The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 765 of the Chapter 765 of Wangzhao of Tennis Prince

"Blood ... What is the eye? What does it mean?" Naruto was confused.

The next next to it is surprised, the face of facial paralysis is almost pumped, "blood circles !!"

"I said, you will be retired! Sayuo, you must protect Mr. Danzna! You are not allowed to check, this is the most needed to cooperate!" Kakasi said.

The night-long's style nodded. After retreating the old man behind, he retired a few steps. He understood that now he wants to be with the peach, it is to die, even if it is the most It is escaping in a small world.

It is very interested in chase big knives that can't be defeated or killed. However, the night's live wind is very interested in Chakra, which does not have the whole body.

"The peach is no longer! Your opponent is ... I!" Kasi finally exposed the left eye that covered with the lotion!

Evil simultaneously full of strength is finally revealed, and Kasi David road scars are also shocking.

Naruto looked at Kasi's blood circles, and the face was sweating, "What is the eyes going?"

Night wind is also carefully observing a bloody-eyed eyes of Kakasi, and there is no Kakasi, which is good for the blood circles, and only Kakasi.

For night-long wind, the blood disc her eyes are also very attractive, no matter what luck is good, or other means, the night costumes want to get this anti-day bloody boundary.

"Hey ~ I think so soon, I will see the legendary blood circles, I am really honored!" The peach is not cold.

"What is the blood of the blood?] Naruto couldn't help but ask.

Laughing in the night, "The so-called blood discharier is the use of the dilation, and it is a unique blood, it is a unique blood, it is a unique blood, it is a unique blood, it is a unique blood, it is a unique blood, it is a unique blood, it is a unique blood, it is a unique blood, it is a unique blood. The boundaries, all the ninja dreams of things! "

"Well?" Sasuke and Kakasi were a bit surprised. They didn't think that night long winds were actually so understandable. If they knew that night Changbi was also better (DBBC), they learned more about the blood circles, no I know what I feel.

"This little ghost is very understandable! But than this is more terrible is the blood circular eye cardi, he can look through the enemy's nature and completely copy!" The peach will never look at the night, the night is long. This is the first to find his child.

"I used to hurt the troops in the fog, I have you, Kasi! The super copy of you can copy thousands of sterilization!" Totto no longer For Kakasi strength, he is not doubt.

"Oh! It's too powerful! Carti teacher, you are actually so powerful!" Naruto didn't know the arrival of the crisis, shouting.

The Sasuke of Sasuke is under the sweat in the forehead. "What is going on? When the blood discrepanue is in the Yuxi Bo, there is a special person who has this special body! Mo ..."

"Sorry! By boring is here, I have to solve the old man!" The peach is no longer lying on the body of Dazna.

~ ▉, Sasuke, and night-long standing standing in the party of Duzna, while Kakasi is standing foremost.

"It seems that I have to kill the old man, I must first have to kill you, Kasi!" The peach is no longer losing patient.

! When I was backward, I didn't pull out the big knife. Next moment, the peach is no longer standing on the surface of the water that I have never seen.

The right hand is high, the left hand is put on the chest printing!

Kasi's blood circles saw the flow of Tacrles and did not have a lot of Chakra's flow, "I can't think of it, so many Chakra!"

"Take the mystery!" The peach will never disappear between heaven and earth, no trace.

"I haven't seen it!" Naruto shouted.

"The guy wants to force the murdery!" The night was frowned, and once again felt the weakness of his strength, facing this situation. If there is no Carti, the night long selection will give the old man. , Then escape.

"The peach is not awkward. When I was in assassination forces, I was famous for silent! I didn't wait for you to return to God. I have died! My blood circles can't use it, so you I can't have a big idea! "Kakashe is serious.

Sasuke and Naruto forehead are sweaty, and the night long wind is as usual, in this time, there is no use of nervousness, only affect your correct judgment!

Of course, the night cost is also prepared to summon the soldiers to block the peach and never let go.

Suddenly, the most foggy weather is more strong!

The fog is bigger!

PS: too busy, updated late, sorry ~ ▉

653 chapter, the fierce is no longer

Suddenly, the sound of the peach and no surprising sound in the mist ...

"Throat, spine, lung, liver, mobility and clavicle and kidney and heart! Eight places! I want to ask where you want me to attack?"

"What!" Naruto called.

"Kao! There is a matter of attacking my little J-J!" The night is very uncomfortable, and it is no longer the peach, "" There is more nonsense! "

White fog is getting bigger and bigger, surrounded by murderous, like substantially pressed Naruto and Sason more harmonious.

The nozzle of the night is slight, "Sasuke, what happened, are you afraid?"

"No!" Sakuo does not admit that it is imputable that it is trembled [shake], you must know that the peach is not awkward, but it is not a grade, and the light is murderous. .

"You don't have to worry, I will use my own life to protect you!" Carti turned his head, and his eyes became a line. "I will never allow him to kill my companions!"

"That is not necessarily!" The peach is no longer able to show again. It actually after the three people such as the night, the first big knife is in front of Danzna.

"Cardi, ended!"

! The peach is no longer awkward, the Kakasi blood wheel is suddenly opened, and when it is in front of Danzna, with the painting of the peach, the pokes of the peach!

! In the first moment, the peach will not appear after Kakasi's body. It is just a water that Kakasi is only a water that is not a water!

"Teacher, behind!" Naruto called.

The peach is not smashed into a water column scattered. Just a moment, the night's long wind is already the completion of the printing. I will summon the soldiers, but I still have to returned, because Cartici really appeared in time.

Boom ~ ▉ Now the lanily behind Kaka West is no longer smashed, Kasi is cut off!

"Teacher!" Naruto shouted.

"I feel that these two people are not like the body!" The night was frowned.

~ ▉ ▉ , Kakasi's broken body is actually a water!

"This guy, is it difficult to copy my tolerance in this fog?" The peach is no longer surprising.

It turned out that Kakasi was in the blink of the eyes, and it had already copied the margin of the water.

~ ▉ suddenly appeared behind the peach and no longer shells the neck of the peach, "Don't move! Already over!

"It's amazing, Carti!" The Naruto excited.

"Teacher Caassi, what do you talk to a nonsense!" The night is dissatisfied.

"Well?" The peach is not deeply glanced deeply, "" You are very special, actually I can't see it! And you Carti, it is also very hand, you can just Copy my water! "

! The voice did not fall, Kakasi seized the peach, no one, the same as a drum ~ ▉, as the night greetings, or a water!

~ ▉ ▉

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