The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 754 of the Chapter 754 of the Prince of Tennis

The night was swaying, and I looked at the hair, "Naruto, you are too kind! Good people are always used!"

"Changfeng ..." Naruto looked up at night long wind, and he was grateful in his eyes.

"This water, said that you are a demon fox, really funny, if you are really a demon fox, do you think you can live today?" Night long eyes looked at Naruto, "You are not a demon, you are a hero No one will die, but the villagers are ignorant and don't know the truth! "

"They got hatred to your body to seek comfort, really ridiculous!" The night grew blowing Eluka, I Luka lowered his head, he must admit that he used to be disgusted before.

"Heroes?" Naruto lit up in the eyes, never met him, from Xiaoyao he heard, he was and ironic, only the night grew is definitely he!

"Changfeng ... I ..." Naruto looked at night with the hopes, "Can you become a hero?"

"Yes! It will be!" The night grew-up served.

641 chapter, multiple shadows

"Head boy, what are you talking nonsense?" Shuimu standing on the tree stabilized the nightmare of the night, very angry, and immediately remove the huge darts on the back. Rotate.

"Death!" Shuishu will shoot darts to night.

"Quick escape!" Yula shouted at night.

The night long feelings feel behind, and the blue flames are flames in the eyes.

! IUka clearly heard a hit, fixed, night longfit did not, or standing in place.

It's just that the eyes are cold, "Do you want to die?"

"What about my darts?" The water is sweating on the head. At that moment, the night is just a turn, then the darts that the water shot will disappear.

A completely disappeared between heaven!

"This is impossible!" Shuishu suddenly remembered the sudden rising level before the night's wind, suddenly felt that the night cost is full of mystery.

"Naruto, long wind! You quickly flee, I will drag him!" I Luka took a blood, forced standing, blocking in front of the night.

He just thought it was only a good luck, and the water lost. -877-shot darts mistaken.

He knows that night long wind calls the soldiers in the moment, blocking the huge darts with the body of the soldiers, and put all the and darts all in the small world.

Since the action is too fast, it seems that it seems that the darts suddenly disappeared.

"Iluka, until this time, you also safeguard this monster fox and this long-year crane end, it seems that you are quite hero!" The water fell down, and remove a huge dart from the back!

"In this case, I will send you to hell first!" The darts in the water rotate high speed, and the body lightning is rushed to Ilka.

"You are escaping!" Iluka looked back at night and the Naruto, actually rushing to water.

"I didn't expect that I actually died in your hand!" IUK just wanted to drag the water, giving the Naruto and night long wind to escape the time.

At this time, at this time, I really want to open it, summon the soldiers, and play with the water.

However, the night-long's heart knows that there is a high-rise eyeliner in the woods here, and the three generations of fire shadows also use crystal balls to observe the scene here.

Night wind does not want to expose his strength (DBBC) so early, but now the situation can't look at Iluka killed.

Just when the night length is tangled, a golden figure flew out, and a foot will kick the water in front of Eulu!

Iluka, saving his teenager in front of him, not someone else, but his student whirlpool!

Laughing at night, "I almost forgot the Naruto, it seems that I don't need me to do it!"

"Where is this to save the mission of the Naruto, it is obviously a homogenous outbreak!" The night's heart couldn't help but spit.

! The water is kicked to the ground, and then the lightning is a lightning.

"It's also very powerful, Naruto Jun! I really didn't think it!" Shuishu face.

"I am a whirlpool, the hero of the wooden village!" Naruto looked at the water.

"Haha! Dry, Naruto!" The night grew away, "Let him see your strength!"

"Quick escape, you!" Iluki is still rushing to the night long wind and Naruto, in his eyes, Shuishu is just a moment, the water is, it is, it is better than his two students. Too much. .

"It's a joke! You still have the little ghost called night! I am a punch!" Shuishu is already a reasonable, "I don't pay the reel, I will not die!"

"Hey! That's going to come! My whirlpool is a real hero!" The Naruto left and right, and the hand was printed.

Night live wind is a bloody boiling, and he obviously feels that the flow of air around the surrounding changes, the Naruto wants to enlarge!

"Poor water, the drama of the dragon set is coming so far!" Night long-faced angle is slightly tight.

"The stinky ghost, is dead!" The water left and right in the hand did not have a bitter, flying to the Naruto, the water, the water, had lost tolerance.

"Multi-shadow is divided into the body!" Naruto a big drink.

!!!! ~ ▉ ▉ ,

Night live wind is also slightly shocked. He uses his own body skills, even if he is a god level, the up to 20 is divided into two, which is already the limit.

And the Naruto learned a ban in the seal, and he was divided into hundreds of shackles, and even thousands of fits.

It is no wonder that it is banned, of course, so much, and has a big relationship with the nine-tailed foxes in the Naruto.

"This ... how can this be?" Shuishu was surrounded by N Sonances, and the whole person was stupid.

"Hey? Are you not very arrogant? Don't you say one punch, solve me and the long wind?" Naruto right hand, hundreds of Naruto.

"Haha, then I am welcome!"

!! Countless Naruto uses people sea to flood the water.

"Ah!" Night wind only heard the scream of the water continuously exhausted.

"The poor dragon set"! "The night length shook his head, and he noticed that there were some dark lines around the forest, although it didn't feel very clear, but at least five were more than five people.

"Is the dark part?" The night was frowned and the feeling of being monitored was quite bad.

IUka next to "Naruto ..." was also surprised. "It is really a thousand people, but also the most advanced division is entity, not a disabled! It's too powerful, Naruto!"

In less than a few minutes, Shuishu has been completely turned into a pig, and it does not move on the ground.

"Haha, it seems to be a bit too much! Changfeng, you are fine?" Naruto turned his head to the night, smile quite splendid.

The night is also laughing, "Haha, I have said, I have said, you are hero! Yes, Iluka teacher!"

Night long wind turned to Eulki picked her eyebrows, Ilka smiled.

"Naruto, come here, I have something to give you!" Iluka waved his voice.

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