The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 720

Chi Ji Ziro picked up the falling basketball, slightly thinking, then did a few gestures, indicating that some people in the emperor were scattered, and to score or have to rely on the team to attack, and the single-handed fight is too easy to be broken.

Looking at the red boss outside the border, he was in the eyes of the light, suddenly, "I will break the fifth second in this round!"

The night cost is a absolute foreland. He opened the second door without my realm - the talented limit!

The scene of a round that will happen on the court appeared in his mind.

"What?" Chi Si Ziro, and then furious, "too rare! Night long wind!"

boom! The Redishi Qi Lang will pass a basketball to the middle line of Huang Yu.

Huang Han is too cold, directly passing to the green room outside the three-point line of Honesty.

Two passes, the green dynasty is gains the chance of vacancies, and the time has just been in the past four seconds.

~ ▉ When the green dynasty is directly jumped, it is preparing to light the basketball.

Night wind is an instant to the green dynasty, it is a full-scale shrinkage!

Snapped! The basketball in the hands of the green dynasty is taken away by the night grow, and the figure is pouring, and the night long controls the falling basketball.

Chiczi's consciousness looks up at the table, just fine is the fifth second!

Then attack and defensive, the stopwatch is re-count, change to zero!

"This is impossible!" Chi Sisheng Zhu Shi Dizhu's double eyes smashed, "Why can he predict the game? Is it a coincidence?"

Once, the Redishi, who had the eye of the Emperor, was known as the player of other schools to see the future on the court.

Now that night long wind opens the talented limit, it is true that it is true that it can see the future of the court!

This is a great ironic!

"Broken ball! Changfeng will break the ball! The counterattack of honesty high school!" Guaixian Hao Second Skyst, squirting mad!

PS: Some things, updated late, sorry!

607 chapter, Zone's third door

Snapped! Basketball in the loud wind, at this time, his whole body color is circulating, and the entire person is constantly climbing.

Only Legsuki Ten Lang in the late scene of the Emperor Gangshui, Redishi is also the footsteps of the breakthrough to the night's wind.

"I will put basketball in the fourth second of this attack!" Looking at the sinking of the sinking of the sinking in front of the heart, the night is once again issued a absolute forepapers! "

The redishfront of Shiro's monster is bright, and the Emperor's eyes are turned to the strongest state. Just at this moment, Di Lang is stunned.

Because of his eyes of his Emperor, the night's live wind disappeared, just like a colorful mist, he couldn't see the next step of the next step.

Snapped! Snapped! Night long wind body an accelerated turning moment to instantly put the redishi Qi Lang behind, "What is the eye of the emperor? But so!"

After lightning, after the redishi, the night's speed is not seen, directly jumping outside the Emperor High School three-point line, raising the basketball, then shooting directly!

~ ▉ 31 After drawing an arc in the air, the air is in the net, the Nets will turn over the white waves!

137 to 130!

The Redishi Qi Lang turned around at this time, turned back and died, staring at the timer on the basketball stand, the above number is just 4!

The absolute preview of the night long wind has once again become a reality!

"Beautiful breakball! Beautiful chasing three points! Night winds are already full of firepower, the last moment, is he no one can be blocked?" Qian Tianhao secondaro continued.

The sound waves of the honesty group on site are also a wave!

"Changfeng! Changfeng! Invincible! Changfeng! Changfeng! The strongest!" You should call the tsunami, never stop.

On the other side, the emperor's high school should be aid, and it is completely gone. In the vast cheers, the emperor high school replacement is also a feeling of a face, and it is good to see it. Bubble!

"Can be evil! Night wind This guy has always been in the end of the enemy?" Today, Ji Xiang looked at the five people on the Emperor's high school, and the physical power consumption was very huge.

It turned around to see the night's long wind, but also sweating, but breathing evenly, the body exudes a strong oppression, giving a good sense of a state, "Is this kid really iron man?"

Court on the court.

"Boss, what is going on? Why do the guy knows our actions?" Qingfeng asked coldly.

"He seems to have accurately predicting everything that has occurred in a round!" Antibi slowly.

"That is to say that our team's way of fighting is not feasible!" The green Taorang pushed the glasses on the rhinar.

"Ah, and my Emperor's eyes can not predict his movements!" Chi Sisheng Ziro brow wrinkled, this is the situation he has never encountered.

"Can be evil! What should I do? Is it?" Asked coldly in Purple.

"No! We must win!" Qingfeng's body started with dark blue light, and the momentum was improved.

"Qingfeng, you!" Huang Han is too surprised. At this time, Qingfeng Dahui actually broke through.

ZONE's second door is the attack on the team, and the bonus of the radiopulus effect in the game, and Qingfeng Dahui is now open the third door of Zone, and everyone can see the black Leopard behind Qingfeng. Made of vain.

Night long-faced horns slightly, "Sure enough, this guy is completely released, the wild is completely released, ZONE's deeper level? I have no need this kind of thing!"

Snapped! Chiczi Qi Lang directly sent basketball to Qingfeng, since the team's attack is invalid, give it to the miracle of generations to end the game!

!! Qingfeng Dahui quickly drove the ball from the backfield. The pose of the dribble is like a cheetah, and the electric sparkling ball speed, there seems to be the sound of the beast roaring.

The wild outbreak of Qingfeng's brilliant wildness.

The speed is fast, it is the speed, Qingfeng Dahui once lost four people in front of Hibao high school!

"It's too fast!" The audience on the stage also widened their eyes. Their eyes could not catch the movement of Qingfeng, because it was too fast.

"Blocking him, the long wind!" The day turned back.

~ ▉ ! The night-length trend is in front of Qingfeng's big brilliant, "received!"

Qingfeng Grandfather is very sinking, almost posted on the floor, the high height of the driver is extremely low, the figure is faster!

boom! The dark blue light flashed, the night lengthy winds and even if they didn't have to reach out to make the black holes, they were blocked, the hair was blown with the wind!

Dang! Next moment, Qingfeng Dahui has been hanging on the honetristic basket!

132 to 137!

Wow ~ The audience is boiling, and the emperor high school should be suppressed too long, and suddenly, it is not yelling.

"Speed! The speed of the limit, even the night, the long winds don't have to guard the speed! This is the power of Wang Qingfeng, the strength of the speed!" Qiang Tianhao is also surprised by Qingfeng's brilliant, this shock [Yan] performance.

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