The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 776 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"One week later!" .

"Ah! So fast!" Everyone was a bit surprised.

"Now I am announced, we will take a long-term test in July 1 after seven days!" .

"Now, please help the people who will endure the new people to stand up ~!"

Kasi, there is another male and one female standing out.

"Cardi, red and Asma, how, is there a suitable candidate in the newcomers responsible? I think you all know, the basic requirements are at least eight tasks, others, Just recommend yourself! "

"My Carti's seventh class recommended Unechebra Sasuke, whirlpool, and the three-day long-lived, taking the name of my Caassi's name!" Carti replied.

"What?" I was very surprised after IUka on the side.

"My 8th class recommended the day to the young, canine teeth, and the oil women are three people who take me in the name of my red."

"I am also three people in Asa, the wild in the mountains, Nara Laoli, and Qiudao Ding!" Asma also said that he did not think.

"Oh, your decision has less than my expectation!" .

"Please wait, ringer!" Iluka urgently.

"Iluka, what happened?"

"This may have some failures, but the nine of the nine just recommended is my student, even though they are very outstanding, but now let them take the exam too early! Should let them accumulate some experience I can't agree with the recommendations! "IUka is eager to drive.

"I became a little six years when I became endured!" Kakasi turned.

"It can't be so much better! You will ruin them like this, everyone knows the tentative exam ..."

"I Luka teacher, you care about the students, I know. But you still don't understand your own students, don't always treat them as your student! Now ... they are already my part!" Carti slowly Tao.

"It is evil ..." Ilka bite the teeth and there is no way to refute.

Wooden village street.

"How can Carti teacher still can't be?" Naruto complained that the seventh class has waited in the scheduled location for half an hour, Cardi still did not appear.

"It is estimated that it is still looking at the time!" The night is helpless, "said anyway, he will use all kinds of unreliable reasons to explain him late."

Sasuke sitting on a side, but it is a bit uncomfortable in his heart, "it is evil, every day is these daily tasks, how can I become stronger!"

At this time, the distant came from two people who have never seen.

It looks like a niece, a man and a woman.

The male face is coated with a strange ripple, carrying a tapered doll, and the woman's back is back, slowly coming.

"Who are you? How did you have seen it?" Naruto blocked their way, and the two didn't seem to play.

"These two people look not the ninja of the wood, is the other country?" The night is frowning.

"Don't block the way!" Face male cold channel.

And the Naruto moved, and a deputy did not say where it would not let your past.

! Flower face men do not explain, it is directly to kick people.

Naruto was shocked. He did not think that someone dared to hurt in the village, and the man was in the future, the Naruto hid out the face of the flower face, but fell to the ground, make the gray face.

"It's so weak, not! Wooden leaves!" Face male laughed.

"Laugh in NMB, so arrogant in the village of others, I don't know how to write it?" The night's wind flew down a foot to the flower face.

"Good speed!" Face male actually there is no way to dodge, only come and go in your chest, and then kick out.

The girl who came next to the face and the face of the flower directly pulled out the fan in the hand. Good (good)

The night long-term face is slightly tight, and she doesn't care about her. "I am relieved, and our wood, ninja is also very qualitious. It will not attack others, but it is going to find it, of course, will not be soft!"

"I won't have this kind of arrogant boy!" Face man turned over to the night before the night, and the doll on the back was put down.

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉

"Stop, surrogate Jilang!" A icy did not bring a feeling of feelings from Sasuke, and a man with a hugs slowly appeared.

Sasuke and Naruto were stunned, and I just didn't have a person, how did he get there?

"Sorry, I love Luo ..." Search Jiu Lang is full of sweat, he knows that I am angry that I love to joke.

Yes, a red-haired teenager is the Allow of Sandy Village!

665 chapter, new task

"When did he come?" Sasuke looked back at my love, a drop of sweat, "" Speed ​​and night-long guys have a fight! "

"Because the quarrel is lost, this is the most shameful. Do you still remember why we come here?" I love to look at the Jiulang.

"You listen to me ... I love Luo ... I am looking for it first, I don't let us have!" Surveying Jiulan hurriedly explained.

"Give me a mouth, be careful, I kill you!" I love Luo Cold sound.

"Sorry ... it is not good!" Sheng Ji Lang was full of sweat, was scared.

Looking at my love, the brow wrinkled, "Sure enough, this is really cold, it should be that I love is not wrong!"

"We are not to play this time, let's go!" I said coldly to the two people in the Siro.


"What are you doing, don't let it be clear!" Naruto shouted.

"Hey! You don't know if you have a good person, we are coming to participate in the test, this is my pass, see it!" Huangfa girl took out a book in front of a few people in front of the night.

"Hey! Treat the exam? Can you become a neutrality, great!" Naruto started to forget. Bamboo

"Okay, let's go!" The night was swaying and showing them to leave.

"What is your name, I am very interested in you!" I looked coldly at night long wind coldly.

When the night's wind turned over, I looked at my love, faint: "You don't know!"

"What! It's too arrogant, this kid!" Sacred Jilang was anger.

I love Luo is waving to prevent Jiu Lang, and then I have a murderous look at the night's wind, turn around with two.

"Early, you!" At this time, Kasi finally appeared.

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