The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 794 of Tennis Prince Chapter 794

The night's long-standing, watching the many people in the field.

One moment, the two came back and forth for dozens of times, they were all taking hands for the palm, the ultra-fast speed fighting.

Night wind looks at the movements of the two seems to have some kind of charm in which the pace is very mysterious.

~ ▉ ▉, , the right hand faint blue Chakra is reminiscent, one palm is shot!

! This palm hit the chest of Ning Ji, and it looked back him back.

"Hit!" Naruto called.

"No, just wipe it a little ..." Night long talk, "there should be no use!"

"No ... that punch is just rubbing a little bit, and the day, the day, the monk, the monk!" Xiao Li Zheng heavy.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"Daily to a family has a body that has passed from generation to generation ... I use the body that is good at Xiao Li, is to let the opponent's fracture or trauma, that is, the opponent is hurting, and the day is a hurt 31 harmful enemy. Help Chakra flowing meridians and attacking the internal organs of the enemy, this is soft! "Akai slowly released.

"It turns out!" Night of the wind, "said that it is the feeling of internal strength and external work!"

In the Night Great, the body in the niggers in the world is equivalent to martial arts in the martial arts world, with internal strength and external work.

No one is strong, no one is weak, inside and outside the end of the best.

Of course, the night growers, still tend to be soft, but also to practice the fist, the last two is one, while fighting the outside and inside the enemy, this is Wang Dao.

However, it is clear that this practice requires more powerful body tolerance and evilness and talents.

And the day, the reason, can practice soft boxing, and a large extent is to rely on their born blood junction to see the Chakra cable in the enemy's body.

This also gave the night's long-winding, "I don't have a bloody wheel now, there is no white eye, how to see the enemy's body?"

"Yes!" Among the loudness of the world, "people in this world don't understand the human body and XUE this statement, XUE is connected to the thread, hit XUE bit effect is also the same!"

Night-catching wind calls the system's exchange shopping mall, soon found something he wants.

The number of exchange points required for "Human Cases" is 5000 points.

Just a book, not a skill or skill, so the exchange points needed.

The night-length air did not hesitate to exchange this "Human Case Dramation", this book immediately into the golden word creek flows into the eyebrows of the night.

Things in the super god system, once the exchange is directly used, there is no need to learn. In the first moment, the night-length wind has recorded hundred XUE in the body into the mind.

Includes a wide variety of dangerous XUE and features [part]].

On the downtown, the battle between the two is increasingly intense, and the rhythm is getting faster and faster.

The fist routine of the two is actually exactly the same as it looks like a mirror.

However, the strength of Ning Ji is to be strong.

When the two were in an instant, the left palm of the young field was hit by the shoulders of Ningji, the right hand of Ning, and the left of the Xue, but the left palm of Ning is heavy hit to play the belly of the Tiantian.

"The power of the guests ... only this level is!"

Tree Tiantian suddenly vomiting, dyed the wooden leaves hanging on the neck!

"Oh ... it is worthy of the genius of the day!" The three generations of fire spots nodded.

"This little ghost is very powerful!" Lie Cardi is a bit surprised.

~ ▉ ▉ , Ning Ji opened the sleeves of the young fields, and the arm is full of red dots.

"So, you start ..." The young field exits from the white eyes, and it is surprised.

"Yes! My eyes have already seen XUE!" Ningjun cold channel.

"What is going on here?" Naruto still couldn't understand.

"In the human meridian system, there are 361 Xue Xue Xue, these XUE Tao are so big, the so-called point XUE is theoretical to make the opponent Chakra increase or stagnation!" See A wide range of Kasi explained.

"By the way, the point XUE's movements can not be worn out!" Kakasi Road.

"That's because Kassei teacher, your blood circler is not enough!" Night long laughs.

"Stinky boy ..." Kakari is also a way to get the night, there is no way, the night's strength is also the fact.

In terms of insight, it is really a bloody eye, but this extent of this level XUE, the blood-term, as long as the advanced can look through it.

Of course, the night-length wind feels that the people of the Nutter World still have deviations, and the whole body XUE is much more than what they imagine, not just Chakra Xue, and there are other XUE bits.

Nowadays, the current wind does not need to look at each other's point XUE, because the Night Great Brain has printed all the XUE bits of the human body.

As long as the eyes keep up, the night length can even predict the opponent's point XUE action.

! On the downtown, the young fields were hit by Ning Ji. Slimming a few meters on the ground, and it was a bit unbearable.

"MD, Ning order, this guy is distorted, actually treating the young field!"

"Young Tiantian 950 sister, this is the difference in power that cannot be changed, this is the gap between the elite and crane tail!" Ning Ji began to complain.

"This is the reality that there is no way to change. When you don't want to escape, you have regretted it, now you should feel desperate! Abstain!"

Snapped! The young field is actually slowly standing. "I have always been something wrong, this is my endure!"

"I went, the young field was taken with this child!" Night live powerless spit.

The military field.

The two eyes of the young fields are open, and the whole person rushes to Ning.

The right palm is waving, it is already completely no power, but it is only the obsession of the young fields that he has always been able to support this.

! Ning Ji suddenly flashed the attack of the young field, and then he was a fight against the palm of the field.

The young fields were hit and fell, this time he was heavier than the top, and the blood was reddish.

"It's been over, the child can't stand up ..." Akai slowly, "it is pitiful!"

"I think this round is unable to continue ..." The referee is to announce the results.

Naruto yelled, "Don't stop the game!"

On the court, the young fields were actually trembled, and the left hand was licking with the abdomen, actually a smile in his mouth.

"Still ... I haven't ended yet ..."

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