The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 798 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"what's happening!"

"How is it?" There are some turmoil on the stage.

After the smoke is exhausted, I love the ball defense, the ripple of the top crack is also slow, just like it is completely affected.

The night grows is in the place where the five meters away, the big knife is inserted above the ground, and the fine sweat is not flowing out.

"MD, good turtle shell! More than the Density of the armor just now! Is it absolutely defense?" Night's wind and right hand gripped the blood flow out, the cutting handle is already embedded in the palm of the night Among them.

The night-catching wind now has no pain in the hands, so that after the big knife absorbed the blood of the night, the small damage on the blade, the small damage on the blade disappeared, and once again, it is new.

However, the big knife is not the blood of others, but their own blood, this makes the night's strength is quite unhappy.

"Do you have your whole body all your body with sand ... I have never seen it!" Xiao Li on the stage was also wrinkled on the huge sphere on the play of the play.

"The little ghost is troublesome. What do you do? Do you still open the door?" Akai's attention was all on the night.

Eight-door armor belongs to his home door banned [Avoid] Sports, I only handed it over to Li, and how the night is so good to learn the eight-door armor this makes Akai Best can't understand.

"Is this a devil who is understood, but only understands two doors?" Akai is looking forward to the following dowtures, "What will it become?"

Kakasi is the two people who don't have to watch the scene, and the lazy eyes faintly have a fear.

Among the spheres, I love to meditate, and the printing of the hands is also changing.

Overspending the spheres, there is sand in the void, and finally become a nauseaful eye.

"Was bad, it is that kind of thing! These troubles, I loved all the plans!" Hand is also a big shock, "I love Luo ..."

"The third eye?" The night is cold and coldly looked at the air of the eye, and the eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

Nectar in the sphere.

My love is already a heart, the eyes are closed, and the mouth is constant, it seems to start what is banned [avoid].

"Not a good ..." The night's wind smelling a dangerous breath in the air, "must speed up the speed, first of all, to solve him this hard-oriented turtle shell!"

"There is no way, it's now, it is only open!" The night grew in the mouth, the right hand turned, and the first big knife disappeared again.

The double boxing is cut down, and the night cost stop is in the original place, between the first instance, the forehead blue dilute.

"This little child wants ..." Akai was shocked, the same side of Xiao Li also finally seen the third door gantry door of the eight-door armor!

Once the door is opened, the shackles of the human body are lifted, and the body (promising) Chakra will also release a large amount, and the body will cause a large load.

"Ah, ah, ah ~ ▉ Night long-lived crazy, hands on the chest, the whole face rises to red, the muscles of the whole body instantly, and it is still exaggerated!

The small stones on the ground flying around him, the night long wind burned Chakra's fire, hair is also set up.

"What's going on? How is the long wind becomes red, but also big, what do he want?" Naruto shouted.

Everyone on the stage is also stunned, and the oppressive feelings you have come out at this time, they can clearly feel clear.

"Carti, your students are destroyed, don't you stop?" Akai frowned.

Kakasi will take advantage of the lottery, and the blood circles look directly at the body of the night, "it is useless, the child is recognized, no one can't stop ..."

688 chapter, the beast wakes up

After opening a living door, the lifetime of the night-long body is far from, the whole body is torn with the pain, and at the same time, Chatura, which is almost exhausted, is also skyrocketing.

"To solve that guy is not enough, but also open the door!" The night long's body is slight, the fist is tighter, and the muscles of the bulge are still big, and the whole body has risen in a moment!

"Injury door ... give it to Laozi! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ▉ ▉ Broken grafting.

"This little ghost is really a genius of the exercise body. A person can understand this level!" Akai looked at the night growing in the violent, and the eyes were flashing.

In Kakasi's blood circles, Chakra in the night-long body became a river from Xiaoxi, which is quite exaggerated, which is the huge power of eight armor overdraft potential.

Night wind is now full of Chakra, which is almost dozeproad.

"What should this be doing, he still wants to irritate my love, don't live!" The voice of Jiulang did not fall.

Boom, the night and foot, the right foot, the next moment, came to the globe.

"Wow! Hao pain!" The wind that was driven by the night-lived body, blowing the stone in the play to the crowd, the wooden small strength was played again.

"Chang Fengjun!" Under the urgentity, the young Tiantian actually shouted the name of the night, and she is now infinitely worried about the night.

The same heart is in the same day and in the wild, the night long is in the case of unknowing, the protagonist is just.

"I can't see his movements at all!" Xiao Li also screamed.

"It's really fast!" Carti, who opened the blood circles, was barely captured the god of the night, in the sphere, "on it!"

! When the night length, the eyes were pinched, and after the eyes of the night, the eyes were pinched out in an instant, and they were all between the heavens and the earth, and they have received all the nights in the small world, just like never existed. general.

! Under the night, a foot step is in the sphere, and the entire sphere is in an instant to the floor, and it is actually not cracking.

However, the sand is still spent in the night, and there are many windows in the right hand, and they are directly inhaled in the small world.

"See how long you can call, the sand is very hard is (dbej)? All give me disappearance!" The body of the night disappeared again.

There is a dozens of night long winds around the spheres around the sphere, and everyone knows that it is not bordered, but a residual that is very fast at night.

!! ~ ▉ ▉

Among the very amazing eyes, I love the super hard turtle shell sphere in a moment inch.

In the next second, the entire sphere exploded in an instant.

The small mushroom cloud of sand is rising over the play of the military, guarding the sand and dancing ...

The air waves will shock the whole performance!

"My God, this little child is crazy!" Sheng Ji Lang was frightened to fall.

It is also stunned by the three-generation rigid old age, and he did not expect that the strength of the night is actually so strong.

"He is a genius!" Akai slowly said, "If Xiao Li is a genius of hard work, this little ghost is a genius born for body!"

There is between the sandstone, the night length wind shadow is once again seen in half empty. He is not idle, and the heart-minded one go directly to the guardian sands of the scouring explosion into the small world.

The sandstone on the field in a instant is between the heavens and the earth, all of which are inserted in the small world.

Previous night long winds did not have a lot of sucking guards, because his Chakra is not enough to control such a huge guardian sand, after all, the sand is a large number of Chakra.

But now it's different, the night is open, and the body's Chakra is quite horrible, directly takes a lot of my love sand, throws into the small world.

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