The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 782 of Tennis Prince Chapter 782

"Follow the person in charge of the entrance, candidates enter the corresponding entrance, after 30 minutes, simultaneously enter the death forest!" Red beans high.

More than seventy candidates scattered, and the seventh classes where the night long wind came to the 12th entrance!

"Little ghost, see if you can live!" The red bean looked at the back of the night, and I was still awkward for the top of just now ...

671 chapter, the darkness of the night

Three nights have come to the entrance to the 12th.

Thirty minutes later, the examiner opened the big lock of the print and 'endure.

"The second game is selected, and now it is!" With the red beans, all candidates have entered the death forest.

"Let's go!" The Narler called, and the appearance of a look, and the night-lived and a line of three people also looked into the forest of covering the sky.

Three people didn't take a few steps, I heard the screams from not far away.

"Who is screaming?" Naruto slammed back.

Night long-lasting horns slightly, "It seems that it has already begun ..."

"Well, forget it, I think it is convenient." Naruto suddenly appeared urgently.

Night wind is also helplessly shakes, and Naruto is more like, "Go, be careful! There is something big, I will come to save you!"

"Cut ~ ▉, don't need long winds, you can save" 193 "!" Naruto turned around alone into the forest.

Night long wind and Sasuke were waiting for ten minutes in the same place, and Naruto actually didn't come back.

"KAO, Naruto this guy, even if it is a large number, don't have to be so long!" The night was frowned.

At this time, the Naruto came out, and his face was relieved. "Haha, finally pulled out, it is really easy!"

bass! The nozzle of the night is suddenly started, and the Naruto will kick out.

! The Naruto hit the big tree next to it, and was made with gray face.

"What are you doing, the long wind, I am a Naruto!" Naruto shouted.

"Get, where are you getting the real Narler? Your cottage goods, even the high imitation of Huaqiang North is not!" The night is cold, "" Your guy's transfiguration is a talent Poor! "

When the night is very windy, you can see that the Naruto in front of you is a weibbee!

! The cottage sounds instantly change into a wonderful ninja with the eye mask. "Since you are broken, then you only kill you, say! Who is the reel!"

"Ugly, in my hand, how do you want?" The night's long face looked at the dragon set in front of you.

"Okay! It seems that only gives you a little color ..." The eye mask is the right foot and rush to the night long.

bass! Sasuke's eyes turned into a beautiful red, one of whom hooked jade in the rotation, and the blood circles appeared directly in the night length in this moment.

"This guy is given to me, you go to save people!" Sasukes.

When the night is very windy, I laughed, "OK, I will give you!"

! The night long-lasting air disappears in the same place, surrounding the position of this eye mask and the position of the Naruto.

"I want to leave!" The eye mask is a scroll, so he doesn't want to leave the night, and he also started to chase the night before chasing night.

Sasuke once again blocked his way, "Your opponent ... is me!"

Sasuke's hands on the chest, start fast printing, fire, Fengxian fire!

Sasuke's mouth continuously spitting a fireball, shot to the blind man, the trajectory of the blind man moves, is taken in the eyes.

"What?" The eye mask is shocked. Sasuke's fireball is actually advanced, that is, it is completely judged that his movement is.

!! ~ ▉▉ The man is in the chest in a continuous fireball, almost a moment of burning coke.

At this time, the night-lived wind also found the Naruto tied to the side, but also did not have a reel on him, and the other party wants to regard him as a hostage, or the nun is dangerous.

After the rescuing people, the night-lived wind did not find the same person who was male, it seems to be a separate action.

Going back to the original position, the night-long looks at the slave, his feet are the mask male who burned the coke.

"Sasuke this little child is very violent!" The night's wind is not a waste of mosquitoes, and the spirit of meat is also the spirit of meat.

"Naruto, isn't you call you something?" Night long wind turned his head asks.

"But he turned into a long wind, so I was only ..." Naruto is also very embarrassed to bow, this time is a smoked ▉▉▉▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉▉▉▉▉▉ Bamboo

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672 chapter, mysterious fight

call! The dagger sword waved at night, and the extreme compression of the air surrounding the surrounding air is actually a sound explosion.

The 'Naruto' instantly fell to the ground, and it was crusted.

"Oh, it is worthy of the high imitation, the body is strong than people!" The nozzles of the nozzle of the wind slightly forsake.

! The 'Narletcher' reveals a clear expression, then changing itself, actually the disgusting fighting long she male before the exam.

"I really didn't think so soon, I was broken by you, how did you find it, my avigmoma should be perfect!" The bouquet man asked the long she asked.

"I can't understand this complicated secret. I only have to die hard, and my memory is the weaker place. You actually answer the mouthfuls and sakura, how could be a nun, but you can remember so quickly. I am still very pleased to live! "The night is long and smiled.

"It turned out to be like this ... Oh ... it seems to have a fun of fighting ..." The fight is sinking and smirked.

"I don't know what reel you get, but I have the books and the books of the day here!" I have two rolls of scrolls, "Do you want it?" Do you want it? "

~ ▉ suddenly extended the long SHE to roll the two rolls of scrolls into the mouth, and the way is also tian's lips, "So ... start, the reel battle!"

"I kao, can you don't be so disgusting, so much saliva, you don't want you to give me, I don't want it!" Night long style.

"Head boy, I have no mood to joking! I will go all out!" The fight against the male right hand pulled down the skin, and the right eye was dead and stared at the night long wind and Sasuke. , Release substantially murderous.

Sasuke pupils in the night-length wind, just like this, the forehead is generally in the forehead, directly falling, the forehead is so sweats.

The right hand is supported, and Sasuke is barely, "Is it a illusion? No, that is just ordinary murderous, why is this? Just right, how can I see my dead shape? What is it? ? "

"You are fine, Sasuke, is stared at the enemy, you will fall, too informed!" The night is growing.

"Night Breeze, you ..." Sasukes found that the night length is still moving in place.

"The kid is not bad! I actually didn't fall, but you can't move now ..." The fight is angry.

"Who tells you, I can't move?" The night is actually stepping forward, "I am weak to the murderous murder." When I am scared? "

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