly, rolling a few turns on the floor, not moving!

~ ▉ At this time, a crisp

beep! The whistle of the referee also sounded at the same time, "three points effective, Di Guang high school six players pursue people foul, plus one goal!"

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ It's unbelievable, and the audience, I have explained that some people have never seen someone in a row of three times in a row, and they are so difficult! "

Qiang Tianhao was in the madness, and the audience at the scene was also in the name of the day.

An ordinary player enjoys the cheers and shouts of more than 30,000 audiences!

"What is the god of shooting? This is the god of shooters!"

The face of everyone in the high school in Dizhen High School can't see it.

And sincerity this side of Xiang Lizi is also a request to suspend, and quickly ran over.

Honesty people are around the day on the floor.

"How are you, Japan?" Xiang Tian Li is anxious.

"Yeah, can you fight for your predecessors?" The first grade is also anxious.

"First grade, don't be happy too early! I can't die!" The day is just a slowly standing.

Hold your right hand, five fingers are cleaning!

The whole applause is thunderous, this moment is also permanently stayed in the hearts of the honesty.

The day is the most shining in Shunping basketball career!

586 chapter, all-round warrior

77 to 73!

This shooter war has been divided, and the green has been defended to the day, but the day, it is a three-step three plus a row of shocking ghosts, shocked the audience!

"Call ~ ▉ ▉!" Just when he was relieved, the day will slow down!

When the night grows, it will flash in the day!

On the day, I want to open my eyes, but he is too tired. It is too tired, it is a miracle.

Not to mention that there is still such a good performance on the court, even if a few people in the miracle have to respect the day.

"Take a good rest, let me pay it back!" Night wind slowly.

~ ▉▉ ▉ , the pause time ends, the two team players debut again.

On the day, I have been carried out by Xiang Tian Lizi and a few honesty first grades. In fact, it is also good, there is no big problem, just physical overdraft transition, some dehydrated.

And sincerely, the night's wind is still on the second quarter.

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