The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 752 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Open!" After a dazzling print, the night length shielded lightly, and his eyes opened in an instant!

The bright blue flames in the night, and the strange sound of the blue.

In the air in front of the night length, there was a circle as a black hole, and in the continuous expansion, it was finally expanded to a humanoid.

, !

A plum-white slowly came out from the black hole, and a rusty small ax was also mentioned.

The night is not looking for, but continues all the remaining Chakra in the body into the eyebrow flame, and the flaming is flashed.

In the black hole, I will come out again. This time, this dragon body is black, and the hand is 1.2 takes a steel sword that has been broken!

The flakes, Chakra, in the night-long body, and the black hole in front of the eyes also slowly closed, and then embarrassed between the heavens and the earth, as if there was never seen.

"Call ~ ▉ Night long-lived gas, rub the sweat of the forehead with hand, summon two levels of the soldiers that consume all Chakra in his body.

Of course, it is not that Chakra, which can only summon two , just have been taken away by Xiao Tiandi, and there is no additional.

In fact, the night's wind can summon a lot of soldiers.

However, there is another problem, the spiritual power of the night, can only control two summoned creatures, which means that even if the night grows calls 100 , it can only control the two.

639 chapter, the book of the seal is stolen

To put it bluntly, the spirit of the night's current wind can only summon and control two first-class undead creatures.

Night wind makes these two , one after the next time, he doesn't know what this level is equivalent to this level of the world.

A black one white two soldiers, the white handheld a small ax, was named Xiaobai by the night, and the black sloppy held the sword, was named small black by night.

The eyes of the two is not empty, but there is a group of white weak flames, and the night is guess. This is the fire of their undead. If they don't have this flame, they are a bunch of bones.

Take a closer look, the night's wind discovers that there is a lot of cracks on the turtle, it seems too unsuccessful.

"Attack!" The night-catching command is a small black, small white mutual attack.

Snapped! It is quite rapid to let the night growing the wind. The movement of the slope will cut the broken sword directly to the small white shoulders.

~ ▉ ▉ , ,,,

But Xiaobai has no change, the left hand puts the ax in the hand to the small black chest!

Dang! The bones in the small black chest 31 are directly broken by small white!

Night wind does not stop, stand next to the onlookers.

Undead Biology is in this place, not afraid of life and death, because they have died, there is no painful feeling, will only be rebellious according to the master's order!

Small black and little white, the cutting, the two legs were cut off, and the hand of the weapon was cut off, and the two was still playing, and hit it with the head. Go, play it is a lively.

"This soldier is so fierce!" The night is inappropriate, "even if the strength is general, but it can't stand it, this is definitely the battle ability on the battlefield!"

When the night grows, the scene will change, and he brought two into the small world.

Small black white is still hitting the head until it is, the two heads are hit at the same time.

The two hoes rolled in the foot of the night, and poor soldiers didn't know why they were summoned and inexplicably scattered. This is the end of the hostess.

At this time, the things that had never thought of the night, and the fire in the eyes of the two eyes, flew out.

The fire of the two groups of white and the fire was sucking around the god tree, and after a few turns, it gradually disappeared.

Night hard, knowing that the fire of the undead is absorbed by the god tree, "I can't help but stay," What? Shenshu even the energy of the necrosis can absorb? "

Look at the small black bones next to it is also swallowed by the soil of the foot visible to the foot, and finally disappeared.

"My God, this is really a bone! I can absorb what you can absorb, Xiao Tian and the earth is too hungry [thirsty]?" Night live-up.

"If you say this, that's not I can ..." The night's eyes flashed a golden light, and the brain was flashing.

Fast printing, night lengthy uses the call of the dead boundary of the fire of the undead!

Sure enough, the black hole door of the void is once again opened.

Source continued, the soldiers were summoned by night, and more than ten feet were called more than ten kinds of soldiers.

Black, white, gray, hands holding a variety of weapons, some don't even have a weapon.

Under the loud noise, these soldiers have begun to make a slash and table tennip pong fights, and the night is watching a good show.

Not long, many of the soldiers were scattered.

Any time, the fire in their eyes flew to the god tree, and the blink of an eye was absorbed by the god tree!

"Too good!" The night-long wind rumored arm cheered, almost determined that the god tree can absorb the strength of the undead, according to this statement, Xiao Tiandi should also absorb the energy of the people who die.

Among the world's world, Chakra, absorbed to death, expands themselves.

In this way, the night grew down a few times, I feel that my call is getting more and more sure, basically a second can summon a soldier.

Finally, the night's wind has exhausted all Chakra in his body, and no more will be summoned.

At a look around the god tree in the small world, a group of white flames were wrapped in [wind], and finally slow disappeared, and all kinds of weapons under the feet included bones, they were decomposed by the soil.

Of course, the night-catching wind can also prevent the decomposition of these weapons in Xiaocheng, store them, but they are some broken copper and iron, and the night is naturally can't see.

Carefully observed the changes in the next small world, anxard of the fire of the undead of hundreds of soldiers, but the night's wind did not feel the too much change in Xiaohe.

Do not! It should be said that there is no change at all.

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉ Body! "

Between the conversions, the night-lived wind returned to the basement.

In the body, Chakra has been almost gone because of frequent use of the undead, and the night is sitting on the stone bed and starts cultivation, from the middle of the body and the heavens and the earth. Chakra.

The lens turns to the other side, the nun.

The night has been deep, the Naruto has made the three-generation rigging office, and it is also the place where the three generations of fire is located.

"Naruto, what are you doing here?" The three generations of fire shadows found a ghosts.

"Color [induction]!" Naruto used the color [induction].

Then the poor flying old man will bleed down ...

The Naruto finally came to the place where the mood of the secret can be collected, and then picked up a secret reel back, then quickly left to a forest.

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