The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 830 of Wangzhao System of Tennis Prince

"The samurai, brought two of the bodies!" The night grew in the best, giving two samurars a command to catch up with the white hair man.

When it is also close to the left, the two samurai is already in front of the two, and the huge body and the weapons in their hands make the sounds and the two people can't cross.

"Okay! You must kill these two cockroaches, then stop the little ghost, or we are dead!" More is also cold, "left near right near you are responsible for it, I am responsible for this, I must speed up the speed!"

Then I will start the quick print on the same hand, and then press it on the ground, "Tongling!"

Bang! For more than one, there are three high-level embarrassments in an instant, and each different is unhappy, the body shape and the samurai are equivalent.

"No matter what you are, let's enjoy the death melody I blow for you!" More than the cold light, put the flute in the mouth, start to play.

They simply don't know that the samurai in front of him is not the spiritual creature or a psychic, but the truly powerful undead warrior!

With more than the Si Si, the three puppets behind him started, the other side, the left, near the right, starting to escape, the double ax warrior is chasing.

boom! ! A hand-held huge wolf tooth stick jumped to the top of the samurai, the wolf's teeth were directly smashed!

The samurai giant sword is a horizontal, and it is easy to hold the attack of the wolf tooth stick!

At this time, more than the song also started to change, becomes breathable.

The other two also appeared above the Samurai, the weapon in their hands also hit the Samurai!

! The Samurai is in the hands of the big sword, and the shelves of the shelves will be scanned. Then the lightning is chopping and cutting the other two.

The whole defensive rigorous seam is fast, and there is no stagnation, just like a living person.

This samurai is a commander of an empire, a sword law is proud of the world, and the death of the death is still in the fire of the undead.

At this time, more than one treble, three .....

Three giant mouths also bite each of the bodies of the samurai, the white long objects are constantly moving up and down, if the night grows, if they are on the scene, they will be disgusting.

The white long object of this semi-substance is to absorb the enemy's Chakra, as long as it is bitten Chakra, it will be taken now!

Unfortunately, it is surprising that this trick that has always been unfavorable is no effect on the samurai.

Instead, in the instant, the blue flames on the samurai are melted!

How many people know, the samurai, who came from the night, did not belong to this world, and the strength of the undead creature came from the fire of the undead, and there was no statement of Chakra.

The words that are not undead creatures to absorb the strength of the undead, but will accelerate their own death, unless you have a free (good king) to transform energy against the sky.

"How can I do this, my embarrassment does not work?" The more implications are not good, the songs in the mouth are more anxious!

Three will attack the samurai in the middle, but their attack is just a joke for the Samurai.


The samurai waved into a circle in the hands of the big sword, and the weapons in the three hands were flying out in the ground.

"This is impossible!" More is full of unbelievable eyes, "this kind of fighting power is so strong!"

!!! I haven't waited for more than one, and the samurai is in the hands of the samurai or picking or pherking!

In the first moment, the third game is smashed by the samurai, and a trick!

PS: a little bit, really accelerated codeword, hehe, today I don't know how to write ~ ▉

724 chapter, the whole army

! After the Samurai broke the three , he went straight to the ground, and the rushing to standing on the trunk is also!

boom! The big sword is under, the sword is long, and the reaction is also good, it flashes most of the attack, or the waves that are brought by the sword.

During the air, the body is continuous, and the body has stopped from dozens of big trees.

puff! More than the blood, "can be evil, even the opponent is not its opponent, since this kind ..."

More than the body starts to change, and a few corners are long on the head, the body has become popular!

He opened the second state of the curse, and there was a team of horn and a pair of sharp corners on the top of the head. There is still a pair of angles above the top, and it is necessary to look at many than the second state of the ghost children.

For more than one, put the flute again in the mouth, "Magic Flute Fantasy"

The flute sounded again, and this time the flute is full of charm, this is the sound of the soul, that is, if the opponent is creative, as long as there is a soul, it will fall into the fantasy created by the flute.

It is unfortunately, the samurai has no soul at all, and the undead creature is impossible to have a middle illusion.


More than the eyes are full of unbelievable eyes, the samurai has flashed in front of him, and the huge sword is vertical-817-, one instant is clever!

The flute is abrupt, and the surrounding forests have recovered the calm of the past.

The entire upper body is shaped into the mud with the giant sword of the samurai!

The Samurai looked more than the lower body, paused, although he still had a battle, but there was almost no ability to think independently.

In other words, there is no emotion and thinking fighting weapons, but the samurai is still very clear to remember the command of the night.

The samurai trocked more, only the lower half of the lower body, rush to the night long wind, because it is the undead of the night, so the squid can induce the position where the night grows. .

On the other hand, the upper right near the right close to this two people fled to the river shore or was caught up by the double ax.

Left near right is no way to escape, the two are also biting the teeth directly to the warrior.

Multiple legs!

One of the two people extended three legs, kicking the legs seems to have more than a dozen legs and playing the samurai.

The samurai did not hide at all, and the legs of the two were kicking themselves (DBAC).

!!! The raind-like kick sound is constantly connected, and the runes in the two people are more and more.

After a crazy kicked, the left is close to the right.

At this time, the samurai has been shrouded by the smoke, a silence.

When the left is close to the right, the smoke is exhausted, the smoke is exhausted, and the Samrover once again appeared.

There is no smashing, and there is no hint of scorpion.

"Ni!" The left is near to eat, and the brother, this monster does not have a way to deal with it, and we have entered the second state! "

"Good!" The right is nodded.

The common body of the two begins to change into a fluid, and the head is also extended, and the in the mouth is also a lot, enters the second state of the mantry. . ≮ Alternative:, ≯

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