The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 759 of Tennis Prince Chapter 759

Naruto was instantly bursting [Chrysanthemum], ah, screaming, flying out, was killed in a moment!

Dangdang, the Naruto fell into the small lake next to it.

"Oh, Carti teacher, you are too big!" The sound of the night's wind suddenly appeared behind Kaka West.

"Well?" Kakasi turned into the head!

646 chapter, middle plan

"Wooden injection of the secret body" - ............ ..... .. .

"When did this guy appear?" Sasukes hiding in the side, "actually use this trick, two big butters!"

The lunar wind, the bitterness in the hands of the CHA into the fresh [chrysanthemum] flowers, but unfortunately by the night-long rickets, Kakasi becomes a small wooden pile!

Is Carkasi's avigomers!

"Yes, kid!" Kakasi suddenly appeared behind the night length, "But I didn't say it, the ninja could not put his back to others!"

Carti once again handed over ten, instant printing!

! The nightmare of the night, is also a small wooden pile, which is also a substitute!

"This kid ..." Kakasi's eyes blunt, then looked at the book in his hand.

"These two people!" Sasuke is also a surprise, Carti as a strong, the key is that the night long-lived windshield is also lightning, and it is actually not observed.

"Is this still the end of the year of crane?" Sasuke did not impress the night's wind, only to know that his score was very poor, but did not expect that the base of the night, the basic avigament, so that it is so moving, ratio Cartesi may wish to make more!

"Damn!" At this time, the Naruto of Kahasi fell to the small lake in the lake. It was also the hard work of the big [leg], exhausted!


Two bitterness is shot from the small lake, and the road to stand on the air to read the book!

"Oh!" Kakasi right hand waved at the right, actually putting two hardships directly in the hands.

"Although the Naruto is very hard, this kind of trick is impossible to play Kakasi!" After using the body, he frowned in the night, and the night length of the busp is frowned.

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉!" The Naruto underwater has got a few mouthfuls of water, and the hands and vertical fingers, "I am a hero, how can I be planted in this place !!"

boom! The Naruto rushed out of the water, and it was not easy to climb to the shore.

"Cough!" Naruto spit a few mouthfuls of water.

"What's wrong? If you can't grab the bell before noon, there is no lunch!" Kakasi faint.

"I know!" The Narley looked up.

"It's so hard, but I can't make a hero!" Carti replied.

"I am evil! Starry!" Naruto ate an expired bread in the morning, and I was hungry at this time. "I just just now!"

Kakasi did not pay attention to Naruto, turned directly, "You haven't heard of an ancient story, is it careful?"

"It turns out this!" The night's winter is nodded, it seems to have seen something.

"I must grab the bell! In any case, my whirlpiece has to become a ninja here!" Naruto suddenly lifted his head.

!!! During the time, between the water surface of the small lake, he squatted out of the seven or eight Naruto.

Yes, the Naruto uses multiple shadows in the water, but just on the shore is just a niece one of them, it is paralyzed Khaci and scattered his attention.

On the surface, the tactics of Naruto have been successful.

Night long winds, of course, this is the case, maybe Kakasi will see it, but the night is still very appreciating the battlefield wisdom of the Naruto.

Although the personality of the Naruto is big, it is very high, but the IQ is very high. Many times you can think of some very wonderful but effective combat strategy!

This is a natural talent. If you don't have a nine-tailed Chakra interference, the night-length wind believes that the Naruto will be called the genius ninja.

"Well?" Kakasi turned his head and looked at the shadow of the Naruto.

"Haha! Look at the multi-shadow of my most hands! Carti teacher, you said that you have no big mistake!" A few Naruto loudly.

"1, 2, 3 ... 8, a total of eight borders, and all the entities! What is this tester?" Sasuke on the side saw multiple shadow.

Kakasi is still calm and watching the book in his hand. Useless me! "

"Well?" Kakasi, he suddenly appeared behind him, hugged him.

"Yes!" The night's night's night's trend nodded. If you think about it, you don't want to help, but the night's hard feeling the Carti who is hugged by the Naruto is just a bordering. As for the body of Kakasi, he It is not known.

······ Flowers ······

"Oh! Carti teacher, how can the ninja leave the enemy behind it!" Naruto gave Kakasi's words and gave Carkasi.

"The kind of guy still has this hand, it is really unexpected!" Sasuo's mouth is actually slightly, he found that his teammates don't seem to be completely.

"Carti teacher, just now, I want to double!" Naruto clenched his fist on the face of Kakasi.

! The Naruto hit is not Kakasi, but his own parties!

"Ni! What is this?" Naruto stayed, and then pointed to his own points.

"You are Kakasi teacher, you turn into my way with your transformation!"

........ [....... ...

"You are!"

"No! You are!"

"Your smell is exactly the same as Kasi teacher!" The seven eight Naruto is actually playing with each other.

The night is straight, "Naruto, the guy, the difference between himself, can you identify? I am also drunk!"

"Wait! First stay! Or first to unlock the sterilization, the rest of the two people will not be clear!" A Narler's division.

"Yes! Just!"

!!! ~ ▉ ▉ Unlocked the sterilization, all the borders disappeared, only one left by his own points into a pig head.

"I am wrong! This guy is still an idiot!" Sasukes on the three black lines on the forehead.

Night live wind is also shaking his head, just Caassi's blew and twice in a moment, and the speed is so unknone!

There are around the Naruto, look for the figure of Kakasi.

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