The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 767 of the Chapter 767 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"Saucy!" The peach is not smashed again, it is a few times, and the Mars is shot, and the night is all blocked.

In fact, the speed and strength in the world is still useful in the nigned world. It can be said that it will lay a super-perfect foundation for the night long-winding exercise body ...

Even if the night grows, there is no systematic practice body, but it is still difficult to find it.

And gradually surpassed the trend of the peach, because the strength and speed of the night costumes, the feeling of struggles to the close!

"Changfeng, actually so powerful!" Naruto eyes couldn't believe that he saw it, he was kicked out in a moment, and the long wind was directly smashed with peach. The flag is quite, and it is gradually suppressed.

"The ghost! I have lost patience!" The peach will never be a moment of this body. It is originally thought that it will end the battle quickly, and then to deal with Kakasi, but did not think that one of them is actually used. It is pressed against your own water.

You know, although it is just a bordering, but water is to consume a lot of Chakra, and the strength is equivalent to one of myself, it is still very strong!

"Water surgery!" The body of the peach is again printed again, and the peach is not smashed out of the circle of the night-catching battle. It is actually a moment into two!

In the face of everyone, there were two exactly the same peaches and never, and Chakra fluctuated in the air was even more fierce. This thought that the two borders were stronger than just the one of them!

"Is it survived? I am really defeated, I still play a fart!" The night grew in the corner of the wind, and the hands of the fight will be rolled up. "I lost patience, eyebrow men!"

"The stinky ghost! It's a arrogance!" There is no eyebrows, and you will not be annoyed by night long body, and you will burn in anger in your heart.

boom! boom! The two daggers waved at the head of the night, and a cross wanted to strand the night's wind!

The speed of the two daggers is like lightning, and the wind brought by the wind blows the surrounding mist.

This time, the night is actually not flashing, and there is two hardships in your hands.

! I am actually forcibly blocking a left and right two dagger!

655 chapter, open two doors

"What!" The peach is no longer a big surprise. These two are already half of his strength. It is actually directly forced by the night, and the power of two is equal to his body, that is, Now the power of the night is enough to fight against his body.

"This is impossible, how can this little ghost may have such a big force!" The peach will no longer sprout.

"Changfeng, you!" Chakra in Kakasi in the eyes of the night, Chakra is also violent.

At the moment I just opened, the night-lived wind has already opened the body stunt that has not been used - eight door armor!

Night wind opens the first door among eight gates - open the door!

The body's power has broken through the brain limit, that is, the night lengthy wind is now playing the limits of the muscles of the whole body.

It is to know that the most horrible in the quality of the night, is his strength. Although this power is not countless in the battle world, it is quite amazing in an instant in the muscles in the body.

!! One left and one right, the night length flew up two feet, and the two 31 of the peach were not smashed out.

"This is the eight-door armor, why the long wind will be the body of the ban [taboo]!" Kakasi brow wrinkled.

"Strong! Long wind, so strong!" The Naruto of the side was also eye-catching.

Sasuke next to it is even more than that, the night's live wind has such a strong body, and there is such a strong body, no! Accurately, the physical quality is so many people!

On the evening of the night, the green gluten is procnic, and the hands are holding into punches, "Two bordered, actually dare to be mad in front of me! Hui, open!"

The night-lived wind is forcibly opened the second door in the body, and huge strength is emerging in the body, and physical strength is overflowing at this moment.

Opened the second door of eight armors, representing the restrictions on physical physical strength representative.

The strongest two in the quality of the night, the strength of strength and physical strength, the night length opens the first two doors, and the two advantages have been played to the extreme.

~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ The whole mentioned!

Next moment, the night long wind two movements are also synthesized, and the hands are high, and one left and right respects two peach and no longer division!

Death card, lived their throat!

"Ni! This ... this ... is too fast, too fast!" Danzina old man hiding next to him was stupid, just thought that he was controlled, he was dead, did not expect it to turn it again .

The Naruto and Sasuke are also seen. They can't deal with the water that they can't deal with them. The night grows is actually one-time uniform.

"Dead Minister!" Not far away, the peach on the water is not full of anger, which is simply in the face of the night-long rose fruit!

"I have said, I have said it, I am not used by me!" The night's hands are handshake!

!! The two water of the peach will be packed in a moment, the water is splash!

bass! At the same time, the moving figure is started again, so as soon as the wind is like electricity, the night-catching wind is flying together and a straight punch to hit the body in the water.

Because the peach is no longer using the water, the body can't be moved, so he wants to hold the night's body with a free hand.

! And let the peach, no longer think of, the nightgart of the night is actually accelerating in an instant, almost printed on his brain.

! The peach is not finally finally selected, but in this moment, the round spherical water is broken, Kasi escapes from the water!

"Go to death, stink!" The chitun head of the peach is swallowed!

The night length is printed. It is planning to summon the soldiers to block the peach. When it is all, Kasi suddenly appears between the night and the peach, and she will not be ignorant. This is!

At this time, Kakasi's eyes with chills, the blood disc her eyes seem to be extra horrific!

"Carti teacher, you can't come out, I will die!" The night is growing, and if he opened two doors, he is not a peach and no more than the opponent of the body, and night long wind I don't want to open the third fan, because it is too large to the body's load.

It is not facing dead bureaus, and night long wind does not want to turn too much to continue to open the door.

"Don't do it, the long wind!" Kakasi turned back.

"This devalue is really just a burner, when do you get so powerful? Harm I unope it!" The peach is no longer in the eyes.

"No! I should be me, not you!" Kakasi coldly.

"Well?" The peach is no longer ahead of the whisper!

"Don't I tell you? Don't use the same tolerance to deal with me twice!" Kakasi is a force, two people are also popped in the water.

At this time, at this time, it is already going back to the shore and avoids the War of the two.

The peach is no longer in the hands, starting a continuous rapid printing, very complex printing.

On the other side, Kakasi wrote the eyes, it turned out to be two hands with the peach, and it is the same way of printing!

"Water Shui Dragon Machinery!" Two people simultaneously made the same trick.

There was a giant of 900 two hydrocogenes when the water was suddenly hit in the air, which was unsearched!

boom! The offset of water dragons turned into the shore, and the waves brought to the shore were put on the chest with hand!

Water column!

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