The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 727 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

The night is also full of black lines. "Americans are like this, and they can't understand even jokes ..."

Cameron quickly pulled the night, the game, the game of the night, the ability of the night-catching wind, and the scouting has also been in the past 20 years, and Cameron has never seen it. Through this talented player.

And an Asian man, it is said to be a Chinese, that is, it is even more, as long as the night's long wind, the NBA is definitely the sky, and the vast China market behind him, in the eyes of Carmelon, it is a knife. Knife on the.

If the night length is collar into the NBA, Cameron believes that it is the excavator of the night-long wind, not only gets the boss Jordan's reward, but also won the attention of many media, but also the god stick, no, the scout It is not good, the knife is coming.

So he can't let go of the night.

"I am a scout for the NBA Bamatoc team, please be sure to believe in me, go to the United States with me, I have a brother in the consulate, I can do a passport today!" Cameron is excited, after all, this time he is not alone, There are also a few NBA team scouts.

They also definitely want to pull the night grows to their respective teams, they are also looking for night long winds.

Just Cameron does not know why luck is very good, just encountering the night's wind, Cameron will also attribute it to God's gift.

In fact, there is nothing of the shit, but the ghost of super god system.

The night is helpless, "Go today?"

"Yun! Air ticket, accommodation fee, and professional training are all on me!" Cameron saw the night's style, more excited, "Ticket I set it, two points this afternoon Airplane, first luxury cabin. ¨! "

"Then I will go back to pack up the baggage!" The night long wind turned to go back.

"No! No! I am buying it there, I buy new! I will pay!" Cameron said nothing, there will be no night, this big fish is going away, he will regret a lifetime .

Night wind is also helpless by Carmelon, which nodded very reluctant. "Well!"

"The dead superhen system!" The night grew well.

Time is already 11 o'clock in the morning, Cameron has directly stopped a taxi, and the two directly rushed to the International Airport.

It is equivalent to the night, and he has sitting on the plane from Tokyo to Charlotte, USA, and is indeed a luxury cabin as Cameron.

There is a special flight attendant service, and the night long is a luxury lunch, starting to eat big drink.

The next next to Kameon looked at the night, the heart was eating, the heart was dripping, this luxury cabin point these things are to pay for it, and they are surprisingly expensive.

Of course, Cameron believes that his investment is definitely worth it, because he thinks that the night grows with his ball and shocked the world, then brought him countless wealth.

When the plane landed in Charlotte, it was already late.

The night growth wind is out of the airport. Cameron does not know where to come from a cross-country jeep car with night long wind rush to the Charlotte Mountain Cat team.

Although it is a different US, there is almost no difference in the United States in the world's original world, and it is a variety of street basketball courts along the way.

Night winds have to be sigh, the kingdom of basketball, the big beauty, basketball culture is strong, more than the country in Asia.

And the streets are cashed with two brushes, and the physical quality is not asyas.

The compression has naturally made these Americans have a sense of superiority of Asians on basketball.

After more than two hours of the drive, Cameron and night-long wind finally arrived in the training ground, the sky has been late, and Kameron has left behind a single room for the night.

He will take the night long wind to travel directly to the camp.

Now Camelon is a rush to visit his boss. His Majesty, he is eager to report the night of the night to Jordan.

Lying in the bed where there is no one person, the night is looking at the ceiling of the top, starting to think about it, and will encounter what is the world, what will be changed again ...

Soon, the night's wind entered a dream.

Next day.

In the morning, the night grows to the United States is still holding a daily morning practice. After running in the road outside the dormitory, after the night grows back to the dormitory.

Cameron rushed back at this time, deep eye bags showed that he didn't sleep in the night of excited last night.

After Cameron and Jordan reported the night of the night, Qiao's grandfather first didn't believe, and then in Kameron's three guarantees and insisted, Joe's father also had interest in the night, and said that tomorrow will go to the basketball training camp. Visit the training of night long winds.

Cameron took the basketball hall of night-long wind training camp, and this training camp is also known, the so-called Jordan training camp.

Hanging in Jordan's name, there are such training camps around the world, and some famous players have also been found, such as Starkhaus, Artest, and more.

This year is that Jordan did when Jordan did to help him to help him practiced the ball. At that, Artest was also directly crashed into the ribs of Jordan who had been nearly forty in the year.

After Jordan retired, Jordan's training camp became a young training camp, and now it has become a way to recruit new people in the Charlotte Mountain Cat.

When Cameron and Night Dwells walk into the basketball hall, there are already many people who are training.

A white scout took to Carmelon, came over, his name is Alisa, and the same scout is the Babatoca team.

"Haha, Cameron! This is the star you said, will you change NBA newcomers?" Ali Jaja pointed to the night long haha ​​laughed, "actually or yellow people, do you think he is Yao, who is a Rocket? "

Aliza is non-polite ridicule Cameron, he and Cameron will not be good.

Cameron is too lazy to pay attention to Aliza, turning to the night long, "Don't worry about this pig, let us first test the body!"

"Hey!" Alizi snorted, "You really put him as treasure, I am not high, up to one meter nine! Cameron, you have to lose your face this time!"

Night wind is very uncomfortable and cold, I looked at Alisa. "I hate others with my finger!"

Aliza felt a while, the back is cold, and it is not from the back of the autonomy. "This kid ..."

614 chapter, Superman's body

Cameron led the night's wind to test the quality of the quality, there are many people who come to train today to do physical testing.

This kind of body measurement is a lot of items, high, bed push, 100 meters, etc., can completely measure the comprehensive strength of a player, at least the ability of physical fitness.

There is inevitable with talents, and there is no talent score.

NBA is a business alliance, not a charity, only a powerful player can stay.

At this time, the door of the venue came back and exclaimed.

The eyes of night long wind are also attracted, and they start to turn their attention to the door of the basketball hall.

A big cigar in your mouth, I walked in a strong man in a coffee-eyed suit, and his eyes were firm, and the feet suddenly meteor, quite a king's gas.

This person is a flying man, Michael Jordan, although the body has been slightly blessing, there is some fat on the face, but the domineering between the hands and prosperity is still blowing.

Night-catching style feels that if this time is a BGM of a gambling, it is perfect, and the typical cerebral cave is open.

After Jordan entered the door, he greeted the training and the ball and screamed. This time Jordan came directly to the body surveillance area, then sat on the stand, and looked at the night long.

Night long wind also looked at Jordan, the eyes of the two gathered in the air, actually there is electricity production, two people are very good people.

Jordan immediately felt the battle of the night, "this Boy is a bit mean!"

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