The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 746 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

The night-length wind setting touched this golden sacred dress, it should be basically a small state of being killed.

The frost is bigger, and the night-long seeing the first look of it selling, I like this artifact.

Alsses Hand Tools, Deaf Sword of Death Knights, the legendary sword with evil, with the power of destroying the earth.

Of course, this also looks at the holders of the weapon. If the holder is too weak, it is easy to be frost sad evil strength.

The treasures of six weapons are most important, and the night is mostly two.

The rest of the plaid is not well classified, and the night length is returned to miscellaneous.

The first is the space ring (fifty cubic meters), when you see this black ring, the night is very wanting to get it, although selling is general, but it is too practical!

Space rings and fifty cubic meters are very rare in any world, with this thing, night long winds don't have to worry about the ninja appliances full of hardships.

You can also carry valuable items with you, such as the sadness of the night, you can't get it on your body every day, so too stupid.

If there is a space ring, everything will be solved!

The lattice next to it is a white flame, and the night long looks carefully, and the special, actually is chaotic!

Actually a bones are cold!

Is this not "fighting the sky" is the old Chinese medicine old?

The legendary fire between all the heavens and the earth can be burned. This is not much better than Tianzhao.

And the future world should be used, this kind of thing should not be limited by the space law!

"Good things! Good things!" Night floats felts.

The next thing, let the night are more excited, "Is this not a small world that takes dozens of lottery in the hidden store?"

The scarceality of Xiaohe earth is not used to say, you can create a new world, what is more exciting than this?

"The small sky is coming out, is there anything more than a more powerful thing?" When the night's long wind turned his eyes, it was slightly disappointed when the eyes turned to the remaining four plaids.

Nuclear weapons, night-long winds originally used the ultimate weapons on the world, and the power in this rigorous world does not know how big.

But it is still a bit used, at least let Didala know what the real explosion is art.

The steel coat mark33, the night length is also a big open eye. This lottery is really a chaotic, and it is true that it is a battle world, and the lottery system seems to have been adjusted.

This battle is also a set of garments in the Iron Man. The function is still very powerful. It is known as the white silver war will be launched!

In this place, even if he is now fighting the civilians, it is also easy to add a few.

The last one is the youthful battle, the night's wind looks, "Is this NM not the tights that Xiao Li and Akai wear?"

Among all lucky drawings, the most unwanted night is about this thing. It is nothing to do with the fool at all. It is basically no difference.

"Shart youth! I will never do this battle !!" "Calling in the night.

A total of 30 plaids, coupled with a big blessing award, a total of thirty-one plaids, form a big disc, golden light, almost the eyes of the night.

This superhen system enters 2.0 era, the biggest change is the lucky draw system, and it seems that it is simply on the chance of simply instant!

Thirty things, except for the youth combat, the night's long winds want, but unfortunately he has only four lucky prices.

This lottery will greatly determine the future development of the night, and say that life and death are on this lottery!

Night live wind also thinks about some, various analysis, various comparisons.

At present, the weapon is a good thing for night growth, and the meaning of 13 is large, and it can be said later.

If the method is, it is also a comparison of the eight-nine nights and the basic endurance gods.

Summon creatures, it is more important to the current night growth. Even if the strength of the long wind is, it will not be too strong, maybe it will be spike, there is a powerful summoning biological guarantee, or It is necessary.

And many things don't have to do it yourself, and the night grow is easy.

The bloody boundaries are not used, and it is also very important in the nigs of shadows. Of course, the clothes most valued is still the most famous blood circular and corpse.

The last miscellaneous, the most important thing in the night is actually a small world.

Create a world in the body, and it is also equivalent to the function of the space ring, or can be upgraded, you can also install the living person, the most important thing is the crucial moment, do not win, you can run the road to hide in the small world.

From the value, Xiao Tianyi can be said to be the strongest thing in this lottery.

In addition, the bones are not bad, but the night is not needed, and there is no need to see others.

Of course, to say the best or award, after all, there are three lucky draws!

So the night grows, put the goal in this big 'blessing word!

633 chapter, the character value is good

"Good! I started to draw!" The night grew in the wind and smoked his eyes on the word of 'Fu'!

"Okay, master! The lottery begins, your remaining lottery is four times!" The system is cold and ice.

The night-long style is a large disc of the next year, selecting a self-righteousness to draw the big prize, and the light on the disc will start turning quickly!

Just started to rotate quite fast, almost illuminate the entire disc, then the speed of the spot gradually slowed down!

"Grand Prize! Grand Prize! Grand Prize!" The night long-lasting mouth kept chasing, his hands opened to the starry sky, this is the so-called color of the night, which is the good luck spectrum of the universe, that is, the second mode before.

The spot on the big disc is getting slower and slower, the heart of the night is also raised, and the speed of the light is finally turned into a slow movement, it looks, the night-catching wind can calculate it will Which position stops is in general.

Youth battle service, the spot is actually stopped in this lattice ... I am going, don't! Move! you!

Under the call of the loud wind, the spot is magical and turned forward.

Blood-eyed ... has passed!

Mycodes ... dry! Also TM's past!

The rotation of the spot becomes unpredictable, sometimes slowly crawling like a snail, sometimes jumps a few.

The position of the calculated spot will stop in the night, because there is no law at all, but the eyes of the night, the eyes are staring at the spot.

The spot comes to the place where I've been in the lattice, creating a regeneration and gossip, and I have been skipped directly!

Eight-door armor ... also slowly passed! The expression of night long wind becomes extremely wonderful.

"CAO! Your TM is stopped!" Just when the night grew away to lose patient.

The movement of the spot is finally stabilized, and it becomes uncomfortable, it is simply a piece of one, and it will be completely stopped.

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