The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 736 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

He is not the next Jordan, nor who is the next one, he is the first night!

Maybe a few years later, this name will shocked the world!

Of course, Jordan Joe is not known that this is not the first time, and he has shocked the world in different time and space.

However, if you think that Jordan will give up, let the position of his basketball god, then it is wrong!

Do not! Jordan's eyes, the flame of the bears, almost ignited his whole person!

How can a person who wins a lifetime?

The god of the basketball will show him the real power!

622 chapter, break the deadlock

Take the ball, Jordan sinks the body's gravity.

Night wind is naturally attached to Jordan forward, and it is strong to interfere with him. This is the policy of Jordan just defensive night.

"Stinky boy, learning ability is still very strong!" Jordan heart, immediately turned around.

Both shoulders have a continuous shake two times, Jordan's body is also started at that one, breaking the left!

This action is too fast, and the night is swaying. When it is chasing it, the body is already behind a body.

bass! The body suddenly accelerated by the night long-term wind, and the speed of skyrocket is actually in front of Jordan.

Jordan is very shocked, but it is also to kill the eyes at this time. If you don't consider the bounce or strength of the night, there is more metamorphosis, it is directly on the feet!

The whole person suddenly squatted, and the right hand killed the shoulders of the night, and the left hand lifted the basketball, in the air, then died!

"Kao!" The night did not help but he didn't think that Jordan actually used 31 this trick. When he had just jumped, he was pressed down, he did not jump at all, and he could only give Jordan. A ball projected out.

The basketball rolls forward in the air, ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ !


"Fuck!" Night winds have some angry and dead stare at Jordan, and the heart is in the heart.

The Joe Gang smiled slightly, rolled his finger, "Young man, you are still too young!"

Although the night costs have also played a lot of competitions, but rather than Jordan, it is indeed too much too much, and Jordan has passed thousands of games, many are very critical games, and the winning and negative is between one .

Moreover, the NBA Alliance on the NBA is called a fermented blood. The god of basketball, the strength of the basketball, strong perseverance, the strong experience, the experience, nor the night growers can be imagined.

Some people say that he can defense, he has become the strongest defensive player, some people say that he can't do it, he uses action directly to death, this is the strength of the Basketball!

Snapped! Accepted the basketball that Jordan, the face of the night, the face, the tiger is sluggish, the feet are open!

Obviously, although it is unwilling, the night is still anger by Jordan once again.

Basketball jumps quickly between the two [legs] of the night long, the night is also a two-shoulder, but it is only fast than Jordan's movements.

In the eyes of the Joe Gang, the night-long wind seems to be instantly incorporated into a few remaining shades to break through his left and right directions!

"Is the stinky child demonstrated to me?" Jordan turned directly, he keen smell has captured the gods of the night.

Snapped! Snapped! Under the continuous, the night, the night is in the speed of the speed, and the body will be toned and directly jumped directly!

The night hand of the night is also pressed on the shoulders of the Joe God, and raised the basketball left hand, and Jordan just used the same action.

Jordan seems to have already made this movement, and the right shoulder held by the right shoulder is sinking. The body is instantly drilled to the night's body.

The basketball in the night long wind is not completely raised, and it is bloomed out by Jordan flashing!

"What!" The night was shocked, and actually his own movements were completely judged by Jordan, and the basketball was destroyed in the best time and angle.

As long as you slow down, if you make the night's true jumping, even Jordan is only a night, because the elders' bounce power is too good.

But in the most critical moment, Jordan reached out to break the basketball, this is the god of basketball!

Night live wind did not think that Jordan actually broke the deadlock, Jordan successfully defended the night's wind!

"Ox!" Night wind, the forehead also invaded some sweat, "I am still angry with him?"

Jordan laughed, picking up the basketball rolling on the ground, turning his head, looking at the night, "Young people, you write your feelings on your face, so good to understand! You are in Batcat played for five years, let me pay you, what is the real basketball! "

"Don't!" There is no expression in the night, and learn to start a stinky face.

I can dare to put a stinky face in the world of the god of the basketball, and there may be only nights.

"Stinky boy!" Jordan micro flexed the body, in the basketball shot, "hit you!"

!! At the same time of Jordan Shipping, the shape constant transformation, raised the rhythm of the body again, and the whole person ignited the flame of the fight.

Night wind is also a full body golden light, closely with Jordan, and does not give him easily breakthrough opportunities.

The back and forth cross-step, basketball in Jordan's whispering, sudden acceleration, Jordan step is started, the body will kill around the night!

Jordan did not let him kill him in the three seconds of the three seconds.

Joe helped the ball to cross a big step, directly to the ground, the right hand raised the basketball, he was intended to be in the air, the night-catching basket!

! Night wind is also jumping at the same time, caught directly in the air and Jordan's body!

Jordan's body, the air resistance of the night is too strong, Jordan feels that you are like a steel plate.

No, 850 aerial Jordan has not given up, basketball is changed from the right hand to the left hand, and then put the basketball out of the night's long wind, holding basketball, very soft up!

"What! This is ..." The night is shocked, waiting for him to return God to want to force the body to take the basketball.

Basketball is already on the rebound, and then magically caught in the basket!


Air super difficult to change the trolley windmill on the basket, Jordan's most classic movement, the night cost is also imitated countless times, but by Jordan himself, it feels completely different!

"Yes!" After the land, Jordan turned to look at the basketball into the basket, couldn't help but fist the celebration.

This kind of ball can be played in the night. This monster is hit by the basketball. It is not easy. Joe God feels that he is exhausted. It is still dangerous in the air. body.

The lead two points, Jordan broke the situation between the two people alternately rising, accounted for the wind in one-to-one super pair!

"Kao! Truth TM's handsome!" Night live wind couldn't help but praise Jordan's sci-fantic ball, the fire in the eyes, the more burn, the night, the night, the blood, the blood in his chest has boiled to the extreme.

At this moment, blood is burning!

623 chapter, than the dunk?

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