The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 790 of the Chapter 790 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"You actually seal the spell, Kakashi, you become strong!" Suddenly, a person has also left.

The night long wind brow wrinkled and moved half a minute to the column.

"It's you ..." Kakasi, immediately turned his head.

"For a long time, Kaki!"

"Big Snake Pills ..." Kakasi's headcutter dried a sweat.

"MD, that kind of music is really a big snake pill, I said how there is a dangerous feeling!" The night is dead and staring at the big snake pill.

"Sorry, people I am looking for today are not you, but the teenage behind you!" The big snake pill is cold.

"Why do you want him?" Carti asked.

"Hey! Your luck is good, you have been something!" The big snake pill is more cold, "your left eye's blood circulation!"

"..." Kakasi brow wrinkled, did not speak, he was preparing a dish

"It's envious, I am eager to have the blood of Zhimo ..."

"What are you doing?" Carti asked directly.

"The recently established Yinyin Village is the Ninja Village, which is here, it should be understood compared to your IQ in Carti!" The big snake pill is a smile. "≮ alternative: ^ ≯T

At night, it is a little unexplained, why the big snake pill is to reveal this more information to Kakasi.

"It's another boring ambition in the swell!" Carti faint.

"Probably, in order to complete my ambition, I need a lot of chess pieces!"

"You don't help to be a piece of chess?"

"Of course, and one of the most important chess pieces, as for the Ninja of Yinyin Village, but it is a discard!" The big snake pill began to walk to Kakasi.

"Don't go again! Although you are one of the three tolerance, I at the time of my atmosphere can be done with you!" Kakasi's starbird reproduce, the thunder is flashing.

"Hahaha ..." The big snake pill suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing?" Kakasi face sink.

"You said that you are doing the two yards, your card print is not used by Sasu, you should also clear the avengers! Avengers are not what you can imagine, no matter whether the strength is evil, no matter whether the strength is evil. The Avengers will do not hesitate to pursue! "The big snake pill smiled, and then turned and left.

"You look at it, Sasuke will take the initiative to come to me later sooner! In order to get strength ..."

Snapped! Snapped! Applause remembers, the night grows slowly.

"You are really painful for finding your 'container', I am very touched!" Night wind slowly.

"It's your little ghost ..." The big snake's eyes flashed a cold ...?

"Changfeng, don't close him!" Kakasi called.

"For the teacher, Carti teacher, if he wants to kill me, I have no power to fight with you." The night's wind said, "Do you have to guess the big snake with Carti teacher such a smart person Is Mr. Pill having a bigger plan? "

"What is the bigger plan?" Kakasi slightly thoughtfully, and it is really strange to the power of the big snake pill.

"Hey! Little ghost, you are very smart!" The big snake pill looked at the night, "But I still remind you as your predecessor or remind you, too smart, people generally live!"

"This is not worried, since I embarked on the road of strong people, I have already died!" Said the night's heard, "more, you just want to kill me, nor will Success! "

"Changfeng!" Kakasi quickly called the night's wind, he was afraid that the night grew is really anger the big snake pill, and it will be troublesome.

"You are very mad ... but I like it ... haha!" The big snake pill is directly turned directly, leaving, "Little ghost, we will meet again!"

"Your kid is really not to live!" Carti is on the head of the night, "Go back, otherwise the Naruto is going to find you."

The two returned to the second floor of the play of the play.

The competition has been carried out in the fifth game, and the front of the three nights did not look at it. According to the Naruto description, it was a victory of Jiu Lang 1.7, oil women and wild wild.

The two sides of this fifth game against the ribbons of the leaves and the sisters of the country, the two sisters.

"Everyday, come on! Every day, youth invincible!" Little Li is unattended.

"I have to look at the Ninja of the Sand, is too powerful!" The Ning of the side also gathered his eyes to both.

Night winds also gathered to two people, for the handcuffs of the sand, the night is not very interested, the long phase is not the food of the night, as for the day, the night is very like, the Chinese style is also Very opposite night long wind.

And the five senses are correct, the eyes are also big, and it seems to be a very cute soft girl in the night.

As for the fifth battle, it is a little unexpected, and it is in the wind every day ...

680 chapter, Xiaode

The daily attack method is to call different endurance with various reels to attack the opponent, looks dazzling.

However, a wide range of remote winds that have just been hobby's three-star fans will be dead.

Various endurance is blown by the wind, and the seven-zero falling on the ground of the past.

"Every day's weapons will not have her ..." Ning Ji frowned.

"How can I do this!" Xiao Li is also very surprised.

The military field.

"Bored to die!" Handcuffs see a gap, and the three-star flying in hand. "Wind, hanging net!"

The center of the play of the military farm has shown a windshield lightning to the day!

"Danger!" Xiao Li yelled on the stage.

Every day, I was hit by the wind wall, and then I was blown out, the scream, the body is actually the wall to the standing station.

If this hits the wall, it is not possible to get into the skin.

Just as the Akai, Akai, who is going to rescue the disciple, the night growing is already standing, the whole person jumps in the air, will hug every day in his arms.

Subsequently rotated in the air, the force of the wind 31 is removed in an instant.

It's just that the body is light and slowly opened your eyes.

"You are fine?" The night grew down.

Every day, I live, "It's you ..."

Everyday, I looked at the night's smile, gentle, kind, eyes, plus the breath of the night long body, let her can't help but red.

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