The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 741 of Tennis Prince Chapter 741

The lying tips of the system sounded in the night long, and the night length is not annoying.

I have just experienced a war, and the temperature consumption of night long wind is also quite huge. It is also different from the last space. This time the night is not hurt, so it doesn't need to consume the redemption point to repair the body.

"Now in space jump! Countdown, one minute ..." The prompt of the system sounded again.

"Wait! Nima!" Night wind is ready to relax, wait for a time to jump again, and think of a problem!

"Super god system, Ma Youn and will be jumped with me with my space?" The night-long remembered his two dear sisters.

"Bio is jumped by Ji, Watanabe, and the space jump takes 2 million exchange points. Do you need to bring people to jump?" The system is cold and ice.

"I cao your grandfather!" The night did not hurt the mother, "Is it not clear that it has been paid in the last time?"

"That is just the first time for the first time, it has been five fold. The actual 1.2 needs one million, so it takes two million redemption points." The system's voice is still cold!

"Traistors! Potholes system!" Night long wind called, and finally had to node, "taking people jumping!"

"Hey! Hey! Exchange points, exchange failure!" The system's tips sounded, and the night-long wind remembered that he had already spent himself, only more than 100,000, not enough.

30 ... 29 ...... The countdown of the system is still constant.

"What should I do?" The night is a bit anxious. "After I jump, how will the two sisters do?"

"Will go back to the world of life, that is, in the world of tennis, and return to its original timeline!"

"Ri! That's only when I get the items of the skip space, I said that the night's wind is in the supernitious system, and she has to accept this cruel fact.

10 ... 9 ... 8 ... Jumping, the next random world is completed! the goal……

The body of the night-catching body suddenly disappeared between the venues, and the time line of the black child basketball world is also fixed here!

The night long didn't hear what the world is jumping, it is already fainting!

Third Roll of Naruto Roll

This document is provided by book friends alex (2275280141) user W263084 friendship replication! ! !

627 chapter, new world

On the tatami, the night grows away.

Looking up, look at it, the wooden room, very much, have a few square meters.

All surrounded is wooden furniture, not a lot, but it is very delicate style, just slightly old.

"Oh, I remembered, the super god system jumped in the space!" The night is going back, the whole person is awake, look at the right to see, there is no one in the sky, the big room is only night Long wind one person.

Night long wind suddenly remembered that there were Ma You sister and by Jiejie, and now there is a single one, and now feel a little lonely.

"There will always be a way to return to the network of Wang Wang!" The night grew told the fist. "When you come, you will be safe! Still look at what is this world!"

Push the closed window, the sun shines into the room, and the entire room will pass.

The huge human avatar first reflects the line of sight of the night, next is the big fire word on the top of the building, and the surrounding architectural style is so familiar.

"Nima! It is a fire 31 shadow!" The night is long and long, "Lao Zi was actually thrown into the world of Naruto!"

For night long wind, you can not, but you can't have no network. No online comics, serial novels, everything you must have.

And the world of Naruto, in the original, there are some TV sets that look very high-tech, but the night grows can determine that there is no network this world, and it is more impossible to have mobile smartphones!

"I am going! For me, isn't this a primitive society?" The night is not spit, "What super-god system, it is a pothole system!"

"Wait!" Night winds came to the mirror, "Fortunately, I still look!"

Night wind is really afraid of super god system, this potholes system makes his look, what is a sharp thing, so that the night is gratifying, he is still like it.

It's just that the height and the appearance have changed back to the prince of the tennis world, the first year of China, 134 years old, and height returns to a few meters.

~ ▉ ~ ▉ At this time, the night's belly begins to scream, he is hungry.

"What should this stuff be a refrigerator?" The night grew, looking at the corner of the room, the trick box, the right hand opened, and it was a chill.

Is a refrigerator!

The night is excited to tears, but also one of the world's magic weapons, refrigerator, or not, it will not be able to pass.

However, if you come back, you can exchange everything with the mall of the supernatural city with redemption, but he doesn't want to waste the redemption point on these daily necessities.

Open the refrigerator, there is still a lot of things!

All kinds of ingredients have not been seen, after all, is a completely different world, and the difference in the world of nign and the older wind is still quite big.

"Haha, it seems that I have a lot of people, don't have to expire milk and expiration bread!" Night-length wind is slightly fondled, "it's right, and it is said before the hyperincidence system. Should you still use the previous wealth? "

Night wind calls out his wallet, and the number shown in the void makes the night long eye eyebrows.

Although I don't know how the two currency units in the nigned world, I have n 0 behind it, and I have a comfortable look!

"It seems that I am really amazing in the wealth in the world of tennis princes. There is a lot of black and the basketball world. Now they are exchanged into two in the world, there are so many, haha!" Night long laugh "I am still a local man!"

~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉

Night winds come out some ingredients that look similar to the original world, start making glowing gods!

Looking at a big table of golden light on the table, nodded at night, and his own goddess cooking seems to have progress.

Looking at the properties of these cuisine, the physical resstration plus 50%, the power is 60% in five minutes, etc., the attribute value has improved!

A person of the wind wrap is a cuisine of the table, the night long style feels that his property is full, the discomfort caused by space jump is swept away!

At this time, the prompt of the hyperincidence system sounded!


Trigger the main line task: graduation from Huyingcun Ninja School

Mission reward: 100000 redemption point

Failure punishment: no

Systematic evaluation: Simple tasks with no levels of difficulty, more guidance, but allow users to integrate into new world faster

Night hard looks to see the latest tasks, graduated from Ninja School?

"That is to say, my current identity is a ninja school's student? The task reward is only 100,000 points. It seems that the task is very difficult." Night long-term winds, "I don't know the story of this world now. Where is it! "

"Well, I'm going to go to the Ninja School first!" When I wanted to think, "I didn't know when I got it, and I was not very good at school!"

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