The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 827, Chapter 827, Super Short System, Prince of Tennis

"Want to go!" The night is long and the right foot, wants to fly to stop the spider man.

At this time, the fat man was in an instant print, and the pair of palms was on the ground.

Snapthroughs, dungeon!

Suddenly, there is a soil around the loud earth, and the night length shield is in an instant. It has formed a huge pottery.

"Well?" The night is looking at the soil wall, and his whispered Chakra actually absorbed by the earth wall.

"Oh, thank you for your little ghost! Your Chakra has absorbed a lot ~~!" The fat man is on top of the earth bag, absorbing the night long wind in the earth bag, and the inner wall of the entire soil bag It became a golden, full of night-lived golden challenge.

Night long-faced horns slightly forsake, "I thought my Chakra was so good?"

At this time, the fat man inhaled Chakra in the night, integrated into his Chakra cable.

! Night long-lasting golden Chakra, a lighter, Chakrag, who came to the fat man, did not enter the mutual fighting.

"Ah!" The fat man issued a stunned scream and fell to the ground and rolling.

The two powers in his body are constantly pulling the context in his body. Imagine that there is a two group energy collide with each other in your body, you will painful.

Anyway, the fat man is painful to die.

Night long-style golden Chakra and ordinary light blue Chakra are different. This kind of Chakra is high, the attacker is strong, and if you want to control the Khakra cable in the body, you must be wide and have a superman's physical fitness. Row.

It is a pity that these fathers don't have, which leads to the fat control, starting with Chakra in the original fat body.

After the fat man fell, there was no energy support in the rigmat, the soil bag was collapsed, and the night long wind was blinking. He kicked out!

! The fat man was kicked out in a moment, and the constant reversed, all the trees were knocked down by him.

I have been retreating more than ten meters, and the blood flows out of the mouth.

At this time, the fat man stood instantly, the eyes rose to the limit, and the face began to gradually covered the striped stripes, roaring in the mouth, "Kid, you angry me, you are dead!"

"Curse?" The night is cold and cold, "It seems that the container for the big snake pill is really a lot!"

! When the night is on the right foot, the body starts instantly, and a punch is pulling out!

"No time, kill this fat man!" Night wind gathered a lot of Chakra on the right hand.

Without any extractions, it is a normal heavy punch, but the night growing is that the Thunder will hit the fat man with a golden flame.

Soil and earth wall!

The fat man is printed, and it is a shot on the ground.

A bombard, the fat man pulled up more than ten meters high soil in an instant.

"Give me a break!" The night grew big drunk, a punch on the earth wall, bombing a big sound, the earth wall was in a moment of night!

The night's fist is still on the belly of fat man!

! The fat man was flying again. This time he has been going back to hundreds of meters back, and dozens of big trees that have been broken will still stop.

"Get it!" The night is shot.

At this time, the fat man is actually standing again. "I can't think of this place, I will make the second state!"

"Well?" Night, the right foot, etc., flashed to the fat man.

At this time, the runes of the fat man are no longer, and the whole person is a very ugly humanoid monster. This is the state of the second floor of the curse!

"Oh, little ghost! Once I turn this state you will die, now I am in the second state of more than ten times more than the previous force wall, I haven't met the opponent in this state!" Fat Mat Dead starring night, "I have to play this hurt! You have to pay the price!"

The whole body of the fat man is doubled, directly towards the night long, the whole arm has become a huge nice hit to night long wind!


The fat mouth of the lounged, "is more powerful than me?"

! The night-long windsthot is protruded, and the fat man is grasped directly.

"Ni!" The fat man was shocked. He found that he was caught by the night's long wind (Zhao good) is moving, his own fist is unspoacious!

"How can you have such a big power!" The fat man revealed a horror.

"Waste is always waste, even if the power of the waste is more than ten times, you are still a waste, I am afraid that there is no qualification for the container of your boss!"

The huge body of the fat man is directly rotated in the air, and the night long is instantly squatting, and the right hand is holding into a punch, the golden flame is once again around the loud wind fist, this time is even more shiny!

! Night-length wind and a boxing on the chest of the flying fat!

"Ah!" After the fat man, after the scream of killing pigs, he was hit to the sky.

"Wow! Flying high, it is a whole version!" The night long-term wind is very far away, the fat man flying in the moment of night is turned into a small black spot.

721 chapter, poor spider man

bass! When it comes to the place where the fat man falls, his entire sternum has been collapsed by a night-long's punch.

It's all blood, and the fat man actually has a breath!

"It's still very tight!" The night is laughing, throwing the fainted fat. I will thrown into the small world, and the figure is quickly moving forward, and the speed is very fast.

Wasted a lot of time on the fat man, and the night long winds quickly chased!

Soon the night, the wind once again saw the movement of the other three people, and immediately shook the three people!

"It's all you, how is you?" Spider male ghost children drink.

"Oh, you said that the fat man, I am killed by me!" The night is growing.

"You!" The ghost girl was anger.

"Hey, my patience is limited, I am giving you a chance, hand over the little snake!" Night and cold, "otherwise ..."


"After all of you die, I will use my own hand!" The night's cold voice has the sound of hell.

Snapped! The ghost children throws a person who has a runeic ninja bag, "Left close, more, you will go! I will deal with this kid!"

"Good!" Left, I took the Ninja to wrap the night-653-wind continued to travel forward.

"Looking for death!" Night winds don't want to talk to these , the right foot is a trunk is the very speed to flee the flee.

At this time, the spider men's ghost children are drumming, "Your opponent is me!"

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